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Do you like vibroblade?

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I like vibroblades and vibroswords more than a lightsaber. Because it symbolizes resistance against Jedi, Sith or Dark Jedi.

It can even make you hold on a second against their attacks. You would have been slain unless you had these weapons.



I substituted a vibroblade for a lightsaber and fixed its description like this.



What a surprise !  The current user of that weapon is Dash Rendar !!

Well.. I just added .sab file and used some console commands. It's no big deal.

Actually He has no force powers in this picture although he is wielding 'WP_SABER'. So he has no force gauge. But he can swing a blade and be able to deflect a blaster bolt similar to Saber Defense Lv.1.



Anyway, read this comics. I don't know if it is canon or not. But its content is interesting.

In this comic, Jango begins to draw his vibroblade and block maul's saber slash. I like it !


Even if he's not a force user !

Even if he's not a jedi !!

He confronted a threat and survived for few minutes although sidious spared his life after all.


I want your opinion for mine.

GamingPrince83 and Smoo like this
  • 3 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Noodle said:

I hate it for the very same reason you indicated you like it. Normal weapons shouldn't be able to stop a lightsaber, creating a bunch of lightsaber resistant swords is pure fanfiction.

Exactly, nothing should stop a lightsaber except another lightsaber.

syainkn likes this
  • 9 months later...
On 1/19/2020 at 11:56 PM, Noodle said:

I hate it for the very same reason you indicated you like it. Normal weapons shouldn't be able to stop a lightsaber, creating a bunch of lightsaber resistant swords is pure fanfiction.


On 1/20/2020 at 4:14 AM, Jeff said:

Exactly, nothing should stop a lightsaber except another lightsaber.

What about Beskar and Cortosis? What about energy shields? What about the Zillo Beast's scales? (alright, the last one really is bullshit)

As to whether I like them or not, when I first got a vibrosword/ vibroblade in KOTOR, I thought it was outrageous - in fact, my best friend and I thought it was stupid to have actual swords (technically they're sabres) in a universe where there are lightsabers - but then we figured that people still most likely had need for melee weapons (in a universe where everyone's armed with a ranged weapon? How many people seriously run around with swords nowadays? Outside of sporting and roleplay events, and traditionalist societies, I mean. And we don't even have blasters! Ah, but I digress), and since not everyone can wield or even own a lightsaber, it made sense. As to them being actually resistant to lightsabers, I just stopped caring since it's a game (KOTOR) and all weapons in it could be used to fight lightsaber-wielders, regardless of whether or not they were described as being resistant to lightsaber damage - just a game mechanic basically. Don't know about other mediums, since I haven't read many SW books or comics, but the whole "melee weapon resists lightsaber" isn't as common as one would expect, as not all melee weapons are resistant to lightsabers. I also never understood why the vibroblade, which is a full-lenght sabre in KOTOR was turned into a dagger in other mediums (comics, TCW, The Mandalorian, SWC (MnB mod)). I mean, sure, a vibroblade can technically be any edged weapon with a vibrating blade, but it just stroke me as a bit odd, given how there's little such deviation in most fictional universes.

I don't get the OP's excitement though. Yeah, sure, a weapon that's resistant to lightsabers, okay, but having a lightsaber-resistant sabre, even one with a vibrating blade would hardly be enough to actually successfully parry a lightsaber. I mean, those things are supposed to pack a serious punch, which is why people have to actually train a lot to be able to wield them, more so than with regular melee weapons. So like the OP said, a weapon like this can...


make you hold on a second

... which will still be practically useless.

Also, how practical would a sword/ sabre/ axe with a vibrating blade be in the first place? Not against lightsabers, I mean. I imagine it would still require some training to successfully wield one, and even then, how good would they actually be at cutting into someone or something? The vibration would either make the edge go deeper, or would make the cut very uneven, and thus rather weak, no? It's not like the saw-blade from the 40K or from the Fallout universes, that's basically just a one-handed chainsaw, and the vibration there works differently from what we've seen of the vibroswords/ vibroblades.

syainkn and GamerRedNeck like this
  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/7/2020 at 11:08 AM, the_raven said:

What about Beskar and Cortosis? What about energy shields? What about the Zillo Beast's scales? (alright, the last one really is bullshit)

Neither Beskar nor Cortosis should be able to stop a lightsaber. Weapons like the one the magnaguard use repel the lightsaber and I think that's fine, as long as its not made of a lightsaber resistant material. 

  • 2 weeks later...

I think it's pretty reasonable to find elements in the SW universe that are stronger or at least can resist lightsabers a bit, however I think they should always have a limit in terms of plot. In the EU, cortosis was such a cop-out way to make a character hold their own against a Jedi/Sith. That's the one thing I dislike about KOTOR, is all the vibroblades.

In canon, I think they have done a decent job of not overusing anything that resists sabers...yet. We'll see how these next few episodes of the Mandalorian go. I don't mind beskar being resistant, but maybe have a very limited life span when being hit by them, rather than be completely equal to them.

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