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Ideas for future release


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atm I'm working on 1.3.0 which will bring SQLite to the mod. I will need to test this quite a bit before I'm able to release, but in the mean time I was thinking of some other things to enhance the mod.


1) Replace cm_silence_insult_1, cm_silence_insult_2, cm_silence_insult_3, cm_silence_insult_4 with cm_insults string array.

2) Replace cm_badword1, cm_badword2, cm_badword3, cm_badword4, cm_badword5 with cm_badwords string array.

3) Replace cm_news1_time, cm_news2_time, cm_news3_time and cm_news1_content, cm_news2_content, cm_news3_content with cm_newsTicker string array with special formatting like "TIME:STRING,TIME:STRING"

Example: cm_newsTicker "15:Thanks for visiting my server!,50:Dont forget to visit our site!"

4) Restructure long cvars to be smaller.

Example: cm_allow_report_command --> cm_reportCmd


If you guys can think of anything else, reply to this thread.


So far the new in-game commands are:


/cmregister <password> - register your player name

/cmlogin <password> - login with your player name

/cmstats - show player stats in database

/cmleaderboard - show the current game type leaderboard


and the new server commands are:


/cmregister <playername> <password> - register a player name

/cmfinduser <playername> - see if a player name exists in the database and what their ID is

/cmleaderboard - see the gametype leaderboard

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If you are using the newest 1.3.0 beta from GitHub please be aware that the server cvars have changed. Please use the Installer/files/clanmod/server.cfg file. But, if you would like to manually change the cvars, here is a list.


- Replaced cm_badword1, cm_badword2, cm_badword3, cm_badword4, cm_badword5, cm_precoded_badwords with cm_badwords

- Replaced cm_silence_insult_1, cm_silence_insult_2, cm_silence_insult_3, cm_silence_insult_4, cm_silence_insult_5 with cm_insults

- Replaced cm_allow_chatColors with cm_chatColors

- Replaced cm_allow_jetpack_command with cm_jetpack

- Replaced cm_allow_report_command with cm_report

- Replaced cm_allow_drop_command with cm_drop

- Replaced cm_chat_protection with cm_chatProtection

- Replaced cm_enable_ForceDuel with cm_forceDuel

- Replaced cm_enable_MeleeDuel with cm_MeleeDuel

- Replaced cm_enable_NormalDuel with cm_duels

- Replaced cm_AutoProtect_timer with cm_AutoProtectTimer

- Replaced cm_allow_KnockMeDown_command with cm_KnockMeDown

- Replaced cm_starting_weapons with cm_startWeapons

- Replaced cm_allow_samePlayerNames with cm_samePlayerNames

- Replaced m_enable_grapple with cm_grapple


Added these new cvars


- cm_noServerNames

Disallows the word server in a player's name.


Next release will also have better compatibility with an x64 Linux server.

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  • 5 months later...

The GitHub repo has had lots of changes. Just pushed more code changes this morning.


- Removed BobaFett's download fix so it can fully work on OpenJKDed programs. (Fixed crashing)

- Finished integration with SQLite

- Added a clanmod.php file to upload to your web server to communicate with server via cURL.exe external program. (MySQL)

- Added cm_database cvar. 0 = disabled 1 = sqlite 2 = mysql.

- Added new saying commands !stats, !leaders

- Added a name check to see if a name is registered in the database upon joining game. If so, the server will send a 30 second warning to either login or change name. After 30 seconds your name will be forcefully changed.

- Added 5 second debounce time on MySQL client commands to not overwhelm the server.

- Added c_cmlogin client cvar for automatic login upon entering the server.


Most of this code has been untested, so if anyone wants to test it out that would help me quite a bit.


- GitHub Repo : https://github.com/erfg12/clanmod-jka

- Beta Download : https://github.com/erfg12/clanmod-jka/releases (both Windows and Linux x86_64 builds)

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  • 2 weeks later...

New commit to GitHub!


MySQL commands now act on a separate thread. (CreateThread for Windows and PThread for Linux) This keeps the main thread open to not show a "Server Disconnect" message on the center screen.


As I said before Windows will require that curl.exe file to be next to openjkded.exe but on Linux it will use the native curl command. I assume all distros using this mod will have curl. (at least people who want to use MySQL).


Also did some other minor fixes including adding a debug openjkded to the package to help debug Linux issues.

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