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OpenJK ranked server


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After having poked around on #jacoders I finally got around to making this, it's a ranked server.

It uses the GUID from openjk so you need a build that's less than 1½ months old.


Currently there's no WebUI for the ratings so you can't see them. Yet! the WebUI is HORRIBLE but you can see slowy updated stats at http://deepy.xd.cm/stats/


The IP is:

ShakeThatSalt and Raz0r like this


Anyone who openly exploits can easily push themselves to the top of any list.  People have been doing that since doom and even Dark Forces 2.  Scoring is completely pointless in this day and age anyway.  Would say if something like this was used for fun I'm sure people might not mind it, but honestly who ever typically liked doing the !killtracker showing there kill/death ratios anyway?  I rest my case.



So do you have to login from within the game or something? Or does it just pick up your name? I guess the latter is not the case, so I'm wondering how it handles player recognition.



"OpenJK doesn't have exploits" 

Yeah, they're now officially called gameplay features :P

The GUID is generated by the client and can be copied between installations. It's the same way XonStats does it.

It's not meant to be super-secure, but it is very hard to guess another user's GUID. You can also regenerate your GUID. It looks a little like 3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301


The GUID is sent to the server upon connection, so any kills/etc you make in that session will be sent to the stats server. At the moment, the stats server only accepts trusted servers (i.e. Cat's)

Cat likes this

Definitely looking forward to developments on this; I'm sure this will spark some interest in the competitive community.

If by 'in' you mean making people who are currently not playing competitive JKA more interested in doing so, then I seriously doubt it. If on the other hand you mean that it will spark interest from within the competitive community, i.e. that the guys who play JKA competitively will like it, then maybe: The developments surely won't interest them (in fact, they don't), the result might maybe, depending on the quality of the gameplay. What some people are trying to do with OpenJK, namely make a standalone competitive sabering game with its own assets and so on, has a really great advantage over mods of all kinds: It claims completely new grounds by disassociating itself from JKA, thus not being just another interpretation of some modder as to what JKA should be like, but rather a completely new game altogether - a take it or leave it kind of thing that exists outside of JKA. This is good and very interesting, seeing as mods are categorically to be rejected when it comes to competitive JKA, but whether it really turns out to be the promised land of competition will depend heavily on the quality of the game... and if you want my honest appraisal: So far it doesn't look all that great (sorry Hugo).

  • 2 weeks later...

Having had bots play CTF for a while I've come to realize something.


<Player: Rax Joris^7 (1949.51591988) [bOT]>
<Player: Jedi^7 (1925.96157172) [bOT]>
<Player: Swamptrooper^7 (1766.6550038) [bOT]>
<Player: Jan Ors^7 (1747.31808324) [bOT]>
<Player: Lannik Racto^7 (1688.99742943) [bOT]>
<Player: Boba Fett^7 (1391.10824633) [bOT]>
<Player: Bespin Cop^7 (1252.68191676) [bOT]>
<Player: Reelo^7 (1142.2201561) [bOT]>
<Player: Alora^7 (915.610455536) [bOT]>
<Player: Morgan Katarn^7 (871.06852223) [bOT]>


Rax is seriously awesome at CTF.

These are the glicko2 ratings I've generated from the results of the bots playing each other.


Slowly updated stats available at: http://deepy.xd.cm/stats/#swag

therfiles, eezstreet and Futuza like this

Jax Roris is so fat, even Reelo feels uncomfortable in his presence.


Jax  Roris is so fat, he can sit on the flag in ctf so the other team can't take it.

JKG Developer


You mean I have to find my disc?  :D  I probably should play JKA every once in a while.  Meh...so hard to motivate myself.

Smoo likes this

JKG Developer

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