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zahar and the Kitbash Factory

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Hello everyone. Over the time i play jka i made some kitbashes for my personal use.

I want to ask if anyone need any of this stuff.

I merged comander keller model (which is itself a combo of hapslash's anakin and neomarz1's clone), with spanki's sith heads and DT's Stormtroopers.
I also used some dt's stormtrooper reskins by Barricade24.

Thats the way i imagine desan's reborns would look. They individuals who were chosen by desan to be reborn to wield the force.
It makes sence for me, that desan choose those guys from best source avalible to him, so he chose them from imperial soldiers who managet to prove themself skillful during their service as the stormtroopers.
So it makes sence to me that reborn's aperance would look something like combination of a stormtrooper with jedi.
I also like to imagine desan's shadowtrooper's armor looking more like clasic stormtrooper armor, so thats the point of this kitbash.

Those are JKA models so they wouldn't work for jk2. But i use them to play jk2 mod for jka and for reborn_new and rebornmaster guys in jka.




I merged some parts from CJP mara jade by Omega1, hapslash's anakin and Gweth_Kelia, and basic jka models, to make a version of female jedi i like more.
I also used spanki's jedi skins.
I belive the torso of cjp mara was taken by Omega1 from movie battles amidala model. but i'm not sure. I would really apreciate if somebody can help me identify it.
The torso itself is not a reskin, I changed model's uv in order for it to fit with spanki's jedi textures. It works fine most of the time, but ofcource it wouldn't work with armored robes since the geometry of robe is diffirent.




I kitbashed basic kyle model with jacket from Mercenary Kyle by Infinity Blade.
Basic kyle's model without jacket is also included.

This is jk2 model, but as you might guess it works fine in JKA. I also made cutscenes suport for jk2 mod for jka.



that one is wery simple. I realy liked Celas Nien model by Jose Carlos. I wanted to replace some basic jedis npcs with this model and to do so i needed more faces, so i merged it with hapslash's anakin head and use spanki's reskins.



As you might guess judging by screenshots, all those models have player customization suport

If somebody like and need some of this stuff, write here and i will try to contact authors of models that i used to ask permission to upload this kitbashes here on jkhub.

Althou, I supose it wouldn't be possible to contact some autors of old mods like Infinity Blade, neomarz1, hapshash and spanky. So i dont really know what to do about them. Is it ok to use their work without permission? After all I'm not trying to fool anyone, and i will give those respected autors full credits.

Anyway, what do you think about all this guys?


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  • Lancelot changed the title to zahar and the Kitbash Factory


I renamed the topic, as the old title was a bit too long.

Of course you can upload your work here, so long as it doesn't contain ported material from other games. If it contains custom content made by modders, obtain their permission first, credit them and you're good to go.

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Well new topic name definetly sounds alot better than the old one, thanks.)) Although It's a little deceiving, since "factory" may give people wrong idea, that there will be more upcoming content. And at the moment I'm not planing anything new, apart from maybe finishing some of my old models, like hk47 model. But I guess it doesn't matter really.

I just wanted to ask forum members's opinion about permissions from authors of the old models, like Infinity Blade, neomarz1, hapshash and spanky. I guess those people are no longer active in the mod community, and really impossible to contact. I tried to contact hapslash and infinity blade few years ago, and it doesn't seem to be possible.

So, as I said before i dont really know what to do about them. Is it ok to use their work without permission? After all I'm not trying to fool anyone, and pretend I made all this, i will give those respected autors full credits.

TheWhitePhoenix likes this
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15 hours ago, zahar said:

Well new topic name definetly sounds alot better than the old one, thanks.)) Although It's a little deceiving, since "factory" may give people wrong idea, that there will be more upcoming content. And at the moment I'm not planing anything new, apart from maybe finishing some of my old models, like hk47 model. But I guess it doesn't matter really.

I just wanted to ask forum members's opinion about permissions from authors of the old models, like Infinity Blade, neomarz1, hapshash and spanky. I guess those people are no longer active in the mod community, and really impossible to contact. I tried to contact hapslash and infinity blade few years ago, and it doesn't seem to be possible.

So, as I said before i dont really know what to do about them. Is it ok to use their work without permission? After all I'm not trying to fool anyone, and pretend I made all this, i will give those respected autors full credits.

If it also has ported content, you can always upload them to Mega or Mediafile and post the links here. I definitely want to get a hold of these treasures. :)

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Thanks again.
Well, I just uploaded Jose Carsos's Jedis with Spanki's heads, so you can cheack it out if you want.

But aparantly I chose wrong cathegory and upload it as JO model insted of JA. Ooops. My bad. Im kinda sleepy and sloopy at the moment.
Is there a way to report to moderator about this mistake? Problem is, I dont even know who is the moderator who aprowes uploaded files, or can fix this miscathegorizing. can somebody tell me?


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10 hours ago, zahar said:

Thanks again.
Well, I just uploaded Jose Carsos's Jedis with Spanki's heads, so you can cheack it out if you want.

But aparantly I chose wrong cathegory and upload it as JO model insted of JA. Ooops. My bad. Im kinda sleepy and sloopy at the moment.
Is there a way to report to moderator about this mistake? Problem is, I dont even know who is the moderator who aprowes uploaded files, or can fix this miscathegorizing. can somebody tell me?


I fixed it. Thanks for pointing it out.

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