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Help a noob with animation issues and "custom" rig.

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-Rigged a mesh to the JK2 Galak Mech with its custom GLA. It looks fine in modview, looks like a broken turd in single player.

-The walk and run animations work as long as you have a gun in your hands, not the lightsaber.
-I'm assuming the missing animations from the .GLA & missing reference in the galak animation.cfg is to blame?

-Do i have to go through the whole stock .cfg list and then create an improvised galak animation.cfg for every single sequence? (that didn't seem to work so far)


I also tried the rocket trooper rig but surprise everything works fine! Screw you JA, why you gotta make everything so complicated all the time! :lol:


EDIT: can this be moved to modding assistance? Thx.


This could be more of a code problem rather than something you aren't doing right. I found Gorc was broken at first but we found that he required the medium saber stance to work properly even though the sequences just pointed to the strong swings and we bound the style via the sab file.


I think though that the Galak Mech may be broken/missing in JA afaik. Someone else may have to chime in on this. Either way try it real quick in JK2 to see if it works properly.

Psyk0Sith likes this

Does your NPC have the same class as Galak's mech? Maybe there's some line of code that expects the model to only work with guns. Also, is the skeleton named _humanoid at the beginning? That seems to make a big difference for some reason.

Psyk0Sith likes this

Hmm maybe i need to play with the NPC, i grabbed a random one just to be able to spawn it. The skeleton has a custom name because he's the only character that should behave like that mech, i can try renaming to _humanoid and putting it into its own folder tho. The Galak Mech also has a few specific bones and missing the "hang_bones" amongst others.


EDIT: Alright so i tried all those things and after loading galak_mech and comparing, it looks fine, unfortunately both models fire the weapon from their crotch, and when using the lightsaber "attack" its supposed to open the helmet of the droid to reveal Galak's head. (Irrelevant for what i need). If i could get a weapon bolted into his right hand that would be an improvement. I did move the hand tag in proper position and i see the weapon being bolted in modview. Almost at a dead end unless i figure out the weapon, which might be hard coded since there is "flash" tags for both his weapons.


Thanks for your input guys.

Noodle likes this

I had the crotch issue too but I can't remember if it was the folder path solution or the fact that I added duplicates of all the saber swing sequences to give Gorc a medium stance that he actually never uses. The game didn't like him not having sequences for the medium style so I had to copy all the lines for the strong stance and name them to the yellow stance even though the saber style was bound via the .SAB file.


@@SomaZ is the one who figured these problems out with Gorc, he may be able to help you.

Psyk0Sith likes this

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