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Need help with single player map

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I did have it pointed to a path corner, although for some reason the first path corner was skipped and the train was linked to the second path corner. That was probably the problem wasn't it? 


I would suggest removing all target and targetname values from the entire func_train setup, and then reconnecting everything. Somehow one or more of them got copied across a few entities where they shouldn't be.


I would suggest removing all target and targetname values from the entire func_train setup, and then reconnecting everything. Somehow one or more of them got copied across a few entities where they shouldn't be.


So I removed the doors that the player has to open with the buttons and the train is controlled by one button. Still getting the null error though, what I am I doing wrong?



What is the exact error you are getting? Surely it's saying more than just NULL?


Null error 102. I'm assuming the 102 is the brush/entity # but I have been able to figure out how to the # for the brush/entity.


I might be misunderstanding what you are doing, but.... Are you trying to make a moving container (The func_train) with a functioning door on it? The door is not possible in JA as part of a larger object, even with scripts.


I might be misunderstanding what you are doing, but.... Are you trying to make a moving container (The func_train) with a functioning door on it? The door is not possible in JA as part of a larger object, even with scripts.


How can it not be possible? I could of sawn I saw a different version of this level that accomplished this feat but was never finished.


It is not possible for a mover to function in more than one way, and there is no way to attach movers to each other. Believe me, I wish it was possible, I would have abused that to no end in all of my projects. Even if you use a script to move everything in unison, as soon as the script moves the door, it will no longer function as a door, negating the purpose.


Now......if you are okay with the door only operating when the container is stationary, you COULD script the door's movement separate from the container. If that's okay with you, then it's your best bet, but it's a bit complicated, as you will have to manually script every part of the door's behavior, and ensure it doesn't conflict with the movement of the container.


The only other options involve faking the movement, similar to T1_rail, or using some other tomfoolery like a skyportal, which will definitely not help you here.


Now......if you are okay with the door only operating when the container is stationary, you COULD script the door's movement separate from the container. If that's okay with you, then it's your best bet, but it's a bit complicated, as you will have to manually script every part of the door's behavior, and ensure it doesn't conflict with the movement of the container.


If that is the only way of finishing this level, I guess I don't have a choice. How do I go about doing this? Would this be done with the mapping tool or one of the other tools?


Scripts are made with BehavED. It should be included with the modding tools. I don't think it runs on my current computer (Linux), but I'll be happy to give you any guidance you need, as scripts can be a bit daunting at first.


There is also a LOT of bad information out there - most tutorials take a pointlessly complicated route. Feel free to ask lots of questions.


You can also find me on the JKHub Discord if you would like.


Scripts are made with BehavED. It should be included with the modding tools. I don't think it runs on my current computer (Linux), but I'll be happy to give you any guidance you need, as scripts can be a bit daunting at first.

Feel free to ask lots of questions.


Thanks, there will probably be as I go forward. I will keep you posted.

  • 3 weeks later...

Any idea why this door texture door does not render in the game but is visible in the mapping tool?



Also, do I need to put a brush with the target_scriptrunner in the map and link it to the door of the train? 


Looking at the photos, I'm not sure what's going on. I'll need some more details to be able to tell. Can you start with the entity window data for the door and the scriptrunner, and maybe a screenshot of the entire cargo container in Radiant?

As far as a target_scriptrunner, it is not a brush entity, so you can place it anywhere in the map and it will function just fine. There is also a way around using it, which you can probably do here, but one thing at a time.


The two issues I do see right now are that there are no scripts attached to the door, and the door has the player_use flag without a wait key, which will cause it to misbehave when used. However, neither of these should cause the door to disappear. Right now all I can do is blindly guess, which isn't going to be helpful.

Can you post the .map file?


I don't know off-hand if Jkhub supports attachments. If not, put the .map in a .zip file to shrink it, upload it to any sharing service (Megaupload, mediafire, etc), then post the link. Hopefully it won't get blocked by spam blockers.


Sorry I took so long to respond.

From what I can see, the current behavior of the map should be that the func_train entity will move around the map without the two door entities. The door entities will stay exactly where they were placed in Radiant and function as a usable door, floating in mid-air. There is no angle specified on the doors, so I do not know if they will move anywhere, but they will be usable.

Is this what you are experiencing in-game?


I think there's a lot of misunderstandings leading to the result you are getting.

What exactly are you trying to get the door to do on the cargo container? If you want it to follow the cargo container around the map, it can not be functional unless the cargo container is stationary. And even in this case, the door and  the cargo container must be operated using a script, which will complicate things in a different way.

As far as the path_corners, I do not know why you are seeing those odd results in Radiant, and I do not have access to Radiant right now. My best guess is that one of the entities got dragged off into the void somewhere by accident. However, I'm pretty sure they're all supposed to be classname path_corner (Not path_corner1, path_corner2, etc), and each one is supposed to be targeted at the next one. If you want an example of a working func_train, open the sample map mp/ffa5. There's a func_train elevator in the tall building.


This is all irrelevant if you use a script, though; the script would have to replace the movement of the func_train, as well as determining the position and movement of the door.


All of that being said - in my opinion, the best way forward would be to go without a door on the cargo container; if you want a classic star-wars style take on it, use a nonsolid force field in place of the door.

If you absolutely must have a door, just know the limitations, and that you will have to script everything.

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