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TFU Shadow Trooper (From XBOX 360)

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Well, for example, engines that came out at the same time or a year later have more capabilities such as normal maps, etc. I mean the Bungie engine came out about the same time and with that you can build entire maps using polygons and not brushes yet it still runs ten times better.


I'm not insulting the engine i'm just saying that you'd expect more and such.




Started experimenting and tried to add red strands to the Shadowtrooper's boot. Clearly this is not how I'm gonna leave it--gonna edit it and move it to the sides a bit more. Just thought I'd share this with you guys


Well, for example, engines that came out at the same time or a year later have more capabilities such as normal maps, etc. I mean the Bungie engine came out about the same time and with that you can build entire maps using polygons and not brushes yet it still runs ten times better.


I'm not insulting the engine i'm just saying that you'd expect more and such.

I just didn't understand what that had to do with this thread. :P

I was inferring that this model could look a LOT better if this engine would permit it lol.

Oh, well of course.


Deviance, I don't know much about this to give good feedback, but I think that red line should go all the way to the sole of the boot. Right now I can see the round tip of where you stopped/started the brush.


Hmm... encountering a problem, but maybe someone could help me out. Does anyone think this is the right code for glowing to put into a shader?



        map models/players/DT_Stormtrooper/Armor_D
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        map models/players/DT_Stormtrooper/Armor_spec
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
        map gfx/effects/chr_inv
        blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR
        tcGen environment
    map models/players/DT_Stormtrooper/armor_glow
    blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
      rgbGen wave sin 1 0.25 0 8


Not to bad that guy, I'm only suggesting this because I don't know shaders off by heart. Do you know of any example skins with the shaders you're after? You could just compare yours with what you find, maybe!


Thicker and much darker (the red line)

look at the refs Barricade posted


1. That's what she said

2. I'll be sure to edit it--if I can




Wow that has got to be the ugliest blasphemy to the star wars world I have ever seen. Who came up with that....




Much better, agreed?

Just curious, what editor are using for the trooper? Anyway on topic, it looks like the lines could be qutie a bit darker and a little bit thicker. I still he think he needs a slight bit of light blue in his armor.


Just curious, what editor are using for the trooper? Anyway on topic, it looks like the lines could be qutie a bit darker and a little bit thicker. I still he think he needs a slight bit of light blue in his armor.

Instead of tinting the diffuse blue i'd tint the specular and eventually environment(gloss) maps slightly lightblue(-ish)

Tempust85 likes this

Instead of tinting the diffuse blue i'd tint the specular and eventually environment(gloss) maps slightly lightblue(-ish)

That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I can actually see that working. Despite my lack of knowledge for spec images.


That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I can actually see that working. Despite my lack of knowledge for spec images.

the speuclar texture changes the color and brightness of surfaces on the model when they are lit

  • 2 weeks later...

allright @ , lemme see your shader and I'll try to fix it up for ya

or if you got nothing yet I'll try to walk you through it


I actually posted the shader...

allright @ , lemme see your shader and I'll try to fix it up for ya

or if you got nothing yet I'll try to walk you through it


        map models/players/DT_Stormtrooper/Armor_D
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        map models/players/DT_Stormtrooper/Armor_spec
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
        map gfx/effects/chr_inv
        blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR
        tcGen environment
    map models/players/DT_Stormtrooper/armor_glow
    blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
      rgbGen wave sin 1 0.25 0 8


well whats the problem ?

show me an ingame screenshot


I dont see anything that's obviously wrong with that shader


I guess you got one of the filepaths wrong

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