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How to boost the FPS in Jedi Academy?

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I am using japlus.
And yes my fps drops in mass fights.
but even if there are only 3-4 players, i want to try to get 333 fps, because thats the best i think.
There must be some commands or some other possibilities to get constant 333 frames per second :/


yes, it gave me a bit more fps.
I just thought there's something like an fps max lock  ;)
I play this game for so many years :) Thats why i want the best of the best settings :)
You got more ideas for more fps? like any cmds or so? :D


I know that the eye can see any difference.
But it still has effect on the gameplay.

I know that because i play this game for 8 years :)

more fps = better gameplay :)


You'll never notice a difference in anything despite what you think over 60fps because I reach the 90 limit and when lots of things are on screen it goes down to 60 and nothing changes.


Get better hardware or turn gfx settings lower since I highly doubt you're using anything like /r_dynamicglow 2 or /cg_shadows 2 which are the 2 real fps killers if you don't have a decent PC but they aren't enabled by default.


My experience when testing gameplay difference with different fps locks is that higher fps = longer jumps, not sure how it worked but that's the result I got testing ingame, so it affects something it seems.


Feel free to prove me wrong though :)


Yes, the physics is affected by the client frame-rate: particularly gravity and air control.

Physics calculations use frametime (in msec) and there are funky calculation errors that help you gain speed and fall slower.

AFAIK the issue lies in truncating floating point values to integers each physics frame - which will have different results depending on the frametime.


8 msec = 125 fps, most common for trick jumpers and strafers. Standard physics FPS for CPMA, DeFRaG, etc. It's just over double the default refresh rate, so it looks very smooth too.

11.111 msec = 90 fps, used for very short jumps

3.333 msec = 333 fps, used for very long jumps. Most players can't reach this FPS, and if they can, they'll likely run into "connection interrupted" unless they live close to the server.


I never liked that config tweaking guide. The author doesn't understand half of what they're talking about, nor do they focus on the bottlenecks.



(PS: FPS above 60 does matter, especially in scenes with high motion, or if you want responsive input (60 fps = ~16msec between input/mouse updates, 125 fps = 8 msec between input/mouse updates)

V-sync simply is not an option due to the unresponsiveness between input and display.

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tl;dr do this in the console:

/seta com_maxfps 125
/seta r_swapinterval 0


This will set your max fps to 125 (which as Razish explained is awesome in many ways), and also disable V-Sync so you're not capped to 30 or 60fps.


even with the FPS limiter turned off, most my maps cap out at 90fps, but as it would seem effects, and FX_runners etc play a role too, even some of my newer maps that are making optical illusions dip down to 50-60fps in some spots, but as long as it can stay above 30 in a skirmish, i consider that a passing grade, and I consider most my maps ideal for 8 players online, ive never made a huge map for a "big team ffa" per say


Default com_maxFPS is 85.

1000 / 85 = 11.76 msec

Cast to integer = 11

1000/11 = 90.90 FPS (cast to integer, so HUD shows 90)


They really should have used 125 com_maxFPS, so the frametime is nice and non-fractional (8.00) - and roughly in sync with your refresh rate.

Personally, I reworked com_maxFPS in my q3-based game to com_frametime, measured in whole milliseconds (non-fractional)


Technically, the 'FPS' does not matter. The only thing that matters from the engine's perspective is the frametime - which is expressed as FPS (1000/frametime) on the HUD.

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