ChalklYne Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 So I have 2 cutscenes almost ready to be rendered out. Problem though... Rendering an entire animation sequence with significant length kills my pc XD I get bsod'd almost every time. I have a decent rig, so I'm thinking it has to do with drivers and overclocked settings and stuff... Soooo.... anyone with xsi feel like bogging down their pc for a few hours and rendering out some scenes for me as they finish?Also, my rendering abilities arent exactly boss... so I'm sure the render settings will need tweaking for optimal lighting etc. Then... how do I apply sound to a Roq? If I were to use something such as @@eezstreet suggested like OpenJK as source... then is there any possible future implementation of avi's or bik's or something? If it is possible... how much work is it going to be for a coder? Just so I know how big of a doosh I'm going to be when I ask one of you. Know what would be cool? If for the Hub.. you can categorize yourself. Like.. mapper, modeller, coder, scripter, texture artists, shader specialist, animator, etc... Then you could summon all of them at once via a @coders or @animators... that would be schweet. Just dont summon them all at once... @@therfiles is this possible? Tempust85 likes this
Circa Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 As far as making .roq videos goes, there's a tutorial here. ChalklYne likes this .!¡!.
Tempust85 Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 You are better off using the roq.exe than quakevideomaker. You will get higher quality and the video size isn't as restrictive (JKA supports upto 768x512). I can tell you how to get it compiling with sound if you like. Also, for the best results your video will need to be in sequence BMP. ChalklYne likes this
ChalklYne Posted September 17, 2013 Author Posted September 17, 2013 no worries I can do all of that in photoshop as I recall. Thank you guys! This is going to spoil the storyline... so dont open if you don't want to be spoiled. Beta Unleashed 1.5 storyline starts off yer a clone strapped to one of those tables they rebuiltvader on. strapped up. theres a robot or maybe a red lighted proxywith darker more sinister eyes in the room one of vaders lil dudes uknow running the controls. and the clone is on the table kind ofplugged into the matrix u know? and hes gunna be like "where am i"robots gunna say something like lets try this again and zap him.loading screen .. yer in the tie facility.scrap it out for a while and some of the geometry in my map is gunnabe holographic flashing like its a glitching program... the robotsgunna say something like stop resisting u know another half a map ubreak free of the mental hold after a little boss fight..and you're back on the table.then the robot says something like lets try another. zap yer in raxus prime. scrap itout for a while.. holographic glitches, boss, break free.. back in theroom robot says some stuff about u keep resisiting yer gunnascramble your whatevers like all the rest of em.. zaps u to felucia..scrap it out same thing, this time tho when u break free of the hold,u break free of the clutches yer in on the table n bust out into akamino hallway. fight some stormies get to a platform with a tiefighter take off.. some reason u fly straight to dagobah cuz it justkeeps repeating in yer head like all the other clones u know? so uwind up at a cave in dagobah, fight a buncha insane n prematureclones in there til u get to the center. in the center its juno. but withdark clothes on and just kinda lookin a bit evil. she tries to kill u, uscrap her, at the end cutscene u cant kill her, she stabs u. cutsceneswitches to vader and the robot standing over u on kamino with udead on the table they pulled yer plug cuz u couldnt kill the bitch.robot says something like shall we bring in another? and vader just walks out pissed It can somewhat be considered cannon as you're just a clone. Just a random dispensable clone. So theres thousands of their storylines. Also, the maps, are all outlined in the Overview Section of this mod, they will all be induced memories of the real SK's journeys, through a clone, in a dream state. That's why i was saying I wanted the maps to be very different i.e. the routes you will take. I want them to look like the originals, but be a different route as SK could sense everything around him, so even though he took one specific path, he was aware of them all. So I figured it could be cannon-esque to be able to take different journeys. the maps won't be as long as thye TFU ones, maybe half that. But mainly for fps reasons, and I wanted the clone to be struggling out of the mental hold, so he will "break free" of the maps about halfway through the originals u know? Beta Cutscene Teaser Excuse the shitty collision, janky camera in the beginning, and the luke model. I'm just getting the rig ready for SK... I'll adjust according to his geometry when he's ready I'll need a robot voice actor who knows how to manipulate the audio to be more robotic And maybe 3 sentences from SK that aren't currently available. A "Where am I?" "Why are you doing this?" and a "Get out of my head" or something along those lines. I can almost pull it off myself, but if anyones interested in it that thinks they could sound a bit witwery than I'd be more than happy for your help. Vader won't have any lines. Juno's just going to walk out in a new sexy outfit with a not very juno-ish sexy walk and start kicking your ass so she'll have no lines. There will be no Kota as you won't make it that far in the map. Kazdan Paratus might need a line or two. Proxy will just be in the training room as your sparring partner. No lines or maybe a few jacked tfu ones. Maris Brood might need a line or two. Besides that all the sound effects will be jacked from tfu1 and 2. it'd be nice to have some new sounds for the stormtroopers and such Bek likes this
ChalklYne Posted September 17, 2013 Author Posted September 17, 2013 I can tell you how to get it compiling with sound if you like. I would definitely like and need that thank you
Circa Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 I can help with the droid sounds. Possibly a couple others if needed. Bek and ChalklYne like this .!¡!.
