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Single player missions expansion

   (5 reviews)

3 Screenshots

About This File

Over a time mod makers created some really great levels for JKA.
But loading them through bat file or console always seemed to me as big immersion breaker.
So I created a version of some cool SP maps that is integrated in the game's mission selection screen. 
I also added some little story info for menu, and recorded some additional voicover with Ivona reader.

Currently only two mission are added, "Crash on Tatooine" by Mercenary, and "Operation: Spaceport" by Michael May.
Maps were used with permission from their respective authors. I thank them for their awesome work.
The maps were added smoothly into the original game and are selectable on the second mission screen (between Hoth and Vjun).
It seemed to be logical, because in the original maps, the force power levels of the players was set to be somewhere around 2.

I modified the maps so now your force powers aren't set to specific value when you play the map.
You just get the one force power raise that you've chosen at the beginning of the map, just like in the basic JKA SP missions.

To see full credits and changes read "ReadMe" file within the archive.

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

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I really enjoyed these two new levels. My favorite one is the mission on Tatooine - so good! I did get lost momentarily in operation: spaceport - but overall great experiences. I do wish that it was possible that all levels in tier 2 could be completed - instead of having to skip some to experience the two new levels. Could this somehow be changed? Food for thought

I certainly encourage more levels to be added to JKA. Love this game!

Great Times, Five Stars!



I finished to played this today, after i started a new game.

For be the first single player expansion of JKA history that's very good as project.

This mod added two new quests to tier2: crash on tatooine and capture crime lord of okofo.

Crash of tatooine: this mission is short but fun with an impressive action cinematic at the start. a swoop race into the rocky tatooine canyons (i guess the regio is beggar canyon) is really funny and amazing, a little more hard that the swoop run on zonju V.

The siths at the end of the levels are really nasty enemy, but they can however beated with a lot of tactic also with a rank skill of apprentice and force powers at medium level.

better to have a good force heal and absorb rank level for this quest however, at least rank 2.

there are some combos of lightsaber with saber fast style that can easy take down the first reborns.

the final reborn masters, well, i confess that i use a flechette gun main fire (i carry flechette on weapon selecetion menu before start this level) for make the enemy more weak, shooting him below the lamda shuttles feet, so i cannot reach and slaying me with saber.

i love the fact that there is a very strenght adversare, too strenght for a jedi apprentice, cause on that way players are forced to use intellect for beat instead of just use lightsaber

and brutal force powers!

I like the sun flares of tatooine skyboxes of this level and the amazing shadow projections of the canyon rocks on the road that you run with the swoop. is a good graphic quality


Okofo quest: maybe i am dumb, but i find this level much diffucult of crash of tatooine. Why? well, this map need to some improvement.

i love the underground thugs criminal labirint style and the dark metropolitan sci fi style of this map. i really love it!

There are a tons of enemies of all kinds: alien thugs, imperial and cultists.

the map alternate empty hallways with improvvise rooms full of enemies, and use jedi sense is necessary for avoid ambush and troubles, cause they have a strong amount of firepower and can easily take you down also on padawan level difficult.so it's an hard level, so i suggest to face it for last, after you collect as max force perk you can for make this more easy.

Now the glitches:

- objectives not show in datapad, but that's normal. they are hardcoded and require code hacking for work.

- the first elevator with the stormtrooper corpses , and many other elevator sometime are stuck and bugged and so is not possible to take an elevator for continue to walkway of the level. the first time that i played the map, yesterday, i used the noclip cheat for bypass that issue.

is possible to fix it if someone have original map file and add switches for call the elevator like on other jka level.

the door of the hangar that contain the imperial transport at the start of level, when you get the console that open all the doors that allow you to access to the rest of the dungeon are CLOSED and into the cantina full of thugs at the start of pathway there is not any switch (or at least i not find any kind of hidden switched) that allow to open this damned door.

so i used noclip for go throught it. after that, at the second temptative the map played Normally.

is a great wonderful level. Okofo should get an high appreciation into the recently underworld contest, really, this map breath with the atmosfere of undercity gangs!

is like a very gloomy and dark version of coruscant.

I love the cutscenes of briefing and debriefing with republic soldier that ask for help ❤️

I want to make a little suggest to map author: i not know if this works, but for avoid that code raise up the storyinfo cvar, maybe the new maps should put the storyinfo cvar to a --1 value, instead of a ++1 like to the other target_level_change entities into the original t2 quests maps.

i guess, that should allow to play all the entire tier2 missions without code hacking.

cause there are 7 quests with expansion and so on that way storyinfo cvar get a

Rancor +1

Zonju +1

Dosunn +1

Rogue +1

Crash of tatooine -1 to cvar

Okofo add 0 to cvar 

so now cvar is on 4.

play krildor level and it turn to 5.

is not perfect and is little complicated but at moment i not know how fix it without code hacking.

That's all, with some improvement this mod can be one of my favourite.

I hope someone will fix okofo maps and fix missinb objectis and tier menu progression, so it can be full played and enjoyed, maybe also adding a TONS of new levels and missions!

4/5 stars. 



GamerRedNeck likes this


It's been some time since I played SP mods for Jedi Academy, but this one seemed to be worth a try. The mod adds 2 new missions to the second tier for Jaden, one takes place on Tatooine, where you travel to explore the Shuttle crash. It's not just shooting and dueling, even though you encounter Reborn warriors. It's good to see that we get an expansion of swoop missions with this mod, so you ride one until you come across Jawas and the destroyed ship. This mission is short, but gives a fresh look on missions of the New Jedi Order.

A second assignment takes you to Okofo, a new planet, which looks a lot like a shadowy ecumenopolis full of thugs, who are led by an Imperial guy. His status is perhaps that of Rax Joris, but the city is an elaborate set of labyrinths, which you have to explore before you find your goal. In both missions the authors added cutscenes 👍 Also the Okofo missions gets a briefing from a Republic Soldier.

Hopefully more authors would add new maps to the packs, so that we could choose from a variety of different worlds to explore. For now this is a very good addition to a familiar flow of the JA story.

GamerRedNeck likes this

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

This is so cool.  Even if the Tatooine mission lacks balance as to where Jaden is in the story compared to the Dark Jedi he/she fights.  I still really loved this and can't wait for more.

Response from the author:

I was thinking about this. At first i thought about replacing those dark jedis with more appropriate cultists models, but then I just decided to stick true to the original map. Moving this map on the third tier isnt a good idea too. Because jaden would be too strong on the third tier. Maybe in the future I will change those enemies to cultist.

HungryWampa and zahar like this

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This is the best Extension mod I've seen!!  It has everything you need, voiceovers, multi-leveled challenges, and great acting ( sometimes lol). This mod showcases only 2 maps ( atm for me 5/12/2021) and those 2 just brought life back into this game for me! Speedrunning these are also fun, so thats cool! Just overall, this is a great mod, great creations, and i would love to get like, 2-4 more for each act ( sets, whatever you call em)! It's alot, but this is just too good!!:oldgrin:

GamerRedNeck and zahar like this
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