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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. Ehy Mgummelt, i have too a little question. There is a icarus comand called set_forward move. that can affect an entity to move ever forward. +64 at walkspeed +128 at runspeed . negative value move walkback and runback. i tryed this on game but i see it works only for player and not on NPC. there is some way for works also on NPC too about that, or the function is callind on code? (ent->client->forceforwardmove) how it works? it need an integer for works and i think to add to the AI of my class for force an NPC using this class, when is spawn, to move ever forward, at desired speed (maybe walk when is in idle \ patrol behavour and run speed when is attacking \ fleeing). it need something like NPC->client->setforceforward = int value (like 127, 64 etc) or it need a command like NPC->client->setforceforward, 64 (or another value between 0 an 127) what i want is that an NPC when spawning or calling ai functions of his behavour, can use this function for force him to move forward. if this is not possible. i am asking if there is some way with vectors, for move costantly and entity (player and NPCs) to forward, along Y direction axis. Thanks for any answers.
  2. basically... a code for making a class of NPC that act and fight like starfighters, for hallow dogfight battle on air and on spaxce on SP. but this is pretty far for be ended, at moment my fighter move like chopters... i don't know how damn imbue a forceforward costant moving direction on Y vector on NPC after spawning because i wana to recreate the costantly forward movement of rogue squadron 3d. i am YEARS with headaching because i cannot end my AI for this. i not know how to set a constantly forward movement to fighters NPCs. and SET_FORCEFORWARD icarus command not works on NPCs. >.< and after: -force falling and mainly: - incresed npc limits saber files limits and efx limits (jka hide the particles effect if there are too many efx at a same time into a map) - added 8 new force powers based on legacy of kain series. - changed effects of default force power for match to efx of corrispective legacy of kain spells. example: force drain become blood gout \ blood shower spell, so the force drain effect is replaced by a blood drain effect. change effects and sound of weapons and of force power by AI CLASS of NPCs. - corpse disappering with an efx blowing up explosion for some classes of NPC that are demons or elemental creatures when they die. - a combat system rpg-like, when every class is weak to some shoot weapons and resistance to other weapons. all coded into g_combat - the sabers files of my mod are strongily hardcoded for deal differente MOD damage and not only MOD_SABER. for example on my mod: WP_BLASTER become fireballs spells. and so a flame sword deal also MOD_BLASTER damage, and not only MOD_SABER (in saber files i decreased the damagescale for balance the gameplay for that.) so a blade can be deadly for some kind of monster or unuseful for other. 2 new SP weapons, one like blaster pistol and one like flechette and efx and sound fix and separated for WP_JAWA, WP_BLASTER_PISTOL and WP_BRYAR_PISTOL so i can have 3 different working weapons by that. well, basically that's all.
  3. maybe someone is interessed to this news: recently i discover that q3map2 and radiant can read also 3DS and OBJ as misc_model and without the graphic limitations of MD3s. also with the solid spawnflag sets. obvius, they are not much high poly meshes, but they have dozens of mesh pieces for 3ds files and many mesh overcap the 1000 vertexes limit. in game, they are fines. they are solid and is possible to walk and run like they're brushes. also i not get FPS drop problem o.o the unique problem is to set the relative path of 3ds textures. but this can be done by blender 2.68 with the batch rename script addon before export to 3ds format. Md3 are niceful for little static mesh, but for a big building prefab or a terrain or a map area... i see 3ds have great potentiality.
  4. mmm my mod code is builded with one of the first version of OpenJk of 2013. o.o i doubt they are compatible. if i use rend2 and wz code sure i will need to take code sources and merge with all my code edits O.o well... should be a necessary sacrifice i guess. i tested on a map two area ripped by two legacy of kain games one of defiance and one of blood omen 2
  5. @@UniqueOne i was searching a big open world terrain or some way for make some kind of RPG \ space dogfight fighter battle on JKA engine and AshuraDX linked me to warzone. i'm working about two project: a legacy of kain mod conversion of JKA and another project more personal about a science fiction saga of my creation. the problem is: for heal and illness and photosensibility problem i am stuck to use an old Windows XP SP3. your q3map2 alternative can run in a system like mine? i have also a 32 bit machine, not 64 bit. if is not, is possible to make a build compatible with my case? :\ many thanks for every answer. i love JKA but i ever going mad about the fool graphic limitation of MD3 , no do more of 1000 vertexes models, bad autocollision of models created by q3map2 on solid spawnflag that make the map insanely loud and with fps drops and also i hate to become crazy to manually clip static meshes. warzone can resolve all this problem for what i see and can open an entire modding universe with high poly stuff, right? so... ehm... any possibility i could use too with my old computer? (recently, i also discover how to do map area workable on JKA with not big problems using 3DS and OBJ format instead of MD3, also if md3 still again a good friends of mappers.)
