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Model question


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You can't make solid objects with entity modding. The objects aren't solid to begin with. That is done with the various clip shaders in Radiant. (Or autoclipping through q3map2, but like mrwonko said it's not advisable. Creates a clip plane for every tris in the model. Grossly expensive.)



Your best option would be to use misc_model_health_power_converter entities with no model of it's own indicated. That entity has a small hitbox you can take advantage of in entity modding to simulate real clipping. However it get's expensive if you try to get too complex with it.



Anyways just try this. Get the origin of the model you are using and make a misc_model_health_power_converter in the same location.


A quick word about this. The entity will still be usable as a health converter, which can be cheesy. Make this script the spawnscript of the entity.







The setscale line can be safely ignored. Unless you plan on using it to scale up or down one of your models. In which case just put "parm1" "number" in the entity.




*Disclaimer: You can't affect the hitbox of the misc_model_health_power_converter. Ex: Change it's scale or shape.

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So that script would make my models like if they were misc_models ?


Thank you, I will try it out now.


 ** Maui **




Er... no. The script makes it so whatever you assign it to as a spawnscript can't be used by players, and you can set it's scale in the parm1 field of the entity while you are ent modding.


And to make it a spawnscript on the entity you add the keys "spawnscript" "script_name".




As for more detailed instructions, no. The screenshot is more than sufficient.

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Are you.... are you serious?



You can't make solid objects with entity modding. The objects aren't solid to begin with. That is done with the various clip shaders in Radiant. (Or autoclipping through q3map2, but like mrwonko said it's not advisable. Creates a clip plane for every tris in the model. Grossly expensive.)



Your best option would be to use misc_model_health_power_converter entities with no model of it's own indicated. That entity has a small hitbox you can take advantage of in entity modding to simulate real clipping. However it get's expensive if you try to get too complex with it.



Anyways just try this. Get the origin of the model you are using and make a misc_model_health_power_converter in the same location.


A quick word about this. The entity will still be usable as a health converter, which can be cheesy. Make this script the spawnscript of the entity.

Circa and eezstreet like this
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Or you can do what I say if you don't care about optimization.  (Which isn't something you should start while your still young.)




He's not compiling a .map. He's compiling an entity list back into a bsp, overwriting the original entities. This is done by using q3map2's onlyents switch.



If it were a fresh map using the autoclip method would be on the table.

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