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STAR WARS *Updated* "Movie style" Animations REQUEST

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I'm NEW to this whole modding scene, as it's not something I've touched on before, but with some help on getting started by @@eezstreet (via Steam), there's a number of animations I want to change. So after downloading and having a play around with ModView, for about an hour or so.. I've kinda' given up looking for the files I want to edit and change/replace, seeing as how there's just so many files to search through.. Specifically though, I know what I'm looking for..

I'm looking to update the base animations of the game and get rid of the awful movements and hand gestures. I have set ideas of what I'm looking for, so it's not like I'm trying to change something into an animation I have no idea about. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone could lend a hand.. (Or being far more literal and getting to the point), if someone would do them for me. I would attempt it myself, as I have tried tonight, but had no success and it's a very technical area of the game, for me. So I'll try and summarize them into sections, below, as best as possible, so if anyone's interested in a new set of animations, they can then decide if it'd be something they'd be willing to do. I'll use an arrangement of videos, .gifs and images to demonstrate what I'm looking to achieve. (If it's possible, of course..)



Fast Stance/Style (Blue):
So, this is the first stance and starts us off with the movie animations. In this case, though. It's more a normal stance, where the character's guard is down and is standing normally ("At ease", as they would say in the Armed Forces  :lol:). So anyway, this is stance/animation I'm looking for (See Kylo Ren, below);

There's not really a lot else to go on, for this stance.. As it's just a normal standing/waiting pose.

Medium Stance/Style (Yellow):
Taken from the NEW Star Wars movie; "The Force Awakens", the stance itself, I'm looking for this:

So, igniting the saber would essentially look like this:

Slow Stance/Style (Red):
This has primarily been Kylo Ren's stance throughout many of "The Force Awakens" posters and is depicted in the shots below;


If you can get the transitions between the animations/stances to be smooth, then that would also be a huge bonus.

Force Powers:

Jedi Mind Trick:

I've often thought the animation in the base game for this, was quite "clunky", to say the least. Just the overall hand movements and such. Didn't really look like the character was trying to "Jedi Mind Trick" anyone, but just wave his hand like as if s/he's patting the air, not "stroking" it, as Qui-Gon Jinn does here, with Watto. So that's why I've gone with Qui-Gon's more realistic hand movements, for this animation.

Force Choke:
Another Force power that seems to just look rigid and taut, especially when performed when using a lightsaber. And I'm sure we've all seen how much better it looks when it's done in a movie (obviously JKA is an old game, but still had certain animations such as this, that looks lack-lustre. So seeing as how there's a number of occasions when Force Choke is used, I'll give you the free range of choice of which animation best to use, to try and replicate.

Darth Vader's Force Chokes:

Anakin's Force Choke (1 time use)

Force Jump:
Again, another Force power that looks very "un-appealing" to the naked eye, even when maxed out to Level 3. There are plenty of Force Jump animations out there, that look far more realistic than the base game animation. So again, with this one. It's freedom of choice, again. So if you want to either design your own or for speed and time reasons, use an already current Force Jump animation that's available in another mod or on the forum, that's upto you.
GPChannel likes this

Who would walk with the last stance? (Slow Stance). It's just un-comfortable.


The Fast Stance is the "walking stance" in the CW Animations/Stances mod.


Isn't Medium Stance already in baseJKA?


I think KOTF had something that changed the Force Choke animation,not sure on that one.


A realistic-er force jump is available in the CW Animations/Stances mod.


A new Mind Track stance would be cool.

Darth Sion likes this

I'm NEW to this whole modding scene, as it's not something I've touched on before, but with some help on getting started by @@eezstreet (via Steam), there's a number of animations I want to change. So after downloading and having a play around with ModView, for about an hour or so.. I've kinda' given up looking for the files I want to edit and change/replace, seeing as how there's just so many files to search through.. Specifically though, I know what I'm looking for..

I'm looking to update the base animations of the game and get rid of the awful movements and hand gestures. I have set ideas of what I'm looking for, so it's not like I'm trying to change something into an animation I have no idea about. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone could lend a hand.. (Or being far more literal and getting to the point), if someone would do them for me. I would attempt it myself, as I have tried tonight, but had no success and it's a very technical area of the game, for me. So I'll try and summarize them into sections, below, as best as possible, so if anyone's interested in a new set of animations, they can then decide if it'd be something they'd be willing to do. I'll use an arrangement of videos, .gifs and images to demonstrate what I'm looking to achieve. (If it's possible, of course..)




Fast Stance/Style (Blue):

So, this is the first stance and starts us off with the movie animations. In this case, though. It's more a normal stance, where the character's guard is down and is standing normally ("At ease", as they would say in the Armed Forces  :lol:). So anyway, this is stance/animation I'm looking for (See Kylo Ren, below);

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There's not really a lot else to go on, for this stance.. As it's just a normal standing/waiting pose.


Medium Stance/Style (Yellow):

Taken from the NEW Star Wars movie; "The Force Awakens", the stance itself, I'm looking for this:



So, igniting the saber would essentially look like this:



Slow Stance/Style (Red):

This has primarily been Kylo Ren's stance throughout many of "The Force Awakens" posters and is depicted in the shots below;






If you can get the transitions between the animations/stances to be smooth, then that would also be a huge bonus.


Force Powers:


Jedi Mind Trick:

I've often thought the animation in the base game for this, was quite "clunky", to say the least. Just the overall hand movements and such. Didn't really look like the character was trying to "Jedi Mind Trick" anyone, but just wave his hand like as if s/he's patting the air, not "stroking" it, as Qui-Gon Jinn does here, with Watto. So that's why I've gone with Qui-Gon's more realistic hand movements, for this animation.


Force Choke:

Another Force power that seems to just look rigid and taut, especially when performed when using a lightsaber. And I'm sure we've all seen how much better it looks when it's done in a movie (obviously JKA is an old game, but still had certain animations such as this, that looks lack-lustre. So seeing as how there's a number of occasions when Force Choke is used, I'll give you the free range of choice of which animation best to use, to try and replicate.


Darth Vader's Force Chokes:


Anakin's Force Choke (1 time use)


Force Jump:

Again, another Force power that looks very "un-appealing" to the naked eye, even when maxed out to Level 3. There are plenty of Force Jump animations out there, that look far more realistic than the base game animation. So again, with this one. It's freedom of choice, again. So if you want to either design your own or for speed and time reasons, use an already current Force Jump animation that's available in another mod or on the forum, that's upto you.


Finn's lightsaber stance already exists:




That's one of the Base JKA stances.

Darth Sion and krkarr like this


That's one of the Base JKA stances.

I think he wants the Finn hyperventilating as part of the stance.  Cause I don't see a difference other then that.

Fuse294 likes this

JKG Developer


I think he wants the Finn hyperventilating as part of the stance.  Cause I don't see a difference other then that.

LOL! No, I'm just looking to get that stance as the Medium style. (I think there is slight alter-cations to it, though), judging by the two stances. I mean something like hyperventilating, I would imagine would be a very trivial and tedious thing to try and put in this game. It'd be a nice touch, obviously.. But not essential. Just the stance itself.


As stated, Finn's stance is already in the game, you'd just need to swap animations around for that one, so that's the good news. You could probably do that yourself with ease.

One thing to keep in mind, however. The problem with getting the transitions between animations as smooth as possible is this: what makes them smooth is how they are related to other animations. For example, if you wanted to ignite your lightsaber the way Finn does, he'd already have to have his lightsaber raised in that position BEFORE igniting it. So you'd have to alter the idle/walk/run animation(s) to have that stance as well. This happens with a lot of stance mods. The idle stance looks good, but the transitions don't, because all the other animations with the saber are based off the assumption that the movements all start from a different place than where the stance mod puts the character's limbs.

Not impossible, but just thought you should be aware that if you really wanted transitions to be 100% flawless, you're actually asking for a lot more work than just these half-dozen or so changes. May have to settle a bit in that department, but it's doable.

Darth Sion and Langerd like this

As stated, Finn's stance is already in the game, you'd just need to swap animations around for that one, so that's the good news. You could probably do that yourself with ease.


One thing to keep in mind, however. The problem with getting the transitions between animations as smooth as possible is this: what makes them smooth is how they are related to other animations. For example, if you wanted to ignite your lightsaber the way Finn does, he'd already have to have his lightsaber raised in that position BEFORE igniting it. So you'd have to alter the idle/walk/run animation(s) to have that stance as well. This happens with a lot of stance mods. The idle stance looks good, but the transitions don't, because all the other animations with the saber are based off the assumption that the movements all start from a different place than where the stance mod puts the character's limbs.


Not impossible, but just thought you should be aware that if you really wanted transitions to be 100% flawless, you're actually asking for a lot more work than just these half-dozen or so changes. May have to settle a bit in that department, but it's doable.

Yeah it always looked strange for me that in stance the character wields the saber with one hand but when he is finishing the strong attack he uses two hands

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