  6. ... D: giant terrains? All graphical restriction limits destroyed??? a superrendering? superwater? open maps? day \ night cycle? automathic misc_model and plants placer inside map? Star wars zone??? my mind is blowing up for possibilities and my dream of making some open world mod is more realistic now. How it works? its downloadable? there are tutorials? i have a billions of questions now! D: my mind is blowind up... D: oh, my, it's wonderful!!
  7. ... My... My mind is blowing up... D: This is with a code modification @@Stoiss ? or just with new sdk tools? How you do that? when you will release it!!! D:
  8. maybe i am wrong, but a lot of time ago looking on forum i see a user that make a GIANT terrain on radiant without using easygen with some kind of script or plug in for do that. terrain was pretty good, textureds and shadered. pretty much better that with the "terrains" entity generated from easygen , i am not much good to works with that because the terrain entitys not allow to see terrain textures into the radiant, so i have difficult to understand "where" i am into the map and where place entities and static model MD3 meshes. if someone has information related to this (i diving in forum but i not remember where was the post with screenshot of that or who is author of that) can contact me please?
  9. into our body muscles move the skeleton. skeleton is passive locomotory system, muscle active moving system moved by neural pulse of brain. on a 3d model, this is inverted: skeleton is animated and is the active locomotory system. each bone of skeleton, with skinning, is connected to one or more vertexes of a mesh, a geometry shape of the body part of model. so meshes are the "muscles" of our 3d character. skeleton deform, stretch and rotate meshes connected to bones with rigging and skinning, and so you get the illusion the character is moving and is "live".
  10. 1: yep, NPCs have NPC_targetname and also script_targetname named respectevely fighter1 for first npc and fighter2 for second npc. 2: trigger once around NPCs that fire script with scriptrunner on activator NPC itself or trigger once around infoplayerstart that run a start script that affect the two npcs and players too? i tryed the method of trigger_once and scriptrunner for 3 hours this morning in various combination but without results. Seems however that this command can be executed only by affect... but works onfly for player. pretty strange on icarus guide is defined as NPC command too. also icarus description talks about NPCs.
  11. Tested on Yavin2 map intro script, affecting kyle and rosh... not works. on player, instead, yes. Damn, this script command works only on player and not on NPCs? .-.
  12. Interessing... D: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/wiki/ICARUS-Scripting SET_FORWARDMOVE int Speed to move current entity forward (use negative value to move backward). This is a relative speed, not actual, valid ranges are -127 to 127. 127 = use runSpeed, 64 = use walkSpeed, 0 = don't force any movement.SET_RIGHTMOVE int Speed to move current entity to the right (use negative value to move left). This is a relative speed, not actual, valid ranges are -127 to 127. 127 = use runSpeed, 64 = use walkSpeed, 0 = don't force any movement.
  13. Okay... i see there was two npc files and one overwrite the other i was use for testing... damn >.< removed. this is the NPC file of the Custom NPC TieFighter1 // Test AI FOR AUTOMOVEFORWARD WORK IN PROGRESS... { playerModel stormtrooper weapon WP_BLASTER weapon WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER weapon WP_REPEATER weapon WP_FLECHETTE FP_HEAL 0 FP_LEVITATION 0 FP_SPEED 0 FP_PUSH 0 FP_PULL 0 FP_TELEPATHY 0 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 0 FP_ABSORB 0 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 0 FP_SABERTHROW 0 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 0 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 0 FP_STUN 0 FP_HATE 0 FP_HEALOTHER 0 FP_CONTROLMIND 0 FP_WRACK 0 FP_FREEZE 0 FP_FORCEGLYPH 0 FP_STONEGLYPH 0 FP_FIREGLYPH 0 FP_WATERGLYPH 0 FP_DARKGLYPH 0 FP_WINDGLYPH 0 FP_SUNGLYPH 0 FP_HOLYGLYPH 0 FP_NECROGLYPH 0 FP_SOUNDGLYPH 0 forceRegenAmount 0 forcePowerMax 0 rank captain aggression 5 aim 5 intelligence 5 reactions 5 move 5 evasion 5 playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_WEEQUAY health 1000 snd tie-fighter sndcombat tie-fighter sndextra tie-fighter sndjedi tie-fighter dismemberProbArms 0 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbWaist 0 yawSpeed 150 walkSpeed 500 runSpeed 1000 } i added also on ground of level a simple waypoint grid, just to be sure, because shooter npcs are dumbs and without navgrid they not want to move... but result are the same. the two npcs are in idle state at start level. player automoveforward, they not. when they see the player, they not move and chase and they stay on position and they shoot with alt fire blaster ... (but i never put SET_ALT_FIRE true) now the scripts are in that way: player spawn script: (fired with trigger_once linket to a target_scriptrunner no "run on activator" spawnflag. i tryed this spawnflag and not work) without run on activator work but ONLY on player //Generated by BehavEd rem ( "Player costantly move forward" ); use ( "tf" ); wait ( 1000.000 ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FORWARDMOVE", 127 ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_GRAVITY", 0.000 ); affect ( "fighter1", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FORWARDMOVE", 127 ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WEAPON", /*@@weaponx_NAMES*/ "WP_BLASTER" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ENEMY", "player" ); } affect ( "fighter2", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FORWARDMOVE", 127 ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WEAPON", /*@@weaponx_NAMES*/ "WP_BLASTER" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ENEMY", "player" ); } the two npc have these spawnscripts, too: //Generated by BehavEd rem ( "Fighter enemy no gravity costant move forward!" ); affect ( "player", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FORWARDMOVE", 127 ); } affect ( "fighter1", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FORWARDMOVE", 127 ); } affect ( "fighter2", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FORWARDMOVE", 127 ); } they not works and not affect no one.
