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[Mapping Project] The Multi-Mapper Jedi Temple !

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Hey ! Come on !


If you are a mapper, this project would interest you...


What is it ?



The idea is simple. Creating a Jedi Temple is not such an easy job and sometimes we get really bored because of the number of Jedi Temples which already exist.

But now try to imagine a Jedi Temple created by more than 6 mappers for exemple, we could get a really interesting map. What I propose I simple.


I made a plan, I mean a big plan of a big map project. In the plan, you can see every room of every floor of the Jedi Temple. Now the project begins here: If you are a mapper you can chose one or more than one room you want to make. When you created your room, you put the map file here and at the end we'll get a map created by a lot of mappers.


I will rely every room to fit with the plan and create some of the rooms to participate. After that, I'll give the map file to a friend of mine who'll add scripts and NPCs to make the map RP playable with OJP.


I precise that the ending result will be totally free, the map will be release with the source files and no need to ask to use it or modify it, the idea is to let it to the public domain of Jedi Knight. Every mapper will be credited for the room he created.


You can let your imagination grow for your room, I don't fix much details in the plan, so create it in the way you imagine it. I'll post screens of the map step by step every time I'll get new rooms.


One room one mapper, seducing right ?


And of course, If you want idea of others rooms which are not in the plan, feel free to ask and propose !


I think every mapper would participate, because it's not so long. You just have to make one room. Of course, you can ask more than one but the priority is to let every mapper make at least one room.



Now the plan  (I'll modify my post every time a mapper decide to take a room):



The ground floor:




Rooms you can choose:


- The Exterrior with the Temple Side and the garden.

- The Entrance Hall (Big Defense Room with Huge Pillars).

- Droid Assembly.

- Defense Command Center.

- The Water And Ice Room (with a Cold style and pillars) ---> Lazarus's room.

- All the Exterrior.

- The Secret Temple with Japanese Style.

- Room of the elevator of the ground floor.


1st Floor:




Rooms you can choose:


- Huge Meditation Chamber.

- Mystic Chamber with a statue (ChaoticConundrum's room). 

- One of the twelve training rooms.

- One of the six meditation rooms.

- Stone and Rock Room (with an ancient temple style and pillars).

- Iron and Air Room (In a sky style with transparent pillars).

- Room of the elevator of the 1st floor.


2nd Floor:




- Room of the elevator of the 2nd floor.

- The big hall with a big plant and a fountain, with an elegant style with details.

- Toilets and Bath.

- The Cantina and the Bar room.

- Distraction Room (with what you want, totally free).

- One of the thirteen BedRooms.

- The Wine Cave (a gift for all those who like alcool a lot ;) ).


3rd Floor:




- Ceremonial Room (like Yavin IV Jedi Academy and council room, with chairs and a big window in the

Jedi Academy style).

- Room of the elevator of the 3rd floor.

- Administration and control room (with buttons and a desk).


1st Underground:




- The Red Cavern (Red Rock cavern with crystal lights)


2nd Underground:




- The Green Cavern (Green Dark Rock Cavern with less light green crystal than the 1st underground.


3st Underground:




- The Blue Cavern (Very Dark Blue Rock Cavern with rare blue crystal light and a big ancient secret chamber

with eternal blue fire and a big crystal like a relic).




Rooms already in creation:


- The dark garden of the ground ---> Me.

- The Old Hidden Training Temple of the 1st underground ---> Me.

- Fire and Lava room ---> Me.

- Hallways ---> Me, unless if you are interested ?

- Mystic Chamber with a statue ---> ChaoticConundrum

- Water and Ice room ---> Lazarus



I hope this project will end and you'll be motivated, after all, I don't ask you the complete map, just one room. :)

When the map will be released, I will invite every mapper who participate to my server to test it together. :)


I Hope you'll take that project seriously. If some rooms are missing at the end I will map them.


I hope to see the style of every mapper in every room. :P



And now, I you want to participate, come here and telle me which room you choose and so the project will be started !

Cerez and Boothand like this

Originally, an MP RP Map for RP Clans and games.


It can be a SP Version but I prefer creating a RP MP Map. :)


Oh, I didn't realize it was an RP map. I guess flow doesn't matter then. Good luck. I hope some people volunteer. 


Thank you very much :) Not interested ?


(I saw your Syko's JKFiles Mirror, it's an honour two of my map packs are in your files, maybe you should want to add the third I posted on JKHub :P ...) 

- Mystic Chamber with a statue.

Called it.


