Revan9190 Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 Hello, my brethren! I have decided to open up my own WIP skins topic, as I can't model worth a crap. This first skin is of my personal character I made back when SWG's Jump To Lightspeed expansion launched (even though I had a character before then. I didn't get as invested in that one as I have here). His name is Karag Drakas, and I have continued to tweak his timeline and his place in Star Wars lore (EU back then, Legends now, even though really almost no one knows of my character). I used him in a forum RP once called "Field of Heroes". During that time, I had a friend named "Ajax" back when we frequented Hapslash's Void. We eventually put our two characters side by side for an eventual movie (we hadn't decided yet if it was going to be a machinima or a live action series). Karag Drakas and Rath Deris were both Jedi Knights of the Republic. Karag lost his apprentice (which I eventually named Kahlar Saric, a Zabrak who eventually joines the Sith Shadow thug group that constantly attacks the Force Sensitive village of Aurelia on Dathomir) to the Dark Side (a small confrontation during a battle in the Clone Wars took place). Rath Deris vanished during a mission to Tatooine and his apprentice (I forgot the name) didn't know where he went. Rath eventually settled on Dantooine and formed a crew for a YT-2000 light freighter called "Dark Matter". (mind you this was part was in 2009-2011 about when we were ironing out details). Karag exiled himself to Dathomir after Order 66, and hid in the aforementioned village for a few years, before it started being raided by Sith Shadows. Anyways, before I reveal too much of the plot, here's skins that I've done, not necessarily pertaining to my series, "The Exile's Voyage" of the Dark Matter story arc. Used Hapslash's Obi-wan, obviously. This is as he looked when the Clone Wars started. He was 20 during the Battle of Geonosis and was just knighted. He led a clone regiment (not a legion), the 514th... eventually called the 514th Pathfinders Regiment led by Captain Phalanx (soon to be promoted to Commander, also has ARC trooper training afterward). Soon shifts under two different legions - first the 41st, then near the end of the war... the 501st. This Interpretation of Karag Drakas, made 5 years ago. I'll upload more pictures (posed, even, with some Photoshop touch ups to bring out the work) I hope you guys like this one. There's definitely more coming. I have to find them. (I had some for a series Zappa and I were going to work on a long time ago, but I'm not sure if he wants me to show people those.) I have started on the 514th Clone using AshuraDX's resources and such, but for some reason the arms/legs aren't mirroring the texture. I guess I'll upload the side that is working in a few. But I just wanted to get the thread started. Definitely won't be the last post. If anyone would like to collaborate for some cool skins, I'm game. krkarr, The Punisher, Zappa_0 and 1 other like this
AshuraDX Posted May 16, 2016 Posted May 16, 2016 I have started on the 514th Clone using AshuraDX's resources and such, but for some reason the arms/legs aren't mirroring the texture. I guess I'll upload the side that is working in a few. But I just wanted to get the thread started. Definitely won't be the last post. If anyone would like to collaborate for some cool skins, I'm game.there are 2 arm textures: arms_legs and arms_legs2one for each side, you could just open the skinfile and replace arms_legs2.tga with arms_legs.tga
Revan9190 Posted May 16, 2016 Author Posted May 16, 2016 there are 2 arm textures: arms_legs and arms_legs2one for each side, you could just open the skinfile and replace arms_legs2.tga with arms_legs.tgaOh, thanks! I feel like an idiot for not connecting the dots. XD I'll fix that right up and show folks what I used for a comparison (my BF2 versions of the clones, really). Anyways, here you guys go. Found these on the good 'ol Jedi Outcast Movies proboards forum (thankfully I still have the files on my external) and really far back in my Imgur galley! lol (Can't link the .png's. I'll have to post .jpg's it seems. So I guess I'll re-edit them with cool backgrounds later and re-upload as jpg's. These following skins were for a series called "Jedi Academy Galactic Empire" or J.A.G.E. and was a follow up to Jedi Academy Clone Wars. I provided two 501st stormtrooper skins based on the base stormtrooper models. J.A.G.E. skins ------ 501st Stormtrooper (Basic) 501st Stormtrooper Commander (ARC Trooper "Phase-III") HK Assassin (I made HK-47 look 'cracked' and 'worn' on both of these. Since this is a port from KOTOR I/II, I can't release it to anybody as far as the rules go, but I thought it to be cool to show you guys this): Bossk (utilizing textures from SWG and putting them on the Trandoshan model, I managed to make, what I think is a more accurate Bossk. ) Dengar (this model was a bit of a pain to get right with texturing, and he still looks weird despite the new textures to make him more like the TCW version of Dengar [shoulder pads]. If anyone wants to take a hand at modeling a younger Dengar from TCW, it would be much appreciated!) I do wish Mandalorian still has his Dengar model going. I'd def use that one. It looks beast. 