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How to make non solid patch?

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    qer_editorimage    textures/h_evil/wfn2
    surfaceparm    nonsolid
    surfaceparm    nonopaque
    surfaceparm    water
    surfaceparm    trans
    q3map_material    Water
    cull    twosided
        map textures/h_evil/wf3
        tcMod scroll 0.03 -0.13
        map textures/h_evil/wfn2
        tcMod stretch sin 1 0.02 0 0.1
        tcMod turb 1 0.02 0 0.15
        tcMod scroll -0.03 -0.1
        map textures/h_evil/waterf1
        tcMod turb 1 0.03 0 0.12
        tcMod scroll 0 -0.17
        map $lightmap
        blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO

In fact this is the offical shader from h_evil shader

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Patches aren't solid at all, so you must be using brushwork, a model or have phys clip/player block there.

But is it weird that i cant shoot throught the waterfall? And i cant get throught it? D: The same with the light... If i use the gradient light on the patch and compile my map the shooted rockets explode into the light!!! This is strange :S 


Anyway the same with the water ... I wanted to make a lake and add the waterfall texture and still... doesnt work. So i copied the orginal shader from assets and add this line in my own shader file ... and guess what? The water worked...


I mean the water made of the default brush material

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This is a very good idea! But i have only the one question... Shaderlist read the shader from shader folder that is in base folder only? Or it read the shaders from assets too? Maybe i will put all the game shaders in the shader folder and it would work


it's a problem of path. you have used a wrong path for the radiant engine, so radiant not read the shaders and not build the light and water as need to build. :) fix the path in the options and make another build. shoulb be works. into the build process you can see the error list. :)

or almost with me that happen for this reason.

the other reason is that probably your radiant not read the shaderlist file, when start the build check the "enter shader" voice at the start of prompt process. :)

My radiant is strange, not read by the folder of gamedata\base , i have exported ALL contains of the pk3 file in a folder called base inside the gamedata \ base folder. and my radiant read by the gamedata \ base \ base >_> i got also the shaderlist.txt into the shaders folder. :)

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it's a problem of path. you have used a wrong path for the radiant engine, so radiant not read the shaders and not build the light and water as need to build. :) fix the path in the options and make another build. shoulb be works. into the build process you can see the error list. :)

or almost with me that happen for this reason.

the other reason is that probably your radiant not read the shaderlist file, when start the build check the "enter shader" voice at the start of prompt process. :)

My radiant is strange, not read by the folder of gamedata\base , i have exported ALL contains of the pk3 file in a folder called base inside the gamedata \ base folder. and my radiant read by the gamedata \ base \ base >_> i got also the shaderlist.txt into the shaders folder. :)

Ok but the strange fact is this i have a good paths D: it reads from the base folder but it doesnt read from the assest from some reason...

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Ok but the strange fact is this i have a good paths D: it reads from the base folder but it doesnt read from the assest from some reason...

you need to unpack ed extract all contains of PK3 files. :\

I use the base\base tecnique so the material used for modding not altered the base assest of JKA overwriting oar adding texture or shader etc. i need a pure game for test my mod. :)

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  //                               //

  //   **** Clean Shaders ****     //

  //         Nov. 7th, 2003        //

  //          By Astrocreep        //

  //          -------------        //

  //    For Level Editing info:    //

  //       www.map-center.com      //

  //          -------------        //

  //    For GtkRadiant Updates:    //

  //       www.qeradiant.com       //

  //                               //











































yavin Mus kor sarn fogi cloudy lodziarnia


This is my shader list ...


The shaders which are mine -Mus kor sarn fogi cloudy lodziarnia


They works fine. But only two of them are in the folders... the rest are in pk3 files and they works fine D:


The shaders the default ones wont work for some reason... i mean the shaders like glowing light works. The same with the glass or lava. But fogs doesnt work and water shaders from H_evil map (map with nogris...). I copied a water shader and paste it in my shader file and it worked... even for patch wchich is non solid (i can shoot and walk through it). This confuse me O.o . I think i should put all the shaders from assets in shader folder and see it will works.


PS I have assets from jk2 and assets from jk3. I changed the name of the assets for jk3. Is this a big problem?

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^ /sv_pure 0 would solve that DT85 ;)

Just add a sv_pure 0 cmd in a autoexec config file


Just a thought, it might have to do with the compiler not being able to read the shader files. JKA might handle the file ok, but q3map skips the surfaceparms. So ingame it looks like water, but doesn't have its properties :P

Tempust85 likes this
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mmm, in my PK3 some of texture used in the shaders for H_evil water are missing. An my game is original. O.o

look in the textures folder of your assest pk3. maybe it not work because some texture is missing. i not understand why works fine for original game and not for modding O.o


Check if you have that textures inside your h_evil folder in assest1.pk3






If someone is missing, water is solid because a stage of shader is missing T_T  you can see the water moving, the water static, or a whited grey squared grid? O.o

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mmm, in my PK3 some of texture used in the shaders for H_evil water are missing. An my game is original. O.o

look in the textures folder of your assest pk3. maybe it not work because some texture is missing. i not understand why works fine for original game and not for modding O.o


Check if you have that textures inside your h_evil folder in assest1.pk3







If someone is missing, water is solid because a stage of shader is missing T_T  you can see the water moving, the water static, or a whited grey squared grid? O.o


About  the shader of that water it is like this:




    qer_editorimage    textures/h_evil/wfn2

    surfaceparm    nonsolid

    surfaceparm    nonopaque

    surfaceparm    water

    surfaceparm    trans

    q3map_material    Water

    cull    twosided


        map textures/h_evil/wf3


        tcMod scroll 0.03 -0.13



        map textures/h_evil/wfn2


        tcMod stretch sin 1 0.02 0 0.1

        tcMod turb 1 0.02 0 0.15

        tcMod scroll -0.03 -0.1



        map textures/h_evil/waterf1


        tcMod turb 1 0.03 0 0.12

        tcMod scroll 0 -0.17



        map $lightmap

        blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO




the textures : wfn2,wf3 and waterf1 are in my textures/h_evil folder.


I can see the water when i use this shader. But as i said it doesnt work . I am Jesus Christ on it. BUT! I copied this shader to mine shader... I used this water texture on my map. I compiled the map and it worked! I was swimming in it not walking on it!

The strange thing is that the texture wasnt missing... It just doesnt worked. So like DT85 said it could be shaderlist problem

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Yea I was about to mention that :P

There are some shaders in JKA that are not used or are remnants of various tests.

Noticed that when I first started mapping :P

I open up a bsp file and look for the texture or place various shaders next to each other in a test level to test them.


Ofc it's faster and often looking better if you create stuff from scratch though. ;)

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i added 3 waterfalls in my swamps map, years ago, and as you, @@Langerd, for work need:

- add to shaderlist

- copy all assests on my textures source folder of gtkradiant,

- add the missing image of shader stages missing.


after your answer, i understood your right: it's a shaderlist problem. because q3map2 read ONLY the shader into the shaderlist file.

if you not put your custom textures folders name into the shaderlist.txt,  q3map2 ignore it into the build and so material as water, lava, snow, ice, glass, are not processed : \

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