But I have questions.


What is OJP and does it involve OpenJK?

Do you have a deadline for this?

Is there a specific version of GTK that we're gonna have to use?  (I've only worked with 1.4.)


You've made a ton of rooms, and I don't think there are enough mappers for them all...  Do you need six meditation rooms and 12 training rooms, and then three giant crystal caves?  o.o  Is this the final layout idea, or can it be worked on a little bit?


Also, how are these rooms going to be attached?  Are you going to take them and put them together, or what?  And who is responsible for the hallways between the rooms?


I do like the idea, I'm just asking questions because there's stuff that I would like to know sooner rather than later.  :P


OJP is OpenJediProject, a mod which totally change the game and some clans (like mine) use it for RP. :P


Mapping is the same, nothing change. Unless you can do some SP Scripts which now go on in MP With OJP. :)



About the deadline, the faster is better, but If you need time, take time. :) No worry about it. It would be cool to have it before 2016 of course x) 

If you have time to begin soon, I don't reject it. ^^

Of course, If you give me the room before one week it would be easier to get a first form for screens and interest new mappers to the project. :)


I think meditation rooms could be created by the same person, bedrooms too and trainings too, but I give a chance to any mapper who want to try. :)


About the undergrounds, If nobody could do it, I can do it myself and maybe eraze one underground, but it is important to have two of theses. :)


Or maybe one underground with 3 parts...


I'm going to put them together I think, and do the hallways. Of course If you are inspired by the hallways, you can do it too !


So go on for the mystic chamber :P

Artemis likes this

A lot of details are sketchy, however, I can do a room whenever I find the time for it.


First of all, your map lacks a bit of details, asuming how big you want certain rooms, you say huge... but in what retrospect. RP is about the interaction you can have with each other, and the environment should be inviting. Also what theme must it have? I am a person who works a lot with metal textures/ shaders and outdoor stuff. You wont see me make tombs for instance, cause well, I am not a person who likes square like maps and labyrinths. If i would do a tomb, it would look a lot more like Skyrim than Korriban anyway.


I like challenges scriptwise, but not gonna overdo it, so i ll skip the droidassembly. Maybe if i am up for it later, but now, if someone else wants it, go for it.


I 'd like for instance to do the ice room if you dont mind. Does it have to be a particular size? What should be in the ice room? Do I have creative restrictions. You gotta fill in some blanks for me. For example, can the ice-room have an enclosed outdoor section? Can I have npc's spawn? Purpose of the room, is it for training or just a simple spot to relax? Height and width of the doorways? Just to sum a few up that come to my mind.


I don't make a lot of details because I want every mapper to do what he thinks is right.


Your theme completly fit with the Droid Assembly and the two Command Centers (ground and 3rd floor).


For the ice room I was thinking about that style:




Anyway, do what you have in mind, NPCs are allowed but I prefer putting them after the map will be complete and it will be a special room, for a special force connexion with theses elements and the possibility to fight an Ice Boss. :)


Please define what you have in mind about outdoor ?


I can do entity modding and scripting, but placing lots of npcs with dialog items will boring for me. But I can do special script and cinematics.


I think it is Aidden who will make that. Nice :D

I think you would make that ? http://jkhub.org/files/file/1991-fja-roleplay-plugin-for-ojp-and-source-files/

Yes I helped Aidden. Last time, he was getting problems with the compiler. Must I help him or did he success to solve the problem ?


I am ok with Chaotic Conundrum : bedrooms does not serve except as spawn points (Jedi Holo). You will not sleep during RPs.

2 or 3 rooms are suffisant to simulate the "wake up" when you join the server. Except if you want to personalise rooms for certains membres but it is strange for a "public map".

2 meditation room are suffisant : the utility is to discuss between two or three members. Yep, you can add 3 or 4 training rooms.  It is more useful than meditation rooms.


The fact is that there exist an incredible amount of "RP" maps with training rooms, bed rooms, meditation rooms, admin room, and others and you could find one which is perfect for you.


http://jkhub.org/files/file/1891-jedi-council-gcx-skyboxes-skybox/ (it has a lot of nice bedrooms !)

http://jkhub.org/files/file/1864-sanctuary/ (very beautiful)

http://jkhub.org/files/file/1818-pokemon-pallet-town-route-1-viridian-city/ (No It's a joke)

http://jkhub.org/files/file/1786-jedi-rift-enclave/ (Blue crystal cavern !)

http://jkhub.org/files/file/1697-renaissance-jedi-academy/ (a big RP temple)



I have found a very big RP map with a lot of good features but i can't find the link again (on an other website).



