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Dark Palace Texture Re-creation

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Hm well it could be. Seeing as everything else is stone, I figured it was stone. If it's wood, then all "gold" textures need to match it.


Is there a default cube or plane mesh for substance painter?

nope - I'm using substance designer here anyway.

You can use these here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5wmg3ifot8lmu7p/Meshes.zip?dl=0

simple, relatively dense, meshes I made for previews with tesselation enabled

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I've given you every texture I'm using atm.


I'm not going for a 1:1 level recreation. The video scenes and the levels are fairly different from each other for some reason, and I'm opting to use the videos as the primary reference. Plus, most of the textures are just slapped on in odd places.

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I saw you added a "assigned to" line to those textures. Leave the full set to me. I'm building master materials or every Material seen here that react to different height inputs and masks to create the variations. This will allow for a very consistent look.
I'd also redo that door you have been worknig on if you don't mind.

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@@DT85 From the First "flat" version I showed?


In that case it's just a slight AO Adjustment. Something I'd rather not do based at what it looks like in the OpenGl Renderer in Substance -

The Preview pics so far have been rendered with Iray. I'll post new pics later.

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Yeah, the first pic in your last post.


Btw, I've added 07yun_gl2.pk3 to the dropbox folder so you can test out the textures as you go. It contains the map, map source & all original textures re-sized so you can simply drop in the new ones. Just be sure they are the exact same size as the original ones in the pk3. Most of the map is finished, just a few things here and there that I'm still working on. Lighting is to be considered "done" or just about.









I've been naming my "specular" textures <texturename>_RMO.tga


R = roughness

M = metalness

O = occlusion


Better than just spec yeah?

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Hey @@DT85 I can't load the map. I get some errors that the map objects are missing. (e.g. models/map_objects/07yun/tube_entrance.md3)


Edit: Does the q3map2 compile create lightmaps for misc_model_static's?


Edit2: Sorry DT to tell you this, but you propably need to remake the lighting at some point. Next thing I want to write is global illumination. Those fill lights wont be needed anymore then. Also these fill lights will fuck up deluxe mapping.

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Oh whoops I forgot the models lol. I'll update the pk3 later today.


You can make them cast and receive shadow, that's all I know. I tried misc_model but couldn't get normal and spec to work with it, it just didn't work no matter what I tried in the shader.


That's ok, I'm only redoing this small level until lighting is all sorted code-wise. ;)

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