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My Obi Wan reskin

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Is illegal use Elek Andor textures for create my own texture?

You will need to try to first get in touch with Elek Andor -- actually, isn't that based on HapSlash's work? Perhaps both creators... -- and seek their permission.


If you do not receive a response for a longer period of time, you can upload your reskin, but be ready that it may be taken down if either author requests a removal.


And, of course, be sure to credit anyone whose work you've based your own work on.

LucyTheAlien and Javitolo98 like this
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You will need to try to first get in touch with Elek Andor -- actually, isn't that based on HapSlash's work? Perhaps both creators... -- and seek their permission.


If you do not receive a response for a longer period of time, you can upload your reskin, but be ready that it may be taken down if either author requests a removal.


And, of course, be sure to credit anyone whose work you've based your own work on.


Thanks , i will try it

Cerez likes this
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It's getting there but the resolution seems a bit low (the pixelated beard and odd jpeg artifacts) and you have some dark spots that should be fixed, keep going.

It's true, but i'm not finished it , if I get permission of Elek Andor and Hapslash i will fix that problems

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HapSlash is not active in the community anymore. I believe it's more likely to get a response from Elek Andor.

HS is not likely to object, either. Much like me, he likes to see people being creative with his character models, and encourages people to explore, as well as to brave into creating their own, original work.


I think what a creator likes to see the least, in general, is a complete copy-paste of their work with some tiny and unoriginal changes. As long as the new work has considerable originality in it, we welcome the reskin/kitbash/change.


After all, we did choose to share our work with the world...


(That's not to say we don't like to be asked, first, however. It's only respectful.)

The Punisher and LucyTheAlien like this
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you so much, and yes i will work on the hair, but i think that will be a recolor , i tried to port the hair textures from The Force Unleashed and don't looks very good

Yeah, recoloring should be enough. Currently (might just be the screenshot), looks a little bit darker, especially that shadow between the hair and the forehead. Apart from that, IMHO, looks really good. I have mix feelings about the prequels, but no matter what, Obi Wan is my favorite prequel character and this is a great texture of him. I know we have a few great Obi Wan skins but never hurts to have more.


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thanks for the support tompa9, and yes the Elek Andor one is good, there are a lot of good skins of Obi Wan, even the original Hapslash one is nice.


This is how looks in full body, i reskinned the legs and the hair too, i'm thinking the possibility of make a skin pack with Jeff's general Kenobi and Obi wan in mandalorian armor.

Is a good idea?



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Looks Great!!! Looking forward to its release. Not sure about the other versions, I personally just love "regular Kenobi". Maybe others will like the idea of the pack. After all, the more options to choose from, the better. Maybe add robe and Battle worn options?








Of course, the robe and Battle worn are essential

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First of all thanks to everyone who supported me in the development of this skin, sometimes i think if was not a good idea upload it but now i think that was a good decision, for be my first project as a jedi academy modder(before this i made a map for Battlefront 2) I was not expecting this reception


I will fix the red nose and the shadow on the forehead as soon as possible but don't expect it in a near future


meanwhile a little preview of the improvement in the general kenobi skin what had a bug in the skirt, i added new textures of the clone wars obi wan from the force unleashed 2




And maybe the next version will include something like this




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First of all thanks to everyone who supported me in the development of this skin, sometimes i think if was not a good idea upload it but now i think that was a good decision, for be my first project as a jedi academy modder(before this i made a map for Battlefront 2) I was not expecting this reception


I will fix the red nose and the shadow on the forehead as soon as possible but don't expect it in a near future




That will be great. I like how the face looks realistic, only needs to fix the "sunburn effect" and will be great!



And maybe the next version will include something like this






Nice! Could be a nice replacement for...






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