Download a release from Garux GitHub:
this stuff is included in recent builds of netradiant-customĀ
And the gamepack contents from:
Extract the .tar.gz file using 7Zip for example so that the folderĀ "ja-example-maps-2005-01-16.tar.gz\ja.tar\base\"
ends up being your base folder of the environment you want to map for.
You may want to use notepad++ - extract the shader files from the base assets or use the ones from the above gamepacks.
Replace the the following keywords from the existing shader files or enhance your shaders so that every keyword on the left of the list below is enhanced by its counterpart on the right side of the list...
q3map_origin => surfaceparm origin
q3map_patchshadow => q3map_patchshadows
q3map_nolightmap => surfaceparm nolightmap
q3map_hint => surfaceparm hint
q3map_clusterportal => surfaceparm clusterportal
q3map_alphashadow => surfaceparm alphashadow
q3map_areaportal => surfaceparm areaportal
q3map_structuralĀ => surfaceparm structural
q3map_detailĀ => surfaceparm detail
Especially important to do this for the system.shader!
You can use the "search in folders/files" option in notepad++ and use replace for an entire folder (shaders in this case)
Check the documentation that comes along with NetRadiant Custom from Garux, you will see what shader instructions can be used with the included build of q3map2
Don't worry. The only relevant part of the documentation is about what instructs q3map2 to modify a surface - don't worry - undocumented stuff that is specific to JKA such as clampAnimMap and oneshotAnimMap do work of course as they are not what you have to look with regards to compatibility here - only instructions that affect how q3map2 modifies the surfaces - not the engine later on.
Extract NetRadiant Custom so I has aĀ "netradiant-custom-DATE_OF_RELEASE" folder inside the "netradiant-custom-win64" folder you can place about anywhere you want.
I'll share my template adaption of the unverified_gamepacks package so you can extract this alongside radiant and overwrite the existing files.
I've customized the compile options as I didn't feel the need for the original variations anymore with more sophisticated q3map2 features in use.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <project version="2.0"> <var name="bsp">"[RadiantPath]q3map2.[ExecutableType]" -v<cond value="[MonitorAddress]"> -connect [MonitorAddress]</cond> -game ja -fs_basepath "[EnginePath]"<cond value="[GameName]"> -fs_game [GameName]</cond></var> <var name="light">"[RadiantPath]q3map2.[ExecutableType]" -v<cond value="[MonitorAddress]"> -connect [MonitorAddress]</cond> -game ja -fs_basepath "[EnginePath]"<cond value="[GameName]"> -fs_game [GameName]</cond> -light</var> <var name="vis">"[RadiantPath]q3map2.[ExecutableType]"<cond value="[MonitorAddress]"> -connect [MonitorAddress]</cond> -game ja -fs_basepath "[EnginePath]"<cond value="[GameName]"> -fs_game [GameName]</cond> -vis</var> <build name="Q3Map2: (single) BSP -meta"> <command>[bsp] -meta "[MapFile]"</command> </build> <build name="Q3Map2: (single) BSP -meta -v -v -verboseentities -maxarea -threads 6"> <command>[bsp] -meta -v -v -verboseentities -maxarea -threads 6 "[MapFile]"</command> </build> <build name="Q3Map2: (single) -vis"> <command>[vis] "[MapFile]"</command> </build> <build name="Q3Map2: (single) -vis -saveprt -v -v -threads 6"> <command>[vis] -saveprt -v -v -threads 6 "[MapFile]"</command> </build> <build name="Q3Map2: (single) -vis -merge -saveprt -v -v -threads 6"> <command>[vis] -merge -saveprt -v -v -threads 6 "[MapFile]"</command> </build> <separator/> <build name="Q3Map2: (light) Forced1024Lightmapsize -light -patchshadows -v -v -brightness 1.25 -exposure 250 -gridscale 4 -lightmapsize 1024 -nocollapse -nolightmapsearch -threads 6 -export -external"> <command>[light] -patchshadows -v -v -brightness 1.25 -exposure 250 -gridscale 4 -lightmapsize 1024 -nocollapse -nolightmapsearch -threads 6 -export -external "[MapFile]"</command> </build> <build name="Q3Map2: (light) Forced1024LightmapsizeFiltered -light -patchshadows -v -v -brightness 1.25 -exposure 250 -gridscale 4 -lightmapsize 1024 -samples 4 -super 2 -filter -nocollapse -nolightmapsearch -threads 6 -export -external"> <command>[light] -patchshadows -v -v -brightness 1.25 -exposure 250 -gridscale 4 -lightmapsize 1024 -samples 4 -super 2 -filter -nocollapse -nolightmapsearch -threads 6 -export -external "[MapFile]"</command> </build> <build name="Q3Map2: (light) ExternalLightmappingMadeEasy -light -patchshadows -v -v -brightness 1.25 -exposure 250 -gridscale 4 -nocollapse -nolightmapsearch -threads 6 -export -external "> <command>[light] -patchshadows -v -v -brightness 1.25 -exposure 250 -gridscale 4 -nocollapse -nolightmapsearch -threads 6 -export -external "[MapFile]"</command> </build> <build name="Q3Map2: (light) BounceOnlyTest -light -patchshadows -v -v -bounceonly -bounce 4 -bouncescale 4 -bouncegrid -brightness 1.25 -exposure 250 -gridscale 4 -nocollapse -nolightmapsearch -threads 6 -export -external"> <command>[light] -patchshadows -v -v -bounceonly -bounce 4 -bouncescale 4 -bouncegrid -brightness 1.25 -exposure 250 -gridscale 4 -nocollapse -nolightmapsearch -threads 6 -export -external "[MapFile]"</command> </build> <build name="Q3Map2: (light) Radiosity -light -dirty -dirtdepth 4 -dirtmode 0 -dirtscale 4 -patchshadows -v -v -brightness 1.25 -exposure 250 -bounce 4 -bouncescale 4 -bouncegrid -gridscale 4 -samples 4 -super 2 -filter -nocollapse -nolightmapsearch -threads 6 -export -external"> <command>[light] -dirty -dirtdepth 4 -dirtmode 0 -dirtscale 4 -patchshadows -v -v -brightness 1.25 -exposure 250 -bounce 4 -bouncescale 4 -bouncegrid -gridscale 4 -samples 4 -super 2 -filter -nocollapse -nolightmapsearch -threads 6 -export -external "[MapFile]"</command> </build> <separator/> <build name="convert to .ASE"> <command>[bsp] -convert -format ase -shadersasbitmap "[BspFile]"</command> </build> <build name="convert to .OBJ"> <command>[bsp] -convert -format obj -shadersasbitmap "[BspFile]"</command> </build> <separator/> <build name="make .pk3"> <command>[bsp] -pk3 "[BspFile]"</command> </build> <build name="make .aas"> <command>[mbspc] -forcesidesvisible -optimize -bsp2aas "[BspFile]"</command> </build> <separator/> <build name="ScaleMap8"> <command>[bsp] -scale 8 "[BspFile]"</command> </build> <build name="ASE Shaders"> <command>[bsp] -convert -format ase -shadersasbitmap "[BspFile]"</command> </build> <build name="ASE Lightmaps"> <command>[bsp] -convert -format ase -lightmapsastexcoord -shadersasbitmap "[BspFile]"</command> </build> </project>
Inside the archive will be my preferences and modified compile commands. The original ones can be found in the unverified gamepacks if you want to see it. However look at my zip file so you know where your files should end up incase you want to build this yourself...
The file linked to this post is to be found here:Ā
If you are running NRC on Linux, run with the .x86_64 file. You may need to install LibQt5quick:
sudo apt-get install libqt5quickcontrols2-5 libqt5multimedia5 libqt5webengine5 libqt5quick5 libqt5qml5
Either right click radiant.x86_64 and click Run, or run from terminal.
Edited by Circa
added info for linux
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