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My New HUD Bar WIP

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Been working on a new hud in cg_hudfiles 1, i maked back in my days with eoc but has been fixed up a lot more now.

so it support gfx files now thx to ensi for his guidance and some help from scooper :)

the code has been ported in to my own OpenJK code for my own needs with a new Saber System maked out from JKG's saber System

and my own codes editing to it The Saber System does not support Block Points, but has a good blocking effect but still a high trace damage

so this is where manuel Block comes in to parry as much as possible. it also support RGBsabers,SFXSabers,Trueview,MovieSaber effect and Block Lightning Effect on The Sabers 

and a lot more :P OJP E/basic assets would be needed to be download the day i will release this with my own small files like effects and what else i going to make :)


Serenity937, Circa, Onysfx and 4 others like this
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I prefer it the way it is in the screenshot. If it was all the same length, it would look boring. As it is, it's simplistic, but still good-looking.

I do like the look of it, but I wonder if there is a way to still have that look, while having the bars the same length. But maybe that's just me being picky, either way, it looks good.

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