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Blender help

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I've slowly but surely been making the switch from 3ds Max to Blender as I've been more into Frankenstein rather than creating models from scratch due to my own lack of time. I'm still learning all the ins and outs of Blender and I'm trying to figure it out.  This is a very basic question but for the life of me I can't seem to find where there's a option for this.  If I try to grab a group of verts and drag them (ie move, rotate, etc), it only moves some of them.  As in it leaves some of the back facing ones or ones in creases/folds.  Is there a way that I can select ALL verts in a certain part?




I know that this is a very basic question and I feel stupid for asking it but any help would be appreciated!

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If I'm understanding you correctly, you can try the following:


- Change the view mode from Solid to Wireframe (this is to the immediate right of the dropdown menu that lets you change from Object Mode to Edit Mode).

- Then, press 'B' to allow you to drag a selection box across the area you want to select all vertices/edges/faces in. Because you are in Wireframe mode, this will allow you to select all of them, including those that are overlapped via creases and folds, or hidden 'behind' others.

- You can also try switching from Vertex Select to either Edge Select or Face Select if this makes it easier to manipulate a certain area. This option is found further along the same list of options where the Object Mode and Wireframe tabs are.

- You can also activate a combination of selection modes by CTRL+clicking then.


Personally I tend to use Face Select over Vertex or Edge, but it depends largely on the specifics of what you are trying to achieve.

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Hitting C is the You can use a brush to select what You want. Also a very good thing You can hit left alt+ left shift and right mouse button. It will select the edges for Ya


Very good selection hotkey is Ctrl+L. It will select all faces that are connected to each other (it is very helpful when You are making player model because it will select the faces by their uv layout) ;)


And btw: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.4/Reference/Hotkeys/All I dont use all of them because i am learner too.

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Hm, actually opening up Blender I don't see this @@Ramikad


It only shows up in Edit Mode, apparently. In 2.76 it's somewhere on the right of the same tool bar: you get Edit Mode, Solid / Wireframe / Texture etc, Pivot Center for Rotation, the various transform functions, Global / Local, Vertex, Edge and Face select, and on the right Limit Selection to Visible.

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