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Blackout sets new a-mountain record time on ups server (youtube)

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So explain to me again, why do people not understand that copying larger quake maps in jka and then running around in them - awkwardly trying to go faster using force jump - seems a bit dumb to do when you can just go play quake defrag, reflex, projectrik, or warsow race, or xonotic defrag or any other game / mod that has much more id_tech 3 -like physics (http://www.reddit.com/r/arenafps). Because doing this in jedi knight academy (outside of maybe some speed running in SP and trick jumping) makes you look like wannabe quake defrag pro. At least quake has some competition in that area and it's solid. People probably like quake, and then try to do the same in jka. But come on, just stick to what the game is good at. Don't force it into wanting it to be something it isn't. I think some of this may have transfered over from jk2 and who am I to judge what you should be doing ... but come on ... seriously?





I can't believe there still are such toxic people in this community. JK3 is dying, man, in case you didn't notice. Why can't you just shut up and be happy about cool stuff like this, still coming out from people? How can you ever expect the game to reborn, if you keep this attitiude :o. I'm shocked.

Jeff, Darth Martyr and Circa like this

I too do not find sense in doing this stuff in JKA, besides perhaps the desire to brag about one's achievements that are obtained easier due to smaller community.


Let me just recreate some map in a game nobody plays and brag about making speedrun records in it.


I too do not find sense in doing this stuff in JKA, besides perhaps the desire to brag about one's achievements that are obtained easier due to smaller community.


Let me just recreate some map in a game nobody plays and brag about making speedrun records in it.

You also need to keep in mind that the defrag community itself is small. Players from both Warsow Race and Q3DF have been to this JKA server and broken a few records. Although those records are also being reclaimed by JKA defraggers. It just goes to show how competent we are. JKA Defrag brings something new to the table; allowing you to do multiple physic styles and multiple race courses without changing server settings or maps. Also, this a-mountain map is an original map made in JK2 by Acrobat.


Hey I actually reviewed Y-Mountain... I just found the review, if anyone is interested. :) We never did have A-Mountain on JKFiles though.



Y-Mountain, sequel to Z-Mountain (perhaps there will be an X-Mountain too?) is basically one huge climbing puzzle, as you will soon realise when you start the map up! Indeed, this type of map reminds me strongly of some of the climbing type levels from the Tomb Raider games, and also oddly enough, the setting reminds me of the Sulon levels from Dark Forces 2.

Whilst the map works on a simple principle; getting to the top, it is very well made and is actually pretty difficult. In fact I didn't even make it up to the first level... Ehem, mind you, I was a little lazy! stick out tongue As you explore the map, you will find lots of little nooks and crannies and hidden passageways which will help you reach the top, where you will have a better view of that unusual skybox. The choice of music is pretty unusual for this kind of map, but I actually think it fits pretty well and sounded good. At the bottom of the map is a marshy type of area with a few trees and some water, surrounded by those huge vertical cliffs, the effect of which is pretty striking.
I do have one gripe though, which concerns the water in the bottom of the map. The water isn't actually water... rather it is solid, and when you stand on it you slide across it like ice, which is kind of strange, considering you are expecting to be swimming instead! Personally I think the water shader here should be changed so it is actually water, rather than being solid and slippery. Other than that though I found the map to be very well made.
All in all a nice puzzle themed map here, if you liked the older Tomb Raider games, or like puzzle maps in general, then this will suit you perfectly! smile 
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Game Types: FFA, Duel

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