4LOM (I still am unsure if I like the original skin on the original model, or this one. You guys be the judge.) Zuckuss (only a subtle change, really. Changed the tone of brown on the robes and changed the helmet color a bit as well. What do you guys think?) Boba Fett (compared to more recent Boba Fett models/skins, I don't think I like mine entirely that much. Some textures from SWG) IG-88 (I loved this model when it first came out - I love IG-88. I felt for our series, a more intimidating dark brown with some metallic gray would make for a fearsome "Terminator" effect of sorts. He scared the poop out of me in Shadows of the Empire. lol) Emperor Palpatine (I made his robes much darker.... that's about it...but whatever) TEV skins ------ Aurilian Sentry (Rebel Trooper model reskin)I might have to make a new one without logos plastered everywhere... And my take on "The Old Man" who comes to you when you become Force-Sensitive in SWG:I think I took one of Spanki's faces and plastered it over Lando's face? It's been a long time. Of course all the credits go to the original authors. I need to ask Hirman (Palpatine), Mark Lubbers (Zuckuss), Dwayne 'oddjob' Douglass (4LOM), the author of the old Dengar model (can someone help me find them? I'm having trouble locating the original author of this model), Last Wish (IG-88). I'm trying to be honorable here, as I skinned these awhile back. I don't know where the PK3's are, but I can find them. I still have the project folders for these, though). I claim no ownership of the models reskinned here. All credit goes to them. I honestly dislike plagiarism. To maximize my efforts, I'm going to try and contact the authors of these models and ask for proper permission for reskinning these (something I wish I had done in 2012. 4 years ago? It's been that long?! Apparently I can't link .png's. :/ Here's the gallery of TEV/JAGE stuff:
Revan9190 Posted May 17, 2016 Author Posted May 17, 2016 It's not 100% perfect to me yet, but who has work that is? I'm satisfied enough with my basic 514th trooper to show it off. Hope you guys like my little promo shots here. "Stay down." "Patrolling the mountains on Alderaan." "Man down! Don't worry, brother. I'll get help!" For those who haven't seen all of the Clone Wars, this may contain spoilers: The 514th Pathfinders Regiment is under command of Jedi General Karag Drakas and ARC Commander "Phalanx" (ARC/CC-9190). Their task is to clear a path for main invasion forces, or to find ways to pass large enemy formations to minimize friendly casualties. They also act as an advanced reconnaissance branch for Republic Intelligence Services and the Republic Navy (to coordinate bombardments and airstrikes). They were formed "officially" during the First Battle of Geonosis when they proved useful for recon tasks and raids on enemy positions behind enemy lines. The prime example is when they assisted Captain Ajax's (CT-5527) 12th Assault Brigade in demolishing two droid factories. Later in the war, they proved useful again during the Battle of Umbara when they supplied Republic forces with intelligence on enemy locations for Y-Wing strikes. They eventually have their regiment transferred from under the 41st Legion to the 501st shortly after the formation of the new Galactic Empire. During the execution of Order 66, half of the clones had their chips malfunction, causing most to go into cardiac arrest and violent seizures, while Phalanx and two platoons remained perfectly fine and realized what was going on, and saved General Drakas by turning on the clones who fired on him. Claiming that there was a "slight weapons malfunctioned", command ended up breaking the regiment down to platoon strength and assigned them under the commander of the 501st, who only used them as clean up forces - the exact opposite of what they were intended for. Eventually Phalanx left by faking his own death and exiling himself and a few loyal clones to whereabouts unknown. They would eventually meet up with Karag again after their General asks them for help against a Death Watch bunker deep on Endor that holds a secret to General Drakas's ancestry. Hope you guys enjoyed this. I have a few more skins in the works. I used the torso_red and helmet_blue for this because the red scheme for the shocktrooper already matched that of my 514th Clones for BF2 and the blue was just the perfect amount of scratched and even for my regiment's helmet scheme. The rest I colored in myself. I will update this skin later with some special brushes. ShadowDelta92 likes this
Revan9190 Posted May 18, 2016 Author Posted May 18, 2016 Here's something I made, because I know someone wanted a Prototype Boba Fett. I based it off this ( ) and this ( ). I really hope people like this one. Super fun to make and simple too! Didn't take me too long, really. Maybe 3 or so hours. Zappa_0, DTIII, KyleKatarn1995 and 3 others like this
KyleKatarn1995 Posted May 18, 2016 Posted May 18, 2016 Here's something I made, because I know someone wanted a Prototype Boba Fett. I based it off this ( ) and this ( ). I really hope people like this one. Super fun to make and simple too! Didn't take me too long, really. Maybe 3 or so hours.That looks very nice!! I love it! Only thing left on this one is to clear out the rust marks on it's armor. krkarr and Revan9190 like this
JAWSFreelao Posted May 18, 2016 Posted May 18, 2016 Think somebody used my icon creation tutorial. (: Revan9190 likes this
Revan9190 Posted May 18, 2016 Author Posted May 18, 2016 Funny enough - I didn't make these pics as icons. But I think I will! Mind if I use Cmdr Fox as a base for Phalanx? He's supposed to look like this: Anyways, new type of Stormtrooper coming up. Credits to Barricade24 for his TFU trooper. And of course DT-85 for the original model.
