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Sean Solo

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Everything posted by Sean Solo

  1. JEDI doesn't offer the mod to host your own server. They only give you the clientside portion to allow you to play on their server. It's annoying but I don't blame them. Would seriously decrease their player base and quality if multiple other servers opened using that same incredible mod. I'd use a modified MB2 for an RP server if the 5:00 timelimit wasn't hardcoded into it. Had an idea about using OJP with RP plugins and scripts but I'm sort of halfhearted about it due to how low JK's population is these days.
  2. As I continue to RP further and further in the game SL (which is great for RP btw) I find myself missing the action that RPing in JKA used to bring. It's got a great cinematic feel to it compared to bare text. Anyway, I was wondering if any of the RP servers are still running or active. I did a search and found a number of advertisements for Roleplay servers but I'm not sure if any of them ever took off. Thanks : ) P.S. I know of the clan ::JEDI:: but I'm not a fan due to past experience. I'll leave it at that.
  3. I got the server up. If anyone knows how to build in lugormod and wants to help just let me know.
  4. I'm not sure if anyone is familiar with multiplay and clanforge. It's a gameserver host that comes with a ton of JKA mods pre installed so you don't have to upload them. Bought a JKA server from them and selected to use Lugormod. However, when I joined my server it's as if no mod was in use. The gameplay is like base jka. There's no lugormod features or commands. I tried using 3 versions of lugormod they had but all of them were the same way. The server says I'm running Lugormod but the gameplay says otherwise. I submitted a ticket but no response. I don't want to upload any files unless it's a last resort because I'm not an expert with the whole process of uploading a mod and using it. I don't suppose anyone has any idea what I'm doing wrong? I'd appreciate any input. Thank you.
  5. Truly amazing map. I'd go as far as to say this is the best map I've ever downloaded for JKA. There's just so much to do and see. And the whole feel to it is wonderful. I use it every year during the winter season. Great for roleplaying.
  6. I don't know what mod it is. I pulled the screenshots from google images as an example of the saber trail style I was talking about. Sorry : (
  7. Could anyone create a mod to turn the lightsaber effects into the ones from MBII or similar? More specifically I mean the look of the blade and the actaul blade trail. The base trail looks weird compared to the ones from the movies or MBII. Here is the base trail Here is a Movie/MBII style trail And if you could get the same blaster effects and impact marks/effects that would be cool too : P What I'm basically rambling on about is, is there any way to get MBII effects for use in base as a seperate mod? Thanks.
  8. I'll look into it. Right now i'm enjoying my leave : P
  9. I haven't bought the server yet. I'm thinking about bluefangsolutions or markmods. I'm active duty military and I'm leaving tomorrow to go home for Christmas. I'll probably look into it more once I arrive and can relax. Right now I'm finishing up my job training and getting ready to leave. When I get back I'll only have 3 weeks left until I get sent to my permanent duty station. I'm online evenings, nights, and weekends and will be online randomly these next 12 days due to leave. s34n.s0lo@gmail.com
  10. It doesn't exist yet. It's an idea. A dedicated server is like 10 dollars for 32 player slots. I just need to know the best module for RPing. The JEDI downloads are pretty sweet but like you said, not everyone wants to download stuff. That's why I'm thinking Lugormod. Because players don't have to download anything.
  11. I'm thinking of starting a RP server similiar to ::JEDI:: but I'm not sure what module to use. I was thinking Lugormod with some RP plugins that allow /me and /do. Reason I'm thinking Lugormod is because you can easily edit and update maps without players having to redownload them. It also has an account system that can be updated by admins when a character progresses. I was wondering if anyone here has any suggestions as to what mod to use. I also want to guage how many people would be interested in it. Would anyone here be interested in playing on it? Thanks.
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