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Dusty's Patch: An SP mod for JA

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Even though I haven't posted a comprehensive feature list so far, from what you've seen, do you have any interest in this mod and what it plans to do either independently or as a branch of JK: Enhanced?



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I think making progress and showing a video or something that illustrates all the features. Big, long lists aren't really what people are attracted to or will take the time to read.


I'm interested, however.

Stoiss likes this
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Like i said, nobody will really take the effort to read all the changes. You'd get quite a bit more votes if you illustrated the changes.


Anyway, at this stage, the mod should be about what you want, regardless of people's interest, generally. I guarantee people will be interested when they see progress.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Like i said, nobody will really take the effort to read all the changes. You'd get quite a bit more votes if you illustrated the changes.


Anyway, at this stage, the mod should be about what you want, regardless of people's interest, generally. I guarantee people will be interested when they see progress.


I'm done with any serious MB2 work for a wee bit now... sooooo, SP TIEM NAOW!

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So, right now I'm just waiting on redsaurus, as he's my coding backbone. There's so many things in the mod I can do without code but it's slightly more messy in a quality/security sort of way, so that's part of the dilemma. Maybe I should stick to a majority of codeless things though until the features of the mod are more... "set", because that's a lot more malleable than hard-code and easier fixing and changing on my end.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Everything is working now so I'm finally able to start modding the SP saber system hehehehe.... ^_^


Already testing out some mods. They don't quite work the way I intended but I'm starting to understand all those boulders of code if wp_saber.

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Here's a list of what the previous version of the mod did to NPCs:





Changes from Base JA:

  • - Stormtroopers fire faster and have better accuracy
  • - Force cultists have less force points but run faster
  • - Slightly improved accuracy for impworker, human_merc, trandoshan
  • - Rebornmasters given shorter sabers (they had a fracking cheap 6 ft long saber)
  • - A couple slightly tougher Jedi NPCs
  • - Some NPCs like rebel troopers, bespin cops, kyle, luke, desann stats edited

Changes from v0.4 -


- RancorSNP's NPCs fix integrated into my mod

  • Alora_dual is now using Alora2 skin.
  • ¤ Assassin_droid sound fixed .
  • ¤ Fixed Bartender, no longer weird dance.
  • ¤ Deleted Cultist Destroyer (Its just lack of animation, if you wanna keep him just delete Cultist_destroyer.npc from my *.pk3)
  • ¤ Imperial Commander is now using his own voice, no longer same as Imperial Officer
  • ¤ Deleted Jawa_Armed, he's weapon was never fully created, crashing game, no use of them.
  • ¤ Fixed Morgan Katarn, added him few force powers (no saber, he was forceuser not jedi).
  • ¤ Rebel and Rebel 2 are now using their own voice
  • ¤ Rebel 2 now have changed look to rebel pilot
  • ¤ Deleted duplicated Rebel2
  • ¤ Fixed Remote to look like it should be looking. (Still glitchy... but sometimes usable)
  • ¤ Removed RocketTrooper_ver1 this is just scaled stormtrooper, game have another rockettrooper NPC, guess they forgot to delete it.
  • ¤ Tried to fix rocks NPC, it failed so they're deleted. No use of them.
  • ¤ Increased Rosh's hp to prevent him from killing himself while jumping over the river. (has about 50 hp now)
  • ¤ Deleted Test NPC.
  • ¤ Deleted duplicated STOfficerAlt
  • ¤ Changed Tusken Sniper ally and enemy side. Now they're like normal tusken FREE/FREE.
  • ¤ Fixed walk speed of nearly all NPC's. (Useful to scripts, or roleplay NPC controll)

Other stuff (by me, not rancor):

  • - stormtroopers given class_stormtrooper again (as opposed to class_jan, this makes their aim a tad more sloppy and scales their abilities with the game difficulty), hp increased from 30 to 40
  • - tie pilots now fire slightly faster, have slightly better aim than a stormtrooper, and run slightly faster, however has 30 hp
  • - impworker aim improved slightly
  • - jedi npc stats tinkered with more
  • - saber wielding cultists buffed slightly
  • - rebornmasters made slightly less cheap, single wielding masters get tavion style instead of fast style
  • - reborn adepts (the blue new reborns) get an extra force power (it was Force Heal I think) and faster running speed (they seemed kind of pointless as they were just less strong versions of the red reborns)




Some thoughts I had:


Stormtroopers - good but randomized accuracy. They have rank ensign and aim 5, so they aim well, but they also have a slight random error. Skilled yet slightly unrefined. They also have some of the fastest alert times of any gunner NPC now with Class_Swamptrooper. 30 HP --> 40 HP.


Human Mercs - Slightly less terrible accuracy. More aggressive. Maybe lower HP from 100 to 90? (On Jedi Knight and up they'll still have 100+ hp because difficulty increases it)


Grans - may change or remove the Granboxer and shooter. Oddballs they are. Granshooter is not really any different from other gunner NPCs save perfect aim and 50 HP, Granboxer is just kind of weird that they charge at you unarmed...


Trandoshans - More HP (40 --> 50-60), they're supposed to be really strong and tough, moreso than the average human! 5% taller. Maybe uses melee if they lose their weapon and they're really close? Maybe slower speed.


Weequays - 40 HP but slower speed.


Assassin Droids - They can fire with shields up now hehe.


Saboteurs - pretty sure they can't fire while cloaked, what's the point of that? Should fix... Maybe give the pistol wielder one alt-fire by default?


Enemy saberists - 100 yawspeed for less skilled, 140 for more skilled, 160 for top saberists (this affects how rapidly they can use backslash attacks). Better AI for using Dark Rage, recovering from Grip/Drain break outs, using kicks and katas. Increased runspeed possibly for the best saberists (Reborn Master or boss level saberists). Less cheap Reborn Masters, take away some of their AI exploits but give them some combination of things like Tavion style, more HP, more runspeed, etc. Reborn Adepts (blue new reborn) are made into a full fleshed out enemy with different force powers and abilities from Warriors, Reborn Apprentice fills the former role of adepts.


Jedi (students) - they should be tough but not too tough... They hold their own well in 1v1 duels with red reborn warriors (which is a feat considering the reborn have; more hp, better stats, modded sabers, and lots of force powers), but seem so easy to defeat as the player... a light buff


Jedi (masters) - they should be very powerful, better than a Reborn Master really. The Reborn Master should have a bit more raw power due to being powered up originally by Desann and maybe even more by Tavion, but the Jedi Master should have more true skill as they would have more training and discipline. Why do they have staff sabers? Seems odd to me. Perhaps a single-wielding and a staff variant, to complement the Jedi Trainer which has dual sabers, and maybe should have a single-wielding variant.


Imp workers - may give one of them the DEMP2. They aim slightly better, but still terrible :P. If impworker3 is used at all in JA, maybe we can give him the stun baton.


Swamptroopers - perhaps they can be added in some spots...




I'll add more later. Any suggestions or thoughts?

Asgarath83, Grab and therfiles like this
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Mmm, should be nice replace stormtrooper to swamptrooper on t3_hevil and put same shadowtrooper enemy in the last levels. maybe the rest of the forces of Galak that help tavion for revive ragnos and guard her in the last level near the tomb? :)

for the other things, it's fine. i every found boring the shadowtrooper and saboteur not attack when cloacked -.-

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^I think I want to do that. Fighting 2 Reborn Masters at once outside Tavion's tomb? Yes. But then again, I can't help but feel cannonically Jaden wouldn't be capable of such a thing, unless he is considered to be at Kyle's level who could probably take 2 masters at once... Also the shadowtroopers on t3_hevil would be kind of cool... swamptroopers too. Maybe they would be trying to get the jump on the Noghri by attacking from the water :P

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^I think I want to do that. Fighting 2 Reborn Masters at once outside Tavion's tomb? Yes. But then again, I can't help but feel cannonically Jaden wouldn't be capable of such a thing, unless he is considered to be at Kyle's level who could probably take 2 masters at once... Also the shadowtroopers on t3_hevil would be kind of cool... swamptroopers too. Maybe they would be trying to get the jump on the Noghri by attacking from the water :P

You can program a NPC shadowtrooper model with CLASS_SWAMPTROOPER. the swamptrooper class CANNOT DROWN and shoul be really fun see cultists with anphibian suite, armored of lightsabes that jump from the water of the lake slashing the noghris. add 2 of that can be sufficient XD

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Give them a saber with the stun_baton model. Have them fight with a wrench. Saber defense 0, attack 1-2.


Good idea, I think the standard version of the stun baton may be more up their alley. Now that I think about it I think I tried giving them one once and when you got within like 2 feet of them they basically killed you instantly, so I may have to tweak that. Either it's just too powerful or NPCs can fire it like 4x as fast as the player can which may be some oversight due to NPCs not being able to use it normally.

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swamptroopers too. Maybe they would be trying to get the jump on the Noghri by attacking from the water :P

I've tested it and, for some reason,they couldn't seem to be able to attack me from the water when they were fully submerged  The only time when I managed to get attacked from NPCs in deep water was by making custom NPC with team 'player',then have them turn on me.

Perhaps you could make them spawn in deep water,then use a waypoint to get them out.

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So, I've written a lot of new and modified code for the saber system.


How it works right now (tested it and it seems to work as planned down to the letter):


Saber Offense and Defense -

- Saber offense gives you an attack power number level of 2 * your offense (2 for level 1, then 4, then 6)

- ^same for saber defense except for defense strength

- attacks below your defense power are knocked away if your saber defense is high enough (100% / very high chance for Saber Defense 3, 50% chance for Saber Defense 2)

- attacks that are equal to your defense strength or below when your saber defense isn't high enough for a knockaway are just blocked and interrupted without the attacker being stunned like a knockaway

- attacks that are above your defense level are blocked but your defense power is subtracted from the opponent's attack power, and the remaining number is added to your stagger counter (1 for defense 1, 2 for defense 2, 3 for def 3)

- once your stagger counter reaches the limit your guard starts breaking and you stagger and the opponent's attack continues uninterrupted, stagger counters decreases by 1 every 1.5 seconds


Other Stuff -

- breakparry and parry bonuses boost offense and defense by their respective numbers (so +1 would be like half a level, +2 would be like a whole saber offense/defense level)

- saber styles give you an attack power modifier; -2 for Fast style, -1 for Tavion/Duals, 0 / no effect for medium style, +1 for staff, and +2 for strong/desann style

- a -1 attack penalty if you're in a transition (transitions are only counted as attacking though with Staff style or anything stronger anyway)

- slight tweaks to how Force Speed and Dark Rage affect attack power

- g_saberLocksEnabled now allows you to control whether saber locks are even possible

- g_saberNewCombat if non-zero turns on the new saber combat mechanics otherwise the old saber system is used

- saber offense 1 or lower causes you to be disarmed randomly by being blocked by saber defense 3 users instead of defense 1 which didn't make sense to me


Bugs/Glitches -

- saber locks seem to happen much less frequently now even when enabled (not sure why, unintended side effect I believe)

- special attacks are always blocked now (I think because they force your attack power to be a flat 2 instead of whatever your power level is +2)



I'll post a vid later, but I can't right now. It still needs tweaks (like having the stagger counter reset after a guard break, maybe slower blocking to show when strong attacks are being blocked, saber locks need fixing, and I want to have Saber Offense levels affect how fast you recover from knockaways), but what do you guys think of how it sounds?

katanamaru and Asgarath83 like this
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I personally don't think you should change the enemies speeds at or not very much. Main reason is that I play with the speed g_speed 200 where default is g_speed 250. This makes them slightly faster than me and I think is a better movement speed. It also makes the rolls faster since they are locked at 250. 


In my custom npc file I've given all saber wielders force heal of 2 or 3. This way they can all heal and make fights last longer. I also gave them different saber colors so that there is some more variety. It's nice.

Asgarath83 likes this
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I personally don't think you should change the enemies speeds at or not very much. Main reason is that I play with the speed g_speed 200 where default is g_speed 250. This makes them slightly faster than me and I think is a better movement speed. It also makes the rolls faster since they are locked at 250. 


In my custom npc file I've given all saber wielders force heal of 2 or 3. This way they can all heal and make fights last longer. I also gave them different saber colors so that there is some more variety. It's nice.


Perhaps you're right. I was going to make most saber wielding enemies run at 215 or 230, and limit the player speed on Jedi Master at 230. I figure this would make it a little tougher to run from enemies and force you to engage them a tad more. The default speed is 200 for almost all enemies. The only saber wielder exception I believe is Rosh_dark who gets 300 run speed.


Force heal? Perhaps. Considering the red reborn are the strongest standard type of saber enemy, I wanted to make the reborn adepts (what I call the blue reborns, red ones I call warriors) and saber cultists have force heal or something unusual. Most enemies don't need/benefit from Force Heal compared to the player though, as enemy's have more HP, 200 + shadowtrooper damage reduction for reborn masters, 300+ hp and damage reduction for most bosses, 300 hp for reborn warriors. With that much HP it will take them longer to heal and drain more force points from them, but may still be a good idea, I'm just throwing stuff out there.


One thing about NPCs, is many of them have Dark Rage which makes them an easy mark. What happens is they drain most of their HP sometimes down to 1 hp :P) from constantly raging, and then they start using Force Drain incessantly to make up the difference. Perhaps this part of the AI could be improved for JA, as this is something that they don't suffer from in JK2 as they don't have rage.

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Perhaps you're right. I was going to make most saber wielding enemies run at 215 or 230, and limit the player speed on Jedi Master at 230. I figure this would make it a little tougher to run from enemies and force you to engage them a tad more. The default speed is 200 for almost all enemies. The only saber wielder exception I believe is Rosh_dark who gets 300 run speed.


Force heal? Perhaps. Considering the red reborn are the strongest standard type of saber enemy, I wanted to make the reborn adepts (what I call the blue reborns, red ones I call warriors) and saber cultists have force heal or something unusual. Most enemies don't need/benefit from Force Heal compared to the player though, as enemy's have more HP, 200 + shadowtrooper damage reduction for reborn masters, 300+ hp and damage reduction for most bosses, 300 hp for reborn warriors. With that much HP it will take them longer to heal and drain more force points from them, but may still be a good idea, I'm just throwing stuff out there.


One thing about NPCs, is many of them have Dark Rage which makes them an easy mark. What happens is they drain most of their HP sometimes down to 1 hp :P) from constantly raging, and then they start using Force Drain incessantly to make up the difference. Perhaps this part of the AI could be improved for JA, as this is something that they don't suffer from in JK2 as they don't have rage.


You could allow rage un npc only when they are above certain HP, like if they have 300 only above 200,180

Asgarath83 likes this

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