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Help with a added arm that doesn't work well

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Hi guys, sorry for bad english.


Today i added an arm to a skin of darth traya, this skin has a right arm but not a left arm, then i copy the right arm and paste it in the left side, i named it l_arm_0




then when i open the skin in the modview, got this:




the arm is in the model, but not in the properly place and it does not move properly




i have been reading tutorials but i can't resolve this problem, what have i to do?


Thank you very much.


EDIT: I use blender v 2.64

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Thanks for the help, After many attempts I could make the hand work well, but i can't make the arm work, i got a new problem:

"Could not load the surface l_arm from blender. Vertex without UV coordinates found"



how can i fix this problem?


Thank you very much

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it's done :D, thank you very much for the help! it was very difficult for me because i new in this xD


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 Nice Model! Kreia is one of the better master i know. :) Well. your error about uvmapping was mean that... you make something that have erased the uvmapping of the left arm. (these go to the hells the textures coordinates of the meshes >.< ) i hope you have a back up. D:

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