The only new features on your map are these strange red, green and blue caverns. What is their utility ? I am curious.



Good luck :P  May the force be with you.


Hey there !


To clan FJA:


Je connais Aidden, c'est John Wayfort, et avant-hier on parlait de la map qu'il avait trouvé, et il m'a dit sinon être intéressé par le fait de créer un tout nouveau temple et il a dit que tu pouvais aider à scripter si tu le désirais. J'ai été intéressé, j'ai alors fait ce plan, et plutôt que de le faire seul dans mon coin j'ai préféré en faire un truc plus intéressant, une map mappée par plein de personnes et qui refléterait un peu le style de chacun, tout comme un bon film avait été réalisé avec un réalisateur célèbre par séquence mais je ne sais plus le nom... x)


Je pense que les dortoirs nombreux permettent des events RPs intéressants, surtout que je ferai les lights pour la nuit et le jour (et peut-être même pour la fin de journée ^^), les souterrains sont des zones cachées qui peuvent servir en RP à quiconque leur trouve un intérêt. :P Ils sont là, pas obliger de les prendre mais au moins ils sont là.


Le besoin de créer une nouvelle map ? Avoir la sensation de diversité, la sensation de quelque chose de nouveau, de complet, où chacun y a mis de son grain pour en faire un édifice représentatif du mix des idées communes de ce qu'est une Académie Jedi. :P

  • 3 weeks later...

faudrait ptêt proposer un peu plus que "vous aurez l'honneur d'avoir votre nom sur la liste des créateurs de la map" comme récompense...

  • 4 weeks later...

Je n'ai pas d'argent à donner et je ne peux pas vendre mon corps.


Que suggères-tu ?


Les seuls talents que je peux réellement vendre concerne des commandes de musiques ou de projets audiovisuels qui nécessiteraient un déplacement et coûteraient du coup beaucoup plus chers qu'une simple map... x)


C'est pourquoi je lance ça au volontariat, mais le projet n'a pas pris, ce n'est pas très grave, je m'en suis plutôt bien remis, ne t'inquiètes pas pour moi. :)


What an interesting suggestion! I take it that this is a new Jedi Temple building of an original design?


I wonder if a project like this could be set up to (re-)create the massive Jedi Council building on Coruscant, and if JKA would be able to handle a map of that scale. I know @ had issues implementing the full scale of the Senate building...

  • 2 weeks later...

I might have something you could use or I could modify something I have u can use.  what kinda of area u need right now?  I do have a couple under developed projects or areas I have made for other maps nobody has ever seen before.  I just made a kool looking torch with ja  textures and one custom texture for the temple map I am working on, as you described your temple map you wanted to make it kinda sound sort of like the map I am making 'cept it's not exactly rpg type of map but there are a couple things in there I've tried to incorporate that people like to have in a map then a whole lot more....it's the temple of Mechanism WIP in the WIp section soon to hopefully have a playable beta by this weekend hopefully.  When I do release a beta, I'd like you to check it out and tell me if there are some rpg elements I could add.  I'm not much of an rpg'er and I haven't played JK3 in a coons age so I don't know much about what you guys like in your maps.  So far the temple maps has a ritual duel area with observation platform, a large outside area with trees and forest, It has a place that looked like a japanese dojo in a previous map but I retextured to look more primitive.  It's got a duel platform, lots of secrets, a rancor in a large Volcano caldera you can jump around on, a bar complete with arcade games and a dance floor.  It has an elevator that goes from the temple top into the dojo.  A few of the things you described kinda sounded lijke the map I am currently working on other than the fact most of the work I have done myself, oh, and did I mention it's got a full 18 hole adventure Thermal golf course?  (Sorry I'm not trying to plug my new map here)  Is that kind of stuff what people like in an rpg map or is there something I need to add I haven't described?



I also see you have some cavern stuff you want to build.  I can punch out a cavern in a jiffy.  I do have one map I made and it had a very large indoor cavern in it.  I never liked the stuff I made in the cavern but the cavern itself is massive and pretty kool.  I considered using it for my new map but used a different area instead.  I could gut it and have a fairly large cavern to work with.  Just let me know what you need.

  • 2 weeks later...

Je n'ai pas d'argent à donner et je ne peux pas vendre mon corps.


Que suggères-tu ?


