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Imported Models

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I found some cool models, lots of them actually but it seems they are from MB2.   { http://extrajka.ru/forum/index.php/topic/27-porty-i-modeli-ltclaim-i-drugie/ }

Now that I have these models in a folder,  I want to work on them, create some skins to publish here, but I don't think these models were ment to be spread around like this,

but since the damage is already done... I have a vision in my head of what I want to create and if I get it done well..  then I'd like a permission to release the skins here.


If I knew who exactly made these models, I would ask for permission privately.


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Hey Zef, nobody here could grant you permission to upload those files here as these models are ported from the Force Unleashed 1&2

Edit : on a second look it seems like the pants for both meshes were taken from a base jka model

Edit 2 : hands aswell

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Yeah Lt.Claim based his 'ports' on the rig of the kyle katarn model, and I think all of his models used the lower part of the body, aswell as the hands as they were already rigged/weighted. He told me that he always struggled with the weighting of the lower body so he decided to stick to using kyle's legs for all of them xD some worked and some looked odd, but he didn't see it as a problem as (correct me if i'm wrong) but the UV of kyle's legs are the same as the majority of the base jka models so it's easily re-skinnable to match the rest of the model. He just never did reskin them :P


Here's one of his last ones he did before he took another break from modding:





It looks fine there, but once the tabard/kilt was added and you run around with him in-game, you can see how badly it was weighted. It was like he has live gremlins in his back trying to escape xD

z3filus, Omicron and DarthStiv like this
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So long as you do more than just use the model's original textures (you mentioned wanting to make several reskins), and you contact lt.claim to ask if you can upload the model (though the original isn't his obviously), then it's a solid maybe xD


I'd suggest doing your reskins anyway, as it's clear your intentions are to do so regardless, and contact claim to see what he says; i'm sure he won't mind so long as he's credited for putting the pieces together. Then upload it and the jkhub staff will make a decision, as the rules state that they take ported content submissions on a case-by-case basis; and without seeing your finished product it's harder to make a decision that would be in your favor.

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instead of using a greasy shader, I was thinking about specular mapping since it's less likely to have a bounty hunter/ an assassin wearing a shiny armor...

edit: oh wait---  Jango Fett  :D


edit 2:  armor is easy to edit as u can see, but the rest of the body is difficult


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If you look at my post above ^ you may notice that unlike most skins, the torso.jpg - or in this case "body.jpg" is not as clear to read as usually.
A more detailed skin is always easier to edit because you know which area to edit. One simple trick is to draw lines where you think the abs & ribs are e.g. (image)
It may take a few tries to get the lines correctly but once that's done, it will be much easier to add all kinds of details. Try to locate the ammo pouch, help me out :D

By the way: Notice the belt at the lower part of "body.jpg" which I blacked out. It didn't show anywhere no matter how I spin the model in ModView.








I wrote off most of the spine -model - it was just akward. I have no idea what this "terror trooper" is ... but the original skin looks like General Grievous :huh:
I also wrote off the claws from hands and the antenna that was part of the spine, or neck actually, I would have loved to keep it but it looked weird =
It was part of the spine/neck and after I removed spine_things, the antenna was floating behind his neck.. but it actually looks better without it.




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When I made my skin of it, I drew guides and wrote in different colours the various sections on the body texture, as some points I had to make the grey/silver/chrome metal while others keeping black, I'll see if I can dig it up when I get home. Also, you'll probably need to make the textures from scratch so it could be uploaded here, just to avoid all that legal crap. I'll need to do some small editing on mine, as the torso uses some parts of the original still (chest namely) but it shouldn't take long to make my own, as I did start it AGES ago and have since got better at texturing in general

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what @@Omicron suggested there works wonders, do that all the time when working with meshes I didn't create (mini's AT-ST for example)

a quick alternative would be using a "rainbow" gradient map  without repeating colors

and applieing that to the model - going by the color variations a piece on the mesh has you can identify it easily

this works even better if you have a 2 gradients in there (overlay a black-to-white horizontal gradient above the vertical rainbow gradient)

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you'll probably need to make the textures from scratch so it could be uploaded here, just to avoid all that legal crap.


Definetly, because this skin is very low quality to begin with. Im going to make the skin look as much like BAO DeathStroke as possible. http://images.gameskinny.com/gameskinny/2a2a978eca23c1adff7028e073802ee9.jpg

The idea is to first create high quality textured DeathStroke and then make some look-a-likes, maybe even MortalKombat style skins and snowball it into one skinpack.

@AshuraDX using a "rainbow" map to identify parts is a good idea, creating new textures for all parts anyhow so... going carnival clown on this wont ruin it :D



edit:  While im at it I might aswell create an actual  terror trooper skin

edit:  @Milamber likes fish

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I spoke with claim today and it looks like he's got no problems for you to upload your reskins/model frankensteins of what he worked on. I've asked him to write up a readme file so that you can add it with your files when you upload them so credit can be given where it's due (for rigging, weighting etc).
I'll include it in this topic when he writes it up, and pm both of you so you have it. I'll pester him when I see him online each day, he tends to forget to do things unless prompted :P

DarthStiv, Mandalorian and Omicron like this
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yeah thanks @Ruxith, you really shouldn't have done that but I appreciate this. I haven't had the time to contact him.







Can someone fix this for me? Im lucky I noticed this at this point, because I dont feel like working on something like this.
I will have to look for another model to use for my skinpack, probably a mando-- f*cking palpatinesithjediscumlukesdirtyunderpantskyleface


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