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No matter what I do, I can't seem to get into loading a level anymore. It always crashes with vanilla dll as the fault module name when trying to create a new game, or doing map kejim_post. I've tried moving JK2 assets to the base folder while removing JKA's, using +fs_basepath JK2HD and using +fs_game JK2HD.


Not sure. I haven't encountered any similar issues. But like I said, I think there's currently an open issue for this. Sczio is having the same issue on the main branch.


The field-of-view, or the 1st-person camera settings, appear to be elongating the AK-47. I'm sure it's just a matter of tweaking the settings.

i have my FOV set at 110 and my cg_viewModelFOVOverride set at like 90 or so, so that's not exactly improbable.


Got 3 errors in Release & Debug:


error C2228: left of '.GetWinVars' must have class/struct/union tr_init.cpp 1479 1 SP Vanilla Renderer

error C2228: left of '.PD_Load' must have class/struct/union G2_API.cpp 743 1 SP Vanilla Renderer

error C2228: left of '.PD_Store' must have class/struct/union G2_API.cpp 764 1 SP Vanilla Renderer




------ Server Initialization ------
OpenJK: v1.0.1.1 win_msvc-x86 Feb 10 
2014Server: kejim_post
Loading shader text .....
.....2601 shader definitions loaded
data is NULL
----- CL_Shutdown -----
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
Shutting down cmShaderTable.....
FS_FreeFile( NULL )

Ok, so my first step is to load up the AK74 model and it worked but it's rotated like it was in one of your screenshots. I'll get to work on a test model later today. ;)


You'll want to specify "NoHandModel": 1 in your weaponfile. By default, the weaponfile is default.json, but you might switch to something else for testing purposes.




- Doesn't load .skin files which is why the texture isn't working.

- I've included a *flash, but the muzzle effect & blaster fire don't emit from it

- Would like a FOV setting per gun




OK, .skin files should be supported now. You'll need to specify a SkinFile in the JSON, so something like this:



 "SkinFile": "models/weapons2/ak74/model_default.skin"

I put in the skinFile line & recompiled, but it's still not showing any textures.

Did you pull? I didn't actually test it out. I should probably do that later today.


@@DT85: ok, latest commit will fix the skin for sure -- I have the skin working ingame and will provide a screenie in a moment or two. note that there will be a floating X/Y/Z axis somewhere in view, this is just for my purposes while I'm figuring out a fix for muzzle position issue.

Also, your JSON that you provided me didn't have a SkinFile setting in it. Here is what I wound up using:

"SkinFile":            "models/weapons2/ak74/model_default.skin",

EDIT: and fixed the muzzle flashes too:






note that the EFX is just sliiiiightly off, this is not due to a code or model error, rather the EFX segments themselves are slightly offset in the file, you might adjust your tag positions to compensate for this (maybe take a look at the stock MD3s and see how far away from the barrel the tag_flashes are)

Tempust85 likes this

Awesome, all works on my end too. :D


Seeing as this is JK2:HD, may as well just fix the EFX.





I'll include a fix in my next updated PK3. When do you want me to start with animations?

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