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Obi-Wan Kenobi (Exiled) 2

   (2 reviews)

6 Screenshots

About This File

After the poster and trailer reveal of Obi-Wan Kenobi, I wanted to kit together his new exiled look. I like what they did with his hair and all, so I tried to replicate it as close as possible!


Install Instructions: Put the "ZZ-Kenobi_Exile.pk3" inside your base folder.
Uninstall Instructions: Remove the "ZZ-Kenobi_Exile.pk3" from your base folder.



Sounds: Yes
NPC Support: Yes
BOT Support: No


To use the models, type these into your command console (or select the Icons in the player select screen):

"/model Obiwan_Exile" (his default attire)

"/model Obiwan_Exile/hood" (for his hood up)

To spawn him as an NPC, type these commands into your console:

"/npc spawn Obiwan_Exile" (his default attire)

"/npc spawn Obiwan_Exile_hood" (for his hood up)


External Content Used / Credits:

Sirius-- Used Malicos parts (the hair)
Star Wars: Force Arena-- Luke Skywalker, Tatooine robes
MD2 Team-- Obi-Wan head model & Textures

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

Willemoes, DarthDrija, OCD2 and 1 other like this

User Feedback

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Wtf, you shoot faster than your shadow...


Teaser on air for two days, and already a skin ! Very good one !

Chansta, ZelZel, Lancelot and 2 others like this
Darth Jokadu


brooo the Force is strong with u great job XD 

r e y fanboi23


how do we use the other appearances in console commands?



9 hours ago, r e y fanboi23 said:

how do we use the other appearances in console commands?

/model Obiwan_ExileB
/model Obiwan_ExileB/shirt


/model Obiwan_ExileC
/model Obiwan_ExileC/tunic

r e y fanboi23 likes this
Untold Prophecy


Can you update with SIngleplayer support? 🙂

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