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Skin moding Request JKA !!

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Hey, @Elfenlied!


So, as you can see from the picture below, the headband is a fixed part of the model. If you wanted that moved, you'd have to ask a modeller. Your alternative option is to disable it in a new .skin file and draw a blindfold over the eyes and back of the head. This would mean that the blindfold would be flat against the shape of the head though and might not look quite as good. That said, I've seen it done well on certain miraluka skins in the past. So, what're your thoughts on that?





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Here you go: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11320011/elfenlied.glm

It's a temporary link so grab it while you can. I renamed headband to eyeband, trying to be witty lol. I was going to add it as an extra model part but blender was being a homo, so you have it instead of the normal headband for now. Just make sure you swap headband with eyeband in the .skin files.


I had to edit the mesh slightly to fit it around the head at that position, but it looks fine.



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