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I can do that. I can add the shell ejection port on the opposite side or the bottom. Here is what I did just now with it put on the bottom for a placeholder. I still have to add some stuff to the area above the trigger area to flatten it out. I've got to put something on the top of the weapon itself in the middle section.. I'm not sure I want a scope so if you have any ideas lemme know.



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Remember to adjust settings in Blender so that the backsides of polygons are NOT rendered because of how many flipped polygons I found.


I didn't know what you meant til Boothand made a video and then I got it. I guess I needed to see it to understand it. These models are all hollow and extra vertices are removed and all that.. well, except the shotgun cause that is just starting being built. 

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I'd do the railing style iron sights like on the M16A3


I can give that a try. I was looking at some shotgun/rifle accessories and didn't come up with anything decent. My reference image in post #53 has a rail and I may just make that and put a red dot scope on it. 

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He probably meant flipped normals on the polygons? The polygons we found on the inside are unrelated to that, but you could always make the normals consistent with CTRL N, in case you run into flipped normals. They are usually identified by being black or darker than usual.

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He probably meant flipped normals on the polygons? The polygons we found on the inside are unrelated to that, but you could always make the normals consistent with CTRL N, in case you run into flipped normals. They are usually identified by being black or darker than usual.


And you see those in object mode, then? 

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I guess I don't have any flipped ones. Or, if I did, selecting the mesh and using CTRL-N recalculated or realigned them.. When I was messing around with the shotgun I noticed one face in the barrel  was black and I fixed that. 


At any rate...


I was able to get the ejection port done last night on the side of the shotgun. I also enlarged the barrel and dropped it down a bit to be more in line with the ejection port and magazine on the other side.






Here on this side is where the magazine will go. Still not sure whether I want it as an energy shotgun or traditional. If the former, I'll just delete the ejection chamber from the weapon. I also started to construct the receiver that @@JAWSFreelao suggested. 




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I'm going to end up making the rail you suggested I'm just going to make it shorter to save on vertices. I may raise it up on supports and leave it empty or put a scope on it. That should give it some filler. I'll have images up later on tonight when I get a chance to mess with it. 

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Well......not really... There was just too high a vertice count with that square wave looking bar and a scope so this is what I came up.





I put the clip in the model and on this side of the model I've put two adjuster thingy's. I may make them bigger but they look alright there.



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Since I've been getting better acclimated to Blender I decided to re-do my Stielhandgranate influenced Star Wars grenade. I fattened up the explosive charge and shortened the handle. On the handle I added in two buttons which could act as an arming device or whatever. Doesn't matter. 



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That looks better than your first. :)


Well, those first ones were my first attempt at anything with Blender. Working on the A-295 rifle over and over again..almost daily..really helped. I would build it so far then delete it and start all over on purpose. The repetition getting used to the commands helped and each time I built it up a bit better than before. That's probably why that shotgun came together so quickly.


I'm going to make the standard Star Wars grenade also, http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Fragmentation_grenade but, I'm going to change the textures. I also think I'm going to change the timer on the top keep it in the up position just to give it some depth.

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I like that, but I prefer a different model personally- the white cylinder seen above a stormtrooper's butt- that's supposed to be a grenade. (Best image I could find without putting in a ton of effort)



I'll do both. That Stormtrooper one looks really simple to make. I also think I should be able to use the texture from my Lab cutscene for for the body.

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Thanks to @@Boothand 's explanation I was able to get the Paint function setup properly in Blender. I also got loading textures in to paint with down as well. I still gotta figure out how I'm going to do the lettering. I may have to do that in Gimp or something.


I did do that in Paint.net. Took a while to align it the way I wanted but it's looking like I want it now. The lettering says "Before use arm detonator".


Methinks tomorrow I'm going to get my gun textures ready and maybe start the A-295 texturing and see what happens.



Edited by IrocJeff
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