therfiles Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 (edited) ROQs! They are evil! But they are a necessary evil. I've tinkered and played with them, but with no success. I hope DT can help you out...sorry man When working with menus, and I want some sort of ingame movie scene to be playing, rather than making it a ROQ, I build the map into the menu. That's right. I make a map that has a script that pans around the map in a loop but a menu is layered over the cutscene...which is just so cool. Know what would be cool? If for the Hub.. you can categorize yourself. Like.. mapper, modeller, coder, scripter, texture artists, shader specialist, animator, etc... Then you could summon all of them at once via a @coders or @animators... that would be schweet. That would be pretty cool...@@Fighter - would something like that be possible? Edited September 17, 2013 by CrimsonStrife fixed your user tag for you, you left out the 't' Circa likes this
CrimsonStrife Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 That would be pretty cool...@@Fighter - would something like that be possible? Would be easy enough, can add a custom profile box via the ACP, shouldn't harm the theme or anything. Best option would be to have a dropdown box for them to pick from. Hell, depending on how many options were needed, I could do it in a matter of minutes. Only other way to do it without adding anything is via "Titles" but then you have to change user permissions and what not. Plus we already use those for staff, and they aren't done via dropdown choices, so people could put whatever they want in there (I.E. JKHub Staff) EDIT: I should point out that the whole "summoning" thing, wouldn't work that way....might work via groups but then we are getting into permissions and flexibility issues again. EDIT2: OT: @@ChalklYne hard to get a feel for your organic animation, but you seem to be a pretty good animator, it is fairly smooth overall. Not sure how doable it is in XSI (particularly with the older versions and Modtool) but the fix for wonky cameras, usually caused by rapidly repositioning, is to cut between multiple cameras placed in a scene instead. In Maya I think there is more than one way to do it, I used to use MELscript, but we also have a camera sequencer ChalklYne, therfiles and Mert-K like this
ChalklYne Posted September 17, 2013 Author Posted September 17, 2013 @@CrimsonStrife that would be amazing man. I wouldn't mind getting notified when someone needs a modellers help or a quick texture or something. badass. @@therfiles expect a PM from me that is incredible. therfiles likes this
CrimsonStrife Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 @@CrimsonStrife that would be amazing man. I wouldn't mind getting notified when someone needs a modellers help or a quick texture or something. badass. @@therfiles expect a PM from me that is incredible. Make sure you go back and read where I edited my post, the "summoning" idea would really only work via groups methinks. Which would require a metric fuck-ton of groups, plus all the permission work that goes along with them, and they'd have to be managed. But as far as for profile customization, could be done. I could be wrong though, I have only mild experience with IP.Board since Helical started using it too. Wait and see what @@Fighter has to say. ChalklYne likes this
Barricade24 Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 If you still need some one to do robotic voices, I am interested in applying. I have some experience with that kind of voice and I have a great quality mic. You can send me a message with specifics if no one else has already applied. Circa likes this
therfiles Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 Would be easy enough, can add a custom profile box via the ACP, shouldn't harm the theme or anything. Best option would be to have a dropdown box for them to pick from. Hell, depending on how many options were needed, I could do it in a matter of minutes. Very interesting. Hope we can implement something like this! We'd have to make sign-up forum where people 'declare' what they are good at and want to be summoned for. Sorry if I don't understand all the technical details you mentioned - I've only dabbled in the ACP. But this could be really cool! ChalklYne likes this
ChalklYne Posted September 17, 2013 Author Posted September 17, 2013 ^^I agree this would be awesome. @@Barricade24job's yours man I'll even let you pick what kind of droid you want it to be. It's gotta make sense that this particular droid is on Kamino, and working for the Empire. Other than that just let me know what kind of droid you want to be, and there's really no dialog other than what was in the sotryline spoiler, but I'm always open to whatever you'd want to add in or whatever we end up thinking would be cool. Badass man. I'll PM you with a decent script and you can play with it how u want. Just let me know what kind of droid you pick so I can get him chiseled in
Circa Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 If you still need some one to do robotic voices, I am interested in applying. I have some experience with that kind of voice and I have a great quality mic. You can send me a message with specifics if no one else has already applied.What mic do you have? ^^I agree this would be awesome. @@Barricade24job's yours man I'll even let you pick what kind of droid you want it to be. It's gotta make sense that this particular droid is on Kamino, and working for the Empire. Other than that just let me know what kind of droid you want to be, and there's really no dialog other than what was in the sotryline spoiler, but I'm always open to whatever you'd want to add in or whatever we end up thinking would be cool. Badass man. I'll PM you with a decent script and you can play with it how u want. Just let me know what kind of droid you pick so I can get him chiseled inI was thinking just a regular medical droid. Like I said, I can help out as well if you need variety. .!¡!.
