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Working towards a first release


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Nice, I'm probably one of the few long time JA modders that hasn't installed openJK as a stand alone outside of the DF2 mod build. I'll probably download and install though once this is available since I'm too lazy to do a visual studio build + manual install.

You didn't know about the pre-made builds? http://builds.openjk.org/


You have to change the install icon and alter the grayed out NIS text!

I'm not sure if the latter will be possible when generating the installer via CPack.

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The core files are DLLs only. You can choose to install only the client files (OpenJK.exe and the renderer) or only the server file (openjkded.exe). I probably need to rethink the grouping because you can end up installing only the DLLs and not have a working game.

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The core files are DLLs only. You can choose to install only the client files (OpenJK.exe and the renderer) or only the server file (openjkded.exe). I probably need to rethink the grouping because you can end up installing only the DLLs and not have a working game.

I think as long as the options have a description (like if you hover over it with mouse or highlight it) that explain what it includes, people won't be too mad if they install only dlls or something.

JKG Developer

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One main thing on the installer-- please make sure it uninstalls itself completely (should a user decide to do so...) and not leave any files or folder structures behind, etc.

Seconded.  This includes temporary .ini files and directory structures.

JKG Developer

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Would it be possible to have an option to copy over the JKA pk3's (specify a path to the JKA directory) into the new OpenJK directory?

I'll investigate the possibility. I think this is the cleanest way to ensure assets are in the right place but some people might not like having two copies of JKA.


What about JK2SP mode? Is that not being included in a first release?

I'm not sure how stable it is at this point. I don't think it's been used as much as JKA SP and I imagine there's a number of problems with save files etc. I think it's better if we defer it to a later release where it will be more polished.
Tempust85 likes this
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On the topic of uninstalling completely:

  • Mods and other custom user content shouldn't be removed from any directory (i.e. don't remove anything not installed by the installer)
  • Contents inside My Games\OpenJK (i.e. files that are written during gameplay) should only be removed given a checkbox, or not at all.

    The directory will include standard cruft such as servercache.dat and security.log, but it must be the user's decision to remove this stuff.

  • Every user will have their own My Games folder, so the installer would have to take this into account by trying to enumerate all the users on the computer.

    Everyone's free to use their own home path though, and even have multiple home paths, so I'd just not even remove any of them. (And maybe say a message about the user data not being removed after uninstallation)

Futuza likes this
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Is this a launcher too, or just an installer?

Just an installer. When we do have a launcher, this would be the installer for the launcher instead.


I'm not entirely sure how the uninstaller works at the moment (the entire installer and uninstaller and auto-generated by the build system), but I'll investigate. I think we'll keep thinks really simple for now though, so probably it will only remove files that the installer created but I need to double check.

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If you're having trouble with the installer-maker, I suggest using InstallJammer as an alternative. I've found to be quite easy to use, neat, and efficient. Both the install and uninstall work really well.

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If you're having trouble with the installer-maker, I suggest using InstallJammer as an alternative. I've found to be quite easy to use, neat, and efficient. Both the install and uninstall work really well.

I really doubt that CMake's CPack feature supports InstallJammer generating.

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