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JK2 Done Quick

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That's crazy. He must have done it a hundred times to get it memorized like that. 


I bet JA could be done in half that time. :D


I was waiting for 32:04 the entire time :D


Seems like a lot of segments, and save warping in a few areas? especially at the last puzzle before Desaan.


If I adjusted JA SP's physics to be more friendly to strafe jumping, who would want to collaborate on a segmented run :D? wouldn't be legit for SDA, but fun :D


So I modified JASP's physics to closely match this - I removed the velocity halving on landing - and speedrunning JASP is actually rather fun. In particular, I like hoth2, t2_trip and t3_wedge so far :D


Is there any interest in a team segmented speedrun? How would we go about doing it, without a demo recorder? There might be a possibility of adding a demo recorder to OpenJK SP. Maybe. I'm already using OpenJK SP for raw mouse input and such, but it breaks savegame compatibility with original JASP.

We'll also have to match things up like force power progression (t2_trip needs protect level 2 to survive a fall)



EDIT: Also, noticed something when going through some speedrun routes...



> :D?


Grab, Onysfx, Circa and 2 others like this

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