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Trouble with NPC Editor...

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Access violation at address 004D550D in module 'NPCTool.exe'. Read of addresss 0000000.


List index out of bounds (1)


Just of few of the messages I keep getting. I've set the target to the base folder in JK3, but apart from that nothing seems to work.

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This?  http://jkhub.org/files/file/2420-npctool/


It's kind of old, so if your using a newer OS, you might need to try running it in comparability mode.  I haven't used it for a long time though, I usually just make em by hand now, since it's faster that way.


Well la dee da. Kidding. Thanks though!


Here goes nothing...

Nope. I have JK3 on steam, could that be something? The directory checks out.

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Like Futuza said, you're better off doing it by hand. It's extremely simple.


The Basics of NPC Files

Using an editor like Notepad++ or sublime or something similar will also make it a lot easier.  You can probably cut most of the work out for yourself, by just grabbing one of the npc files to start with from one of Raven's pk3s (they're in the ext_data directory) and just modify it and save it as a new file.

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JKG Developer

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Using an editor like Notepad++ or sublime or something similar will also make it a lot easier.  You can probably cut most of the work out for yourself, by just grabbing one of the npc files to start with from one of Raven's pk3s (they're in the ext_data directory) and just modify it and save it as a new file.


Figured it out just by removing some other mods. Notably .NPC mods. So there is a limit to how many you can have at a time?

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Yeah, it's not working. Would it help to mention I'm trying to increase NPCs in singleplayer?

That mod is only for multiplayer.  You'd have to patch singleplayer yourself, since I don't think anyone's made one for SP that I'm aware of.  The thread I linked you to explains how to change it.

JKG Developer

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That mod is only for multiplayer.  You'd have to patch singleplayer yourself, since I don't think anyone's made one for SP that I'm aware of.  The thread I linked you to explains how to change it.


Okay so I followed this post...


For multiplayer you can increase the limit by increasing the following line in "codemp\game\NPC_stats.c":
#define MAX_NPC_DATA_SIZE 0x40000
For example doubling it to 0x80000.
And recompile the game.
For singleplayer it's the same thing, but in the "code\game\NPC_stats.cpp" file instead.



Except I don't know where to find said code. Nowhere in the topic did they address that.

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Okay so I followed this post...



Except I don't know where to find said code. Nowhere in the topic did they address that.

There's a github with the source code on it: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/blob/master/code/game/NPC_stats.cpp see line 217.


If you have never coded it before you might want to start with a tutorial: 

I'm a bit busy with other things and projects to do it myself for you, but someone else might be willing.

JKG Developer

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There's a github with the source code on it: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/blob/master/code/game/NPC_stats.cpp see line 217.


If you have never coded it before you might want to start with a tutorial: 

I'm a bit busy with other things and projects to do it myself for you, but someone else might be willing.


Yep. Definitely don't know how to do this. And I'd rather not bug anyone into doing it for me so are you sure there's not something I can just copy and paste into the base folder?

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It might not be a limit problem as previously thought which might be your problem.  Can you add other npcs created by other people?  Is the game crashing with an error?


NPC files too big. Yep. Game loads, error message pops up.


Error: NPC LoadParms: ran out of space before reading [insertrandomcharacterhere].npc (you must make the .npc files smaller)

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