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Models dismemberment and hierarchy questions jk3 - where did It comes from?

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Ok i am making the model using the AT ST skeleton because i want to make vehicle model. But when i imported the At St model to see how he is made his leg is called for example - r_leg_upper2_0

We all (most of us i am a little drunk) know that in the player model we have r_leg , r_hand etc. BUT i thought: Wait a minute .. Stormtrooper can lose hand but none other models that are not using _humanoid skeleton .. later i thought - THAT is not true! Wampa, Rocketrooper and Hazardtrooper use this! I looked at the wampa in the modview - head , r_leg etc. And he is using a Wampa.gla skeleton BUT from his folder. Does it means that we can do At ST dismemberment able? by changing the names of the model parts in the hierarchy? Or this is hard coded thing (or only easy coded whaterver .. it would suck for me :S) and cant be changed with using the models tricks. Because AT ST use the atst.gla for animations like Wampa D: It would be cool to cut to the pieces these piece of junk - AND RANCOR is also not dismemberment able...

This was always strange for me :/

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Judging from the cg_ents.c, it's actually all dependent on the name of the bone/tag/skin part. I don't see any direct reference to _humanoid.gla only up there, but I'm able to only understand the code, add obvious "numerical" modifications and mix a bunch of mods together.


An example of one of the references...

			else if (cent->currentState.modelGhoul2 == G2_MODELPART_RLEG)
				limbBone = "rfemurYZ";
				rotateBone = "rtibia";
				BG_GetRootSurfNameWithVariant( clEnt->ghoul2, "r_leg", limbName, sizeof(limbName) );
				BG_GetRootSurfNameWithVariant( clEnt->ghoul2, "hips", stubName, sizeof(stubName) );
				Com_sprintf( limbCapName, sizeof( limbCapName ), "%s_cap_hips", limbName );
				Com_sprintf( stubCapName, sizeof( stubCapName), "%s_cap_r_leg", stubName );
				limbTagName = "*r_leg_cap_hips";
				stubTagName = "*hips_cap_r_leg";
				limb_anim = BOTH_DISMEMBER_RLEG;
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First of all, you can name things whatever you want, it really doesn't matter. The ONLY RULE is that an underscore followed by a number as a suffix defines LOD's so playing around with that will fuck things up. This takes into consideration that the model has a stupidtriangle_off_1 or more tag with an extra hierarchy to tell the game that there are multiple LOD's.


r_leg = LOD0

r_leg_1 = LOD1

r_leg_2 = LOD2


You should get the picture. Tags have certain naming conventions to define parts of the model, such as where dismemberment takes place as well as telling the game that this part is the head and this part is a hand which alters how much damage a person takes as a head shot will deal the most over any other part.


This now leads me to this, if you are making a vehicle model, why not just make your own skeleton and animations so that you aren't so restricted???

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First of all, you can name things whatever you want, it really doesn't matter. The ONLY RULE is that an underscore followed by a number as a suffix defines LOD's so playing around with that will fuck things up. This takes into consideration that the model has a stupidtriangle_off_1 or more tag with an extra hierarchy to tell the game that there are multiple LOD's.


r_leg = LOD0

r_leg_1 = LOD1

r_leg_2 = LOD2


You should get the picture. Tags have certain naming conventions to define parts of the model, such as where dismemberment takes place as well as telling the game that this part is the head and this part is a hand which alters how much damage a person takes as a head shot will deal the most over any other part.


This now leads me to this, if you are making a vehicle model, why not just make your own skeleton and animations so that you aren't so restricted???

SO this is why stupidtriangle_off_1 exist ... I didn't know that and it was always weird for me.


Also now tags are screwed up ... He is shooting WP_ATST_MAIN weapon but he is not using WP_ATST_SIDE .. maybe it is still caused because of the hierarchy (i will not give the screenshot because it would be spoiler for my modification ;) )


I am making vehcile model for my first time and i didnt have much time to learn skeleton making... I tried it once and may times it didn't work well in blender. Maybe there are tutorials and programs how to make it and i will check them in the future 

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The tags are quite simple, it will shoot from whatever tag you have, hierarchy in this case isn't that important but it could be causing the problem. The naming and definitions in the VEH file are more important.


You don't need additional software to make your own skeleton and animations, blender should be able to do all that although there is no info on this since blender is mostly used to make frankenstein models. I don't think anyone has really attempted custom animations and skeletons with it yet but as long as it can write out the files which it can you should be able to do it.

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For my experience all models are potentially detachable.

but for a good detaching, they need perfect hierarchy and tagging.

for what i understood, into the the humanoid skeleton the bolt_l_leg_cap_hips_off, for example, it's used for the engine to calculate the point when the left leg is detached by the hips.

it's maybe some kind of weird idea, but you can try to add the dismember bolt tags to the at st model.

technically it should work.

but it require an NPC file with the dismemberprob parameters setted to 100

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