Les seuls talents que je peux réellement vendre concerne des commandes de musiques ou de projets audiovisuels qui nécessiteraient un déplacement et coûteraient du coup beaucoup plus chers qu'une simple map... x)


C'est pourquoi je lance ça au volontariat, mais le projet n'a pas pris, ce n'est pas très grave, je m'en suis plutôt bien remis, ne t'inquiètes pas pour moi. :)


Je prends ce post pour un troll de ta part. Donner de l'argent pour que les gens moddent comme veut le faire Valve ?


Sache qu'une récompense n'est pas forcément matérielle, surtout dans le milieu du modding où les gens ont l'habitude de donner beaucoup sans toujours recevoir.


Cela peut prendre la forme d'une pièce grandiose avec une dédicace aux contributeurs (comme sur academy_v3). Il y a des tas de manière de montrer de la reconnaissance. Là, la meilleure tournure pour ton projet aurait été de lancer une map "spéciale JKHUB" libre opensource où chacun peut y contribuer, et où les choix sont fait par la communauté.



N'y vois rien de méchant mais là, j'ai traduis ton projet comme étant:

"Je veux faire une super map pour mon clan la meilleure mais j'ai pas les compétences pour donc je demande aux autres de faire pour moi mais c'est quand même moi qui suis l'architecte global qui leur dit tout quoi faire".



Modb est rempli de projets avortés qui n'ont jamais dépassé le stade alpha car ils étaient lancés et surtout dirigés par des gens qui n'avaient pas les compétences et espéraient que d'autres gens intéressés et compétents viendraient faire à leur place.


Oui, je n'y vois pas de problème, les intentions sont claires dés le départ:


"Est-ce que cette map là intéresse quelqu'un ?"


Sachant que c'est du pièce par pièce, ce n'était qu'un peu de temps, rien de plus. :)


peu de temps ?  un projet à plusieurs nécessite beaucoup de coordinaiton... et la coordination demande beaaaaaaucouuuuuup de temps.


Oui, je n'y vois pas de problème, les intentions sont claires dés le départ: "Est-ce que cette map là intéresse quelqu'un ?"


:D :D :D :D

 ah ouais d'accord ! Excellent le coup du "Cette map là vous intéresse ? Ben faites la vous-même !"



Ben d'où le principe du "Request", c'est une requête, mais pas pour un seul mappeur, pour plusieurs, car je suis bien conscient qu'un seul mappeur ne voudra pas faire une map aussi longue, alors je trouve des alternatives. La map aurait été signée par la communauté, et je donnais les informations dés le début, on accepte on refuse mais on est averti.


Je n'ai pas besoin de conscience ou de police pour m'expliquer ce qui se fait sur Jedi Knight, aujourd'hui également,

Je te demande seulement la paix, ignore moi plutôt que de me faire ce genres de réflexions qui se ressemblent toujours, considère ça comme un cadeau


d'anniversaire. Le temps que je passe sur l'ordi est très réduit alors j'aimerais mieux le passer dans la joie et la bonne humeur. Beaucoup de membres ont apprécié le principe, je ne te demande pas d'y adhérer, respecte leur décision. J'ai entendu la tienne, que tu as le droit d'exprimer, mais n'insiste pas, nous ne sommes pas en accord. :)


En fait, de là où je suis, j'aimerais un peu de paix...


ben je suis justement des membres qui ont apprécié ton principe de map, au même titre que ChaoticConundrum, Lazarus, Cerez  ou lil_binger qui nous sommes intéressés à ton idée, et qui avons voulu en apprendre plus et proposer des choses.

Sauf que l'esprit humain est fait qu'on attends toujours que celui qui a donné l'idée prenne les choses en main, commence et lance réellement le projet en posant les première briques (excepté les idées qui peuvent rapporter de l'argent, là tout le monde cherche à la mettre en oeuvre avec ou sans toi).


Là en l'occurence, on attends juste que tu nous fasses ta/tes première pièce et que tu nous files le fichier. Et ce n'est pas moi qui risque de commencer puisque je ne peux pas scripter sans map...



mais le projet n'a pas pris, ce n'est pas très grave, je m'en suis plutôt bien remis, ne t'inquiètes pas pour moi.


donc au lieu de crier que ton idée est morte et que je te harcèle, respecte notre volontariat et lance vraiment ton idée. Après il y aura tjs des gens pour  le poursuivre et rajouter des pièces.


à moins que tu n'ai commencé ton projet sur ton forum rp sans nous en informer. Auquel cas, je vois mal l'intérêt d'avoir posté l'idée ici.

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