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Farewell (Retiring)

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I am no longer able and willing to follow the latest trends in Star Wars, and I've grown a strong dislike (to put it mildly) for Disney's new direction and changes of the Star Wars we've known and have grown to love.



These topics are the worst. It's easy to call people sexist and it's easy to call people idiots. But it's just not that black and white. Political correctness, the thing that feels odd in media with diversity is when a movie studio just goes "Women, check! Black person, check! Latino, check!" and breaking a guideline like that makes a movie bigoted. But really you shouldn't go throwing around insults to people that misinterpret you blasting female roles in movies, Darth. Just keep open minds and be respectful.

I will agree, these topics are the worst and I'd prefer it if we keep them OUT of these forums and website as much as possible. TBH, it's really getting old seeing all that stuff around when we're here to have fun. It's like nobody can have fun anymore these days....


God, I feel so tempted to start a topic in the nonsense section about this whole politcal correctness crap, it's gotten so insane recently, and it's only going to get worse and worse until every single piece of art has to have certain requirements met, or it will be racist or sexist.




I understand how you feel about Disney ruining star wars. I didn't like episode 7 myself, to me it didn't feel inspired, it almost felt like another marvel movie reboot, some people like that kind of thing, I'm not a big fan of it. Again, it wasn't a bad movie, I just didn't like it....(it was a bad movie to me though)


To expand upon this, I feel human creativity is dying in general (or at least, is being suppressed heavily), and within another 50 years, humanity will be fked.


Goodbye Cerez, hope you find what you're looking for somewhere else (and thanks for the awesome Ahsoka model).

TheWhitePhoenix, Futuza and Cerez like this

God, I feel so tempted to start a topic in the nonsense section about this whole politcal correctness crap, it's gotten so insane recently, and it's only going to get worse and worse until every single piece of art has to have certain requirements met, or it will be racist or sexist.


Do it. Why avoid a chance to confront on a quite serious topic? If it turns into a flame war, the moderators will lock it quickly.


As for the rest, I bid you farewell, Cerez. May the Force be your guide.

Darth Sion, Cerez, Onysfx and 1 other like this


If you are leaving JKHUB, maybe there are other ways of keeping in touch with you? Surely, Star Wars isn't the only field of interest both for you and people you talk to here on the forum. :)

Well, this *is* a Star Wars forum, but I get your drift. I'm still commonly reachable on my Sketchfab account, and my email address. And it's fine to leave me a PM here, too, just don't expect a fast response...


People will always be offended by something. In this case, if women aren't shown to be equal to men (something that has only, in recent years, come to light), there's a massive out-cry and backlash from certain parties and activist groups.

I always find that moderation is the key with any of these topics. Most people choose to go from one extreme to the other, when the truth is in the middle. Yes, action movies have been dominated by male protagonists so far, and we need to have more authentic female leads in movies. No, women are not men, just as men are not women, but we all deserve an equal opportunity. People of a different gender, and in fact, every person of a different body is different.


Humanity's worst characteristic is that we love to categorise.


Women's rights, as seen by men, have been a topic longer debated than freedom of expression. It's not a new phenomenon. What's new is an extremist shift as of late of portraying female heroes in media. We've gone from 10% female protagonists to 70% female protagonists in movies, and rising -- when there really needs to be around 50%.


Rudolf Steiner once said this, and I couldn't agree with him more:


"The social position of women is for the most part such an unworthy one because in so many respects it is determined not as it should be by the particular characteristics of the individual woman, but by the general picture one has of woman's natural tasks and needs. A man's activity in life is governed by his individual capacities and inclinations, whereas a woman's is supposed to be determined solely by the mere fact that she is a woman. She is supposed to be a slave to what is generic, to womanhood in general.


As long as men continue to debate whether a woman is suited to this or that profession 'according to her natural disposition', the so-called woman's question cannot advance beyond its most elementary stage. What a woman, within her natural limitations, wants to become had better be left to the woman herself to decide. If it is true that women are suited only to that profession which is theirs at present, then they will hardly have it in them to attain any other. But they must be allowed to decide for themselves what is in accordance with their nature.


To all who fear an upheaval of our social structure through accepting women as individuals and not as females, we must reply that a social structure in which the status of one half of humanity is unworthy of a human being is itself in great need of improvement."


To expand upon this, I feel human creativity is dying in general (or at least, is being suppressed heavily), and within another 50 years, humanity will be fked.

It's not so much that creativity is dying, it's more that people are putting less effort into it. Making movies, making video games is easy now. Advancing computers and technology had a lot to do with that.


Orson Welles once said, quite accurately:

"The absence of limitations is the enemy of art."


The easier it is to accomplish something, the more trivial the creation, and the creator's attitude towards it.


There is always hope, and there are those who choose put effort into what they're doing, and walk an independent path.


(and thanks for the awesome Ahsoka model)

You're entirely welcome. ^_^ I hope Disney won't stereotype and butcher her personal image with Rebels, and will remain respectful to her character, and what she personally stands for.


Do it. Why avoid a chance to confront on a quite serious topic? If it turns into a flame war, the moderators will lock it quickly.

It's worth discussing this, but keep it respectful to each other, people. Don't go throwing around insults and calling each other names. We're a little more advanced than that. If you disagree, do it with honour, and respect for anyone who opposes your views, and makes an effort to reason their viewpoint.

TheWhitePhoenix and eezstreet like this

well its a shame to see you leave. I am no fan (hate) of the new movie/what-nots that's been produced since SW was sold, but I still love the old stuff. And JKA is in that era. I don't mod / map/ anymore, but stick around to read here everyday, minus the threads made on new movie models maps...you don't have to like the new movie and its future. Me too I feel like you, but JKA/jk3files/whatever site that is related to the game is what I grew up with...would never leave it.


May the Force be with you ><

Onysfx, Cerez and TheWhitePhoenix like this

Going away? Inconceivable... who'll critique my work? :winkthumb:

Afraid you'll have to find another crazy chump. :lol: j/k


Just hit me up on email if you need feedback/advice/help. ^_^

NumberWan likes this

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