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List of “DynamicGlow” & “DynamicLight” settings & what they are..

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Ok, so I’m just wondering if anyone knows or can point me in the right direction, as to what all the dynamic glow and dynamic light commands are, in the console?


r_dynamiclight = 1 (I know “1” is to turn on dynamic light and “0” is to turn it off)

r_DynamicGlowWidth = 320

r_DynamicGlowSoft = 1

r_DynamicGlowPasses = 5

r_DynamicGlowIntensity = 1.13f

r_DynamicGlowHeight = 240

r_DynamicGlowDelta = 0.8f


If there’s any info anywhere, regarding this.. It’d be a big help.


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r_dynamicGlow 0-1 of course. Not the same as r_dynamicLight.

Atleast in OJK r_dynamicGlow 2 is a thing.

That renders only the glows.


In OJK you can Also type R_dynamicG and press tab to get a list of suggestions for the auto completion, which should nicely list all of the commands

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r_dynamicLight toggles lights on walls of your saber and similar things with a light source.

r_DynamicGlow* - it is better to see yourself what it changes.

Change one value a bit, do vid_restart and see. Then change another and so on.

Atleast in OJK r_dynamicGlow 2 is a thing.
That renders only the glows.

In OJK you can Also type R_dynamicG and press tab to get a list of suggestions for the auto completion, which should nicely list all of the commands

All that said works the same in the original engine.

Basically you just adjust how the dynamic glow will look like: its power, its spreadness etc. It is not SO special.

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r_dynamicLight toggles lights on walls of your saber and similar things with a light source.

r_DynamicGlow* - it is better to see yourself what it changes.

Change one value a bit, do vid_restart and see. Then change another and so on.

All that said works the same in the original engine.

Basically you just adjust how the dynamic glow will look like: its power, its spreadness etc. It is not SO special.

Huh, I could have sworn that the base game did not offer the suggestion list for partially entered commands.

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Ok, so I’m just wondering if anyone knows or can point me in the right direction, as to what all the dynamic glow and dynamic light commands are, in the console?


r_dynamiclight = 1 (I know “1” is to turn on dynamic light and “0” is to turn it off)

r_DynamicGlowWidth = 320

r_DynamicGlowSoft = 1

r_DynamicGlowPasses = 5

r_DynamicGlowIntensity = 1.13f

r_DynamicGlowHeight = 240

r_DynamicGlowDelta = 0.8f


If there’s any info anywhere, regarding this.. It’d be a big help.



r_dynamicLight, ent has already explained.


I don't know for sure how the r_dynamicGlow cvars are used, but I do know how dynamic glow works so here's my educated guess:


Any models with shader stage that has a "glow" keyword will have it's glowy portions rendered again to an off-screen image. I think r_dynamicGlowWidth and r_dynamicGlowHeight control the size of this off-screen image. Once all the glowy stages are rendered, you blur the off-screen image a few times. r_dynamicGlowPasses controls how many times, and r_dynamicGlowDelta controls how much to blur. Finally, you blend this off-screen image with what you have on the screen. r_dynamicGlowIntensity controls how strongly to blend and r_dynamicGlowSoft controls the type of blend.


Like ent said, if you load a map with cheats on you can see how each of the cvars affects the size of the glow, and the quality. You don't need to run vid_restart after changing each one (except for r_dynamicGlowWidth and r_dynamicGlowHeight maybe?), they'll take effect immediately.

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