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My New HUD Bar WIP

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Been working on a new hud in cg_hudfiles 1, i maked back in my days with eoc but has been fixed up a lot more now.

so it support gfx files now thx to ensi for his guidance and some help from scooper :)

the code has been ported in to my own OpenJK code for my own needs with a new Saber System maked out from JKG's saber System

and my own codes editing to it The Saber System does not support Block Points, but has a good blocking effect but still a high trace damage

so this is where manuel Block comes in to parry as much as possible. it also support RGBsabers,SFXSabers,Trueview,MovieSaber effect and Block Lightning Effect on The Sabers 

and a lot more :P OJP E/basic assets would be needed to be download the day i will release this with my own small files like effects and what else i going to make :)


Onysfx, therfiles, Omicron and 4 others like this

This is really great, the most popular HUD's out there are of simplistic design (My favourite approach to anything arty :P) Can't wait to see the final product!

Circa likes this

This is really great, the most popular HUD's out there are of simplistic design (My favourite approach to anything arty :P) Can't wait to see the final product!

This is why we get along.  B)  :P



Simpler, the better. Of course, not too simple, we don't just want 4 numbers on the bottom left of the screen :D.


I like the HUD, is it possible you could make it more...I dunno...shiny? :D.


Is the health bar longer than the shield bar just to look nice, or does it shrink the less health you have?

I agree... The scales going to 100 should be the same length-- after all 100 is 100. ;)


I agree... The scales going to 100 should be the same length-- after all 100 is 100. ;)

its the design of it there looks like this, the numbers are the same i want it to looks different from anything else there has been make 

Darth_Bothersome likes this

I agree... The scales going to 100 should be the same length-- after all 100 is 100. ;)


I prefer it the way it is in the screenshot. If it was all the same length, it would look boring. As it is, it's simplistic, but still good-looking.


I prefer it the way it is in the screenshot. If it was all the same length, it would look boring. As it is, it's simplistic, but still good-looking.

I do like the look of it, but I wonder if there is a way to still have that look, while having the bars the same length. But maybe that's just me being picky, either way, it looks good.


the bars wont have the same length, i have tryed that and i didnt like it thats why i maked it like this instead  ;)

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