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(Request) MBII Style lightsaber effects

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Could anyone create a mod to turn the lightsaber effects into the ones from MBII or similar? More specifically I mean the look of the blade and the actaul blade trail. The base trail looks weird compared to the ones from the movies or MBII.


Here is the base trail





Here is a Movie/MBII style trail





And if you could get the same blaster effects and impact marks/effects that would be cool too : P


What I'm basically rambling on about is, is there any way to get MBII effects for use in base as a seperate mod?



Edited by Circa
displayed the images instead of links. I hate Photobucket.
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From the first screenshot, it looks you have a custom glow effect for the sabre or something, do you mind telling me what mod it is? It looks cool :)

It MAY be from a mod making the blades look like ANH. I seem to remember a blade mod that wanted to tone down the colors. I remember because this was when the prequals were popular with their vibrant blades that it stuck out when someone went the other direction.

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It MAY be from a mod making the blades look like ANH. I seem to remember a blade mod that wanted to tone down the colors. I remember because this was when the prequals were popular with their vibrant blades that it stuck out when someone went the other direction.

I much preferred the blades from ANH, and now you mention it, they do sorta look like them. Do you have this mod or know it's where baout's by any chance?

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