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GTKRadiant Hates my Map - Degenerate Planes where There Aren't Any As Well As A Leak to top it all off

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Ahem, sorry about that. Just letting my frustration out after spending hours on a complex mapping technique only to have it refuse compile in the most heinous way.


So I was following  @Szico VII's Horizon Blending tutorial and the terrain in question I have at the moment is quite large, so the terrain blending hexagon was also fairly large. I replicated it quite well but upon compiling I get thousands of Degenerate Plane errors that pop up. When I select them it takes me to the offending brush in the editor but much to my annoyance its one of the brushes I've used for the Horizon Blending tutorial and ofc deleting gets rid of it for good.


Not to mention my map is now apparently leaking through the Easygen Terrain and placing a giant caulk box around things does nothing to stop the leaking. As you can see I'm in quite a bit of a pickle, some assistance would be insanely appreciated right now.


EDIT: bobtoolz Brush Cleanup and regular GTK Radiant 1.5 Brush Cleanup is doing nothing to help things, it isn't removing any duplicate or bad brushes so I'm not sure why the compile is stopping me.


EDIT2: Oh... dear.... god. Okay so I copy and pasted the map into a blank GTK Radiant and was met with some missing brushes from the original as well as some strange warped demented looking ones. I guess I could try rebuilding the hexagon... T_T

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What kind of things are you doing to the brushes before they become corrupt? Funnily enough, I often had this error moving vertices around, but in 1.6, and not in 1.5.

Suppose you haven't rotated any brushes?


I often had to spam the bobtoolz cleanup button for it to do.. more things.


Leaking errors sometimes happen when a model's pivot point sticks through the ground, I think, although if you sealed it afterwards and still the same, I don't know if that applies anymore...

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Well, I hadn't done anything to the brushes. I was just dragging them the regular way to resize them as the hexagon got bigger and bigger. Basically there was a lot of space bar duplication to save time lol. Uh oh come to think of it, I did rotate some of the brushes a few times... If there's no way of fixing it I suppose I'll just have to rebuild it



In the new blank Radiant scene the brushes look astonishingly warped after being Copy and Pasted yet the original looks absolutely fine... Must be ghosts altering my brushes lol


EDIT: All the degenerate brushes appear to be... the horizon blending hexagon. Would the fact the map is really large have anything to do with GTK Radiant messing up? I scaled all of it down to 0.5 but then the map refused to compile in a way that wouldn't even tell me what was leaked it just... stopped.


I'm also noticing that there's tonnes of 'Bad Normal' errors in the actual compiler but it's not stopping it like the degenerate planes error.

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I have sometimes an issue thats is caused by a moving entity, such as the info_player_spawn. It helps to check that out if its still there. Delete it and replace it. (helps for me)


I am using GTK 1.4, cause I find that one more reliable than 1.5 (plus controls are easier imo)


Also, I dont find easygen a good solution to work terrain with, indeed it brings errors along the road. Ever considered to do handshaped terrain? (Thats how i do it at leas). It does take more time, I must warn you.


About your degenerate plane, I have no clue about this why it pops up? If you copied a lot, it migth happen, but indeed as @@Boothand said if you spam your bobtoolz cleanup tool constantly, it shouldn't happen.

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Woohoo! After spending an ungodly time rebuilding the horizon blending hexagon the bleeding thing stops giving me degenerate plane errors and isn't even leaking anymore :). After all that pain though I still did get a MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY EXCEEDED warning. My worldspawn _blocksize is at 2048 at the moment, is there anyway to get rid of that error so I can compile and see the (hopefully) beautiful effect. Would increasing the _blocksize maybe help? I'm just happy to be stuck with only ONE error now haha


EDIT: Doubling the block size worked and now it compiles perfectly, just need to experiment now to get the look just right.


EDIT2: The sheer size of things diminished the effect a little but at least it works :D









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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally I think most folks should stick to GTk 1.4 for one reason, GTK 1.5 is good, but it'll allow you to rotate brushes without (seemingly messing them up), the truth is that 9/10 they do become messed up. This is very apparent when you open a map you've built in 1.5 in 1.4. you'll see allot of thing's 1.5 deceptively let you think you got away with become messed up. This is why I build thing's like Titanic's hull etc in 1.4 and do my main work entities and normal detailing and such in 1.5. Ad you're are right, the Bobtoolz in 1.5 is broke, it will repeatedly every time you use it tell you it has removed 'X" amount of messed up brushes, but without actually doing it, nor does it select them like 1.4 will. Also make sure you try to stay at grid 2 or higher during building and every once in a while, set your grid down to w/e the lowest size brush you built was, (for me its grid 2 quite often), and press "I" then Ctrl + T, what this does, I of course selects every thing, Ctrl + T snap's it to w/e grid you chose (in this example 2). This will not mess up any brushes built on grid 4, 8, 16 and up etc. but if it got messed up (bad normals) or accidentally knocked to grid one etc, it will snap them back. At the very least you'll be able to see what is messed up using this. This is how I do such bug work in 1.5.

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