ChalklYne Posted September 17, 2013 Author Posted September 17, 2013 I was thinking just a regular medical droid. Like I said, I can help out as well if you need variety.Sounds good I wanted to model one of those suckers for a while now anyways. I'll probably have one up on a raised deck working controls, and one next to vader messing with the needles poking in your back and stuff from the cutscene. here's an ideal scenario for that The droids are pretty used to working with eachother and frying clones XD and they can be sort of sadistic i.e.the clone is going to keep fighting the holds and coming out of the induced hallucinations. they can keep taunting him saying stuff like "if you keep struggling you're going to scramble your brains". but in a more cool star wars droid way. Then as you're coming out of levels, the screen is already going to be fading in from black.. would be cool to hear the droids before you "open your eyes" in the backround with stuff like "did we fry em?" you know? make some sick lil fuckers that like their job. that would add nice dynamics to the cutscenes and story. Would make you excited when you finally break free and get to stab them =)
Barricade24 Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 What mic do you have? I was thinking just a regular medical droid. Like I said, I can help out as well if you need variety.Blue Yeti Mic. I have done some practice with and it turns out pretty good. As far as droids go I'm interested in trying out for that red-eyed Proxy droid you mentioned. I looked to get specifics on characters before I voice them. So if you could give me a rough design or a personallity you want him to have I'll see what I can do. Circa likes this
ChalklYne Posted September 17, 2013 Author Posted September 17, 2013 give me a rough design or a personallity you want him to have I'll see what I can the post right above yours in the spoiler and tell me if that's something you can do for a dark reprogrammed proxy. kickass that means I only have to model the medical droid. schweet
Barricade24 Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 read the post right above yours in the spoiler and tell me if that's something you can do for a dark reprogrammed proxy. kickass that means I only have to model the medical droid. schweetNow is this the actually PROXY or a droid with the same model as PROXY? If so I'll through together a concept image and use that as reference. Also just in case you don't know, there is already a model released of the Medical Droid.
therfiles Posted September 17, 2013 Posted September 17, 2013 @@ChalklYne - Here is a very primitive proof-of-concept I made of the idea a while back. The lag should be from the video recorder. EDIT - Sorry Chalk spelled your name wrong :unsure: Circa and ChalklYne like this
ChalklYne Posted September 17, 2013 Author Posted September 17, 2013 definitely a different version now that i think about it. Since Proxy was a prototype droid specifically made for vader to assist SK... then it's going to be hard to incorporate him and still not cause any problems with the TFU timeline or possibly conflict with the third when it comes out. I wanted the main characters besides vader to all be insignificant to the TFU cannon storyline. So I'd say maybe you can fight a dark "reprogammed" proxy in the caves of Dagobah. That would be awesome actually.Since you're already fighting a dark Juno in there... I'm using my old Harley Quinn model, but she will have significant changes in the gloves and boots and be wearing 90% black shiny leather. With shorter boot soles XD So I'll still need a dark proxy and possibly one more droid for the interrogation room cutscenes explained above Futuza likes this
ChalklYne Posted September 18, 2013 Author Posted September 18, 2013 @@ChalklYne - Here is a very primitive proof-of-concept I made of the idea a while back. The lag should be from the video recorder.Dude.. that is incredible. Know what i was going to do? Record the pov of SK on that table... and have him look at different objects around the room.. as the menu. just i figured using screenshots as the menu and roq's as the transitions. but dude.. yeah that is incredible. it may take me a while to figure out the best way to implement that, and the video didnt play so i just scanned through it so Im not sure exactly what all you can do. but fuckin sweet job there dude! EDIT - Sorry Chalk spelled your name wrong :unsure:no worries lol
therfiles Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 Glad to hear you like the idea! Just get the thing ingame and lets do it bro.
ChalklYne Posted September 18, 2013 Author Posted September 18, 2013 i still need ideas for the walls in that room. i know the room will be small and octogonal.. but besides that floor and im pretty sure i know how i want to do the ceiling.. im at a loss for the walls atm.. i want this room to be heavily detailed. like... overwhelming technical stuff and pipes and steam and just madness eye candy. since it's the base of the whole mod like this XD Plus, until I get this lambda and TIE facility unwrapped, i'm kinda stuck where I'm at. I have almost tripled the TIE facility in size, and have one more room to build. So I plan on being busy for the next 2 weeks or so. therfiles likes this
Circa Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 @@ChalklYne - Here is a very primitive proof-of-concept I made of the idea a while back. The lag should be from the video recorder. EDIT - Sorry Chalk spelled your name wrong :unsure:That's awesome! Definitely should be implemented in more mods. Maybe you could make one to replace the JA screen? Blue Yeti Mic. I have done some practice with and it turns out pretty good. As far as droids go I'm interested in trying out for that red-eyed Proxy droid you mentioned. I looked to get specifics on characters before I voice them. So if you could give me a rough design or a personallity you want him to have I'll see what I can do.Nice. Blue mics are pretty good, especially for USB. therfiles likes this .!¡!.
therfiles Posted September 18, 2013 Posted September 18, 2013 I know it's pretty basic, but this EPIII map pack included a map based on the chamber where Darth Vader had his...Darth Vaderness...applied. It may be lacking detail but It could help you flesh out some of the basic geometry.
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