  14. well i also changed NPC ai to stormtrooper and also playermodels too for allow them to behave like stormtroopers and not experimental fighters. however this is how is set on map: info player start has as target "tf" entities entities with targetname tf are the not moving fighters they are these map settings angle -90 NPC_spawner NPC_type TieFighter1 count -1 spawnscript fighters/spawnfighter2 targetname tf the script is that: //Generated by BehavEd rem ( "Fighter enemy no gravity costant move forward!" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FORWARDMOVE", 127 ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WEAPON", /*@[member='weaponx']_NAMES*/ "WP_BLASTER" ); affect ( "player", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FORWARDMOVE", 127 ); } so... i need also to put a scriptrunner triggered by info_player_start and a NPC_targetname to fighers entity and a script that tell affect (figher1) set move forward 127 affect (fighter2) set move forward 127? i can try. mainly when a entity have a spawnscript\fleescript\deathscript etc read the setting behavours without affecting functions, simply putting command on script main field. ... but icarus is strange some time... okay now i try with affectings tecnique.
  15. Well, is a code \ script request so sections should be fine... maybe the coding and script forum has not much peoples watching in this time, specially in summers holiday. i want just clarification about this icarus command and if works only on players or also on npc too. if do like icarus description promising, i failed to trigger up. or i wrote the script into the wrong way.
  16. My pleasure ^^
  17. you want to set a playermodel directly with the batch file for execute the mod? i not know if is possible. is possible to do by the start menu when you begin your first level mod. simply edit newgame_first menu and add the cvars for customize model, sex and sound before execute the level and loading the first map. this require an editring of the menu files. folder ui \ newgame_first.menu edit with notepad the menu files are wrote in a language like html. edit the next button fied like in this way // NEXT button itemDef { name next_glow group mods style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 455 444 130 24 background "gfx/menus/menu_buttonback" // Frame around button forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name nextbutton group fade_buttons text @MENUS_NEXT descText @MENUS_NEXT_DESC type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY rect 455 444 130 24 font 3 textscale 1 textalignx 65 textaligny -1 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER textstyle 3 forecolor 1 .682 0 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" setcvar snd "jaden_male" // put sound folder of your character setcvar g_char_model "character" // put models/player/ name folder of you character setcvar g_char_skin_head "head_a1" // skin file for head setcvar g_char_skin_torso "torso_f1" // skin file for torso setcvar g_char_skin_legs "lower_b1" // skin file for legs. these two files are facoltative. setcvar sex "m" // sex for character. male -> m \ female -> f setcvar g_saber "sword1" //saber name by saber file setcvar g_saber_color "orange" // saber color red blue orange green purple yellow uiScript "updatecharcvars" close all play "sound/weapons/Air_Reaver/airreaver1.mp3" // a sound you want to play when start the game exec "map mapname" // first level map exec "helpusobi 1" // enable cheats and debug command consoklle exec "wait 30" exec "playermodel character" // this auto read an eventually NPC files of your character and set all force powers and weapons like NPC file assign. } mouseEnter { show next_glow } mouseExit { hide next_glow } } } }
  18. SET_WATCHTARGET or SET_LOOK_TARGET linked to a ref_tag with targetname and script_targetname i guess, force the NPC affected to watch in the direction of the entity.
  19. i am trying to force with icarus a flying NPC and player to move ever forward for my fighters mod withou coding. i see there is a script command that can force an entity to run or to turn around. SET_FORWARDMOVE. if you set +127 on spawnscript, on NPC or player, it move EVER forward. EVER! EVER at his runspeed! it's perfect! at this poind need just to be joined with SET_RUNNING \ SET_WALKING and SET_WALKSPEED \ SET_RUNSPEED. SET_FORWARDMOVE -127 force entity to move backward. SET_RIGHTMOVE with + or - 127 force entity to move turn ever right or left. (so is possible to create a rotating twisting NPC, cool! ) my question is