Revan9190 Posted May 18, 2016 Author Posted May 18, 2016 Using Barricade's TFU trooper (which of course stems from DT-85's Stormtrooper), I have made the elite honor guards known as the Novatroopers! These guys have mainly appeared on Naboo. At least for me when I use to play Star Wars Galaxies. Makes sense, because Palpatine is from Naboo and has a retreat hidden deep in the mountains. This, along with Prototype Fett, will hopefully be uploaded really soon for people to play with. DTIII, Zappa_0 and McGroose like this
Revan9190 Posted May 23, 2016 Author Posted May 23, 2016 You guys should know who this next one is. The last one is a dead give away. Anyways, hope he can be included in an upcoming pack with all these guys in it! I love Photoshopping little scenes. Zappa_0 and krkarr like this
Revan9190 Posted May 23, 2016 Author Posted May 23, 2016 Yup, you got it @@Jeff! And thanks, Zap. Hopefully I can release all of these soonish. Off to Chicago today at about 2 PM (the show is at 8:30 and the drive is 4 1/2 hours, but we need to get there earlyish).
Sithani Posted May 23, 2016 Posted May 23, 2016 glad you can finish what I started! Omega, Zappa_0, Delmi and 1 other like this
Seven Posted May 27, 2016 Posted May 27, 2016 You guys should know who this next one is. The last one is a dead give away. Anyways, hope he can be included in an upcoming pack with all these guys in it! I love Photoshopping little scenes.Nice but why not reskin dooku's head instead of anakin?
Revan9190 Posted May 27, 2016 Author Posted May 27, 2016 Nice but why not reskin dooku's head instead of anakin?Because this is what I was given to work with. HS Anakin has multiple hairstyles, not to mention the robes already there on the model. I think that, in the end, HS Anakin was a good choice. If someone wants to make Jedi Dooku on HS Dooku, that's fine. And I can give them the Young Dooku face texture if they'd want it. These resources are the things that have been given to me.
Seven Posted May 27, 2016 Posted May 27, 2016 Because this is what I was given to work with. HS Anakin has multiple hairstyles, not to mention the robes already there on the model. I think that, in the end, HS Anakin was a good choice. If someone wants to make Jedi Dooku on HS Dooku, that's fine. And I can give them the Young Dooku face texture if they'd want it. These resources are the things that have been given to me.I could probably do it myself, but this is your project really so do you want me to frankenstein dookus head onto jedi robes and pass it to you?
Revan9190 Posted May 27, 2016 Author Posted May 27, 2016 I could probably do it myself, but this is your project really so do you want me to frankenstein dookus head onto jedi robes and pass it to you?That'd be cool. Sure!
Seven Posted May 27, 2016 Posted May 27, 2016 Ok here's dooku with his robes., I found a picture of his old Lightsaber from when he was a Jedi General Howard, Smoo, krkarr and 1 other like this
Revan9190 Posted May 28, 2016 Author Posted May 28, 2016 Thanks! Also, great picture reference of his lightsaber.
Zappa_0 Posted May 31, 2016 Posted May 31, 2016 Yea I actually gave him the stuff I had done of the jedi dooku I was doing awhile back to be finished. cant wait to see the final product of this now!
Revan9190 Posted August 3, 2016 Author Posted August 3, 2016 He isn't perfect - the seam is a bit screwed up, but I had a go at making Admiral Yularen (Clone Wars era. Will do GCW sometime later with his white uniform he donned in EP4.) DTIII likes this
DTIII Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 Man, I want that Proto Fett and Novatrooper! The Punisher likes this
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