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[JAEnhanced] To-Do List

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Now that we kind of have an idea of what this project will consist of, we need a to-do list that lays out what we need done and who is contributing.


Menus: @@therfiles

  • Maps as menus or new 2D menus

Customization skins: @@MagSul

  • new options using the default models
  • eventually perhaps using other models as well

Saber Hilts: @@ChalklYne and @@AshuraDX

  • additional hilts that match the style of both movie hilts and JA hilts
  • remake stinger hilt

Animations: @@katanamaru

  • new running animations
  • new stances
  • new gun animations

Maps: @@Rage and @

  • undercover mission
  • a new mission involving Rosh to improve his personality

Scripts: @@therfiles and @@Agent Jones

  • make NPC's smarter
  • scripting for new missions
  • Mission using Moonbase Labs map

Mod contributions: myself, @@redsaurus, @@Szico VII

  • Jedi Academy: Improved
  • Ingame Character and Saber Menus
  • SP Customization (code mod)
  • Moonbase Labs


I know I probably forgot people. I'll add them as we go. If you would like to contribute, PM me or post here!





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