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I just want to use the Grapple Hook


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I just want to use the Grapple Hook in Solo Game, but I can't. I have no idea how and it's incredibly difficult to find any help whatsoever in regards to this game or JA++. I can use the hook on servers that host JA+ or ++ fine, but I can't use it in Solo Game. What am I doing wrong here?

I am launching through openjk.x86. I have no idea how to set up cvars or what that even really means.


well, you can load openjk (mp) using +set fs_game "japlus" switch and then /bind z +button12 and i didn't try but maybe you could load ojk sp and then do the bind thing, but afaik it doesn't work

Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the SITH!


well, you can load openjk (mp) using +set fs_game "japlus" switch and then /bind z +button12 and i didn't try but maybe you could load ojk sp and then do the bind thing, but afaik it doesn't work

I don't really know how to do that and all of the hints I can find on it are super vague. tbh I'm not even sure if I'm running JA++ or just openJK. Assume I know next to nothing about setting up a .bat file. I did manage to set launch parameters through Steam and it seems to have changed how the game looks so I think I did manage to get JA++ going. Does the hook not work on custom maps?


just a theory here but are you trieing to run the single player executable and expect a feature from a Multiplayer-only mod to work in Singleplayer ? If that's the case you may be out of luck

eezstreet likes this

just a theory here but are you trieing to run the single player executable and expect a feature from a Multiplayer-only mod to work in Singleplayer ? If that's the case you may be out of luck

No, I'm running the MP executable trying to use the feature in a solo game vs bots

and I am positive I have the lastest version of JA++ working now, so that isn't the issue. Do I need to set up the cvars in a separate file or something?


Run the mod, other simple way would be to join a japlus server disconnect and then ja+ would be loaded and just /devmap mp/ffa1 et voilà

Forgot to add, do what @@Raz0r said

Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the SITH!


Easiest way to tell if you're running JA++ server is /aminfo in Solo Game.

Easiest way to tell if you're running JA++ client is to be in the menus and check the value of /japp_version


If they're both running, you can just do /set japp_allowHook 1 from the ingame console of Solo Game (assuming you're trying to play FFA - it's a bit-value of which gametypes it's allowed in)

/bind x +button12 for grapple, as in JA+


/aminfo doesn't do anything in Solo game, but /japp_version does in the menu.

Weird though because when loading solo game, it will say JA++ in the info while it's loading


I suppose that's misleading. It's showing your (client) mod version.

Did you download the server binaries? Solo Game still runs a server behind the scenes.


Glorious, downloading the server binaries solved the issue. You are a gentleman(or woman) and a scholar!

Out of curiosity, what are the commands for the jetpack, which I heard exists but have never seen.

Also, I feel like there should be a server cfg file. If there isn't, where would I create one and what would I need to put in it


I specifically don't provide a "one size fits all" configuration because I'm not going to force any form of gameplay onto other people as if it's more righteous.

The default settings are sane and almost always match base/vanilla gameplay. Any further customisation is entirely up to the server owner and how they want people to play on their server.


As you're not using the dedicated server to run a game, all of the cvars created by the server will be written to your client's configuration (<fs_homepath>/<fs_game>/openjk.cfg)

A list of cvars and their descriptions can be found here


Try japp_allowJetpack 1 (same deal with japp_allowHook, it's a bit-value for allowed gametypes...but never allowed in Siege) followed by /jetpack


I specifically don't provide a "one size fits all" configuration because I'm not going to force any form of gameplay onto other people as if it's more righteous.

The default settings are sane and almost always match base/vanilla gameplay. Any further customisation is entirely up to the server owner and how they want people to play on their server.


As you're not using the dedicated server to run a game, all of the cvars created by the server will be written to your client's configuration (<fs_homepath>/<fs_game>/openjk.cfg)

A list of cvars and their descriptions can be found here


Try japp_allowJetpack 1 (same deal with japp_allowHook, it's a bit-value for allowed gametypes...but never allowed in Siege) followed by /jetpack

Is there a way to bind the jetpack to a specific button, like with the hook?


A server.cfg may be generated when you first run a multiplayer server. I would suggest that rather than run a Solo Game you run a local server using OpenJK Dedicated Server. You can make a shortcut to start this with JA++ and to also load your server config.


There is another thread in this forum with some example configs, by Razor, Merek and myself. Each has different settings so you may want to take a look at the differences to figure out how you want things to behave. The link to the cvars Raz0r provided will certainly help with this.


My target shortcut for example reads as "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Jedi Academy\GameData\openjkded.x86.exe" +set net_port 29072 +set fs_game japlus +exec server.cfg



Smoo and Raz0r like this

server.cfg is never auto generated by the game or server itself.  This is a construct of the server operator.


with jampded jampserver is created and with OpenJKded this is openjk_server.cfg  These are not the configs you would care about.  As this is the same thing as your regular player config, but for servers.

Smoo likes this

Is there a way then to get it so that I don't have to enter /japp_AllowHook at the start of every match? There are a few .cfg files and a clapp japp file (or something similarly named), I'm not sure which to mess around with


Is there a way then to get it so that I don't have to enter /japp_AllowHook at the start of every match? There are a few .cfg files and a clapp japp file (or something similarly named), I'm not sure which to mess around with

Try `/seta japp_AllowHook 1`. It will set the "archive" flag which puts it in the config.

Raz0r likes this

It doesn't look as fancy as it could in JA++ currently, only the core functionality of it shooting out, attaching, pulling you along and you swinging works.

There are no fancy graphics, models or animations for it, just a black line resembling the rope.

  • 7 months later...

It doesn't look as fancy as it could in JA++ currently, only the core functionality of it shooting out, attaching, pulling you along and you swinging works.There are no fancy graphics, models or animations for it, just a black line resembling the rope.

Are there any videos on youTube for how it looks? If not, would you upload one?


You must be the only person who's never seen it, have you ever played online????


Just look for a JA+ video on youtube or a lugormod video.


I promise, it's not as cool as you probably think.


You must be the only person who's never seen it, have you ever played online????


Just look for a JA+ video on youtube or a lugormod video.


I promise, it's not as cool as you probably think.


I don't play MP online.  Based on what @@Raz0r described I'm imagining something pretty crude.

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