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[Request] Model - Savage Opress

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Hey, everybody. I haven't requested this for a while and to tell the truth, it really has been festering like crazy so I couldn't hold off from requesting it any longer. What I'm requesting here is a character that was mentioned as half a clan pair in the Darth Plagueis novel, and who was later developed in The Clone Wars. Passion is his root. His name is Savage Opress, legacy of Kycina, brother and apprentice of Darth Maul, felled by the one and only Darth Sidious. And he was likely to be the next coming of Darth Revan or Darth Malgus, were he fully trained.


I know some of you might misperceive this as a request for the ThunderBirds-animated style of Savage Opress from The Clone Wars TV series, but I would actually like to see a realistic take that some people might actually find a lot more appealing. Something more badass, as it were. And luckily, I have one link full of beautiful references.




Seriously, an incarnation like this is a rarity. It was done beautifully and I think it would be really awesome to see in JKA, especially for people like me. I have a lot of friends who've been wanting this to happen for a while now. So you might ask: What's wrong with the ported model?


  • It's still stuck with the ThunderBirds animation style that lacks a real feel to it. It sucks because I can't even stick it in the same category with DT85's Darth Maul at this point, and they're brothers.
  • The textures are pretty shoddy and low-res as far as I can tell, and even if they were realistic, I'm not sure they would function very well with the model.
  • There are a few bothersome bugs with the model. For instance, a patch of skin next to the eyes weirdly goes black and textureless. Also, the eyes clip through the face in a weird way.
  • The teeth textures are... ugh.
  • The kilt insignia somehow turned into a horribly wrong mess.

Those are just off the top of my head. Now let's move onto specifying what I would also like to see added to such a model:

  • One or two horns were cut on his head during his battle with Obi-Wan and Anakin, and that would be generous to add.
  • In the comics, Savage Opress seemed to have a black cloak that is somewhat like Luke's in ROTJ. I'd love to see robed variants.
  • Later on in the series, Savage's left arm was severed from his body by Obi-Wan. When he was retrieved with Maul by the Death Watch, he got a new badass-looking prosthetic arm and I'd like to see that added to the model as well, rather than just two regular arms. Can be kind of boring.
  • It would be cool, in my opinion, if he had black fingernails. More preferable.

You can find the references for the horns, cloak, and prosthetic arm below, so bonus points!


























This model is all I'm really gonna want from JKHub for years... and years... and, years...


Anyway, thank you if you had enough courtesy to hear my message and consider this project. I wouldn't be the only one you'd make very happy, trust me on that. Even DT85 thought this might be pretty cool to see in JKA.


Reference Update:

Effacer, Bek, Merek and 1 other like this

The robed version would be simple enough to make. Just get a robed Darth Maul, change the red on his face to Yellow, Give him a different Staff saber to resemble the one from the sources, and add new sounds.


Anyone is free to butcher my Maul model if it helps to fill this request. :)


Yours would probably be the best to do that with.


I dug out an old Maul I had and edited it, got it looking like the robed version.




Fairly simple.


I don't want easy reskins with skin color changing, though. What I'm requesting is the real deal. :P He simply needs a new model.


Plus, Savage uses different robes than Maul's cowl in Episode I.


I agree that this model be built since there hasn't been one yet, it would also be great for the fans to make user mods out of it but if you're going to start him off from Maul, please make him more bulky and stronger looking...


Savage is actually really tall, so yeah. Much taller than Maul or Sidious. Also, like I said, I'm not into the ThunderBirds style or low-res textures. He definitely needs a new, realistic model.


Also, notice how on Mustafar and Nal Hutta Savage Opress's left prosthetic arm isn't wrapped up, but on Zanbar and Mandalore it is. Maybe both variants of the prosthetic arm could be added.


(Just a thought. If you're only going to do one variant, however, I suggest doing the one wrapped up.)


Also, notice how on Mustafar and Nal Hutta Savage Opress's left prosthetic arm isn't wrapped up, but on Zanbar and Mandalore it is. Maybe both variants of the prosthetic arm could be added.


(Just a thought. If you're only going to do one variant, however, I suggest doing the one wrapped up.)


I thought i'd add to the variant request to this, I want a ROBED version with the Prosthetic arm, and a shirtless version with robot arm, without it too, and with and without the broken horns.


(This may sound like a silly request, but to those who love the character, will want all versions possible).

Lamented likes this

I know exactly what you mean. It's just that this request is more likely to be taken without much overkill work.


Savage with the broken horns and prosthetic arm and hooded/unhooded cowl is mainly what I'm after for the moment, considering it is how he looks in the final fight of his life against Sidious.


I'll always be his biggest fan!


This is true. I the modeler is up for such expansion, it's his choice, however.


Again, I'm really only interested in his final look with a realistic take and his black robe and nothing else, but I wouldn't mind his appearance before either. I just like him better with dynamic features and he was more accomplished in the end of his time as a Sith, hence why he had a robe eventually.

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