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Solid spawnflag on the MD3 mountain model - detail or structular?

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I made a mountain MD3 and i didnt make it solid. Later i was thinking about the terrain in easygen which creates a lot of brushes. So i thought : is the solid spawnflag in MD3 isnt the better idea? But the most important - Does it generates the structular or detail brushes ? I see that it only works for terrai models in good way

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My point is that the easygen make a lot of brushes and the count of them would equal the count of the model faces. The terrain is not very detailed and that is my point of this topic. But is these solid spawnflag brushes are detail or structural ? (I will tell you more about the model when i will get back to home)

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mmm i never worked with easy gen, but with a model of Nupraptor retreat cathedral (external building with skulls and roof) i tryed to use the solid spawnflag to misc_model just to check and that make it structural. also, increase proporinally the map build time compilation. sometime, decompiling some forest map for learning propuse, i see that trees and the complex terrain used was structural with "shader image missing" i can suppose that the original map files got trees checked with solid spawnflags and that is the physic caulk maked by 13map2 on the BSP file during compilation.


Also, into nupraptor test map i watched this warning on Q3MAP2 process:

"over **% structural map is detected, time compiling is affected."

so with misc_model i think it create structural brushes. i not know personally the difference between detailed and structural brushes. : \

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i not know personally the difference between detailed and structural brushes. : \


Detail brushes are not used for VIS calculation. They are what they are - details. On the other hands, structural brushes tell the compiler that they can be used to wall off separate sections of the map. Also, it could be a very simple test - detail brushes seem to cause a leak error when they are in touch with the void. Then again, I'm completely drunk, so take these last words with a pinch of salt.

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@@Langerd pretty interessing. i will apply that on my Nupraptor map...


AHAHAH i was typing "on my spawnflags map"


@@Ramikad : me drunk too XDDD . sleeping again ROTFL!

however, thanks for the drunking explanation about detailed. mmm i ever get trouble to make -vis building, so many times i skip there, maybe it's also for that that some sctructural brushes are invisibles and i need to convert on detailed.

thanks for hint: i will never make detailed a brush that is outside of skybox edge of worldspawn.

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