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Thrawn's realm of WIP

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This is my realm of WIP, where I will post pictures of kitbashes that I've yet to complete. Unfortunately my time is mostly occupied by studying and laziness so most of my work remains in blender, never to be implemented into the game, for me to gawk at but recently my friend Tompa9 has offered to finalize some of them for me so that they can be enjoyed in game
(Huge thankies a t
housand times over btw). 


Darth Revan

Darth Revan in his classic KOTOR look is one of my first kitbashes, the model is currently implemented into the game and fully playable but I lack the permissions required to upload it at the moment.


Delmi, Smoo, Dark_Reaper and 10 others like this

My sweet GOD... it's awesome! :) Did you make the whole model or the basics of the model is ported? :)

Thank you, I'm quite proud of it myself hehe & no, it's a kitbash (also known as a "Frankenstein"). I took parts from around 3 models, put them together, edited the parts and textures heavily and bam: the final model.

Tulak Hord likes this

Thank you, I'm quite proud of it myself hehe & no, it's a kitbash (also known as a "Frankenstein"). I took parts from around 3 models, put them together, edited the parts and textures heavily and bam: the final model.


I'm really looking forward to play with this mighty Warrior and Legend. Did you do the shaders and everything? :D


I'm really looking forward to play with this mighty Warrior and Legend. Did you do the shaders and everything? :D

Yep, the shaders are done too. The only thing the model is really lacking is a soundpack, I could have used his voice lines from TOR but I don't really like them and in KOTOR Revan didn't have a voice so I'm not bothered by him being mute for the time being.

Tulak Hord likes this

A small teaser of how is Revan's model looking in-game (screenshots thematically taken with @@Circa's KOTOR stances on MB2 Revan map)  :winkthumb:










Tompa9, where can I download the stances? My God... you two guys a dream come true really... I dreamed for years somebody will do a proper JKA Revan model, with good (in your case excellent) skinning/texturing job, and THE STANCES!!! You are the Chosen Ones!!! :D:)

DarthValeria likes this
  • 1 month later...

I've had some time to work on some older kitbashes that I started and, for the most part, I've finished putting Mandalore together.

I've yet to export the model and implement it into the game but the model is complete.

Depending on the source Mandalore's armor has different colors, so I made a couple variations:



Smoo, Tompa9, krkarr and 5 others like this

This actually made me laugh since I just posted my version of Mandalore The Ultimate and then I see you post yours shortly after. Anyway that is an awesome job you did, looks like you put it together the same way I did with a little more added which I was actually trying to look for. I am in the works right now trying to create Mandalore The Indomitable, hopefully I'll have something posted soon. Keep up the awesome work, that's an awesome Revan you did too! :winkthumb:

Thrawn the Prophet likes this

This actually made me laugh since I just posted my version of Mandalore The Ultimate and then I see you post yours shortly after. Anyway that is an awesome job you did, looks like you put it together the same way I did with a little more added which I was actually trying to look for. I am in the works right now trying to create Mandalore The Indomitable, hopefully I'll have something posted soon. Keep up the awesome work, that's an awesome Revan you did too! :winkthumb:

Thanks, if only I had the patience to implement the model ;-;

Yeah I checked yours out and it looks dope, using the same KOTOR skin edit for the base model which is cool.

I was looking into making an Indomitable kitbash but I couldn't find the right model parts to get the result I wanted so I gave up.

Good luck though, your work looks promising too  :D 

Omega and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  • 3 months later...

Darth Revan release!

Darth Revan in his classic KOTOR look is one of my first kitbashes. Prepared for the release by Tompa9!

Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/fuogkqi7d0e5hb2/revan_thrawn.rar/file



Sounds: Yes
Bot: Yes
NPC: Yes
Team Support: No
Menu Support: No
Extract revan_thrawntp.zip and put zz_zRevanTP.PK3 into your base folder in Gamedata. Enjoy!
npc spawn revan
Thrawn the Prophet (creator)
AlmightyGir (original model)
ShenLong Kazama (cape)
AshuraDX (clone gauntlets)
Hapslash (hood)
Bioware (upper torso cloths)

Tompa9 (model edits, release)

DarthValeria likes this
  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

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