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FUNC_ Entity & Specular

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So I'm trying to add specular to my func_static and func_door, but alphaGen lightingSpecular doesn't work. alphaGen wave inversesawtooth 0 1 0 1.65 does so I've ruled out alphaGen itself not working with it.


Things to know:


- tried a seperate specular texture and specular in the diffuse alpha channel, no luck

- tried shaders that work on normal brushwork & MD3 models, no luck



Anyone have an idea as to what seems to be blocking a func_ entity from using alphaGen lightingSpecular? @@ensiform @@Xycaleth

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@@Xycaleth Here's my shader:

        map textures/df2_lifts/lift1
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
        rgbGen vertex
        map textures/df2_lifts/lift1_s
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
        map textures/df2_lifts/lift1_glow
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

Glow works, just not specular.

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mmm if i remember, lightningdiffuse \ specular works good for glm models, vertex for 2d shaders (like flags and banners).

for brush and MD3 models should use rgbgen identity.

maybe there is some reflective entity glass on some map game that allow to check how is the shader for a func_entity brush with light specular surface... maybe some glass door.

    surfaceparm    trans
    q3map_material    rock
        map models/map_objects/pillars/symbol4
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
        rgbGen identity
        map models/map_objects/pillars/symbol4
        map $lightmap
        blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
        rgbGen identity

maybe this shader parameters of my mod can be of help.

a metallic weapons example maybe can be of more help:


        map models/weapons2/concussion/gun
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
        map models/weapons2/concussion/spec
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
        map models/map_objects/cda/marble_env6
        blendFunc   GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
        alphaGen const 0.5
        tcGen enviroment
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