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  • 10 months later...


What's the point in posting this comment in this section, related to models?


What's the point of posting anything at all then? You can't know in advance, how one would go and end eventually. We have a plan, and we stick to it. We didn't mention any exact dates, and we are working on a few aspects, which were revealed on the forums. The JA engine wasn't created by us, we simply follow the creative path, rather than technical one, but have to take it into account, when creating things for the mod. It is also important to say, that this is a mod, and not a video game, and to be precise, it is made by a group of enthusiasts and fans, who devote their free time to something they love, not a professional team, which might count dozens of people with plenty of resources, and gets salaries for their job (just another job).

Jeff, TheWhitePhoenix and Bek like this

What MD3 exporter are you using? The ones from @@DT85 in the download section for Max2010/2011, have incorrect vertex normals-- if I'm not mistaken. We just fixed the 3ds Max MD3 exporter code and @@DT85 should be updating all exporters for Max6 to Max2016 soon... I would suggest re-exporting all of your MD3's with the newly fixed exporters.

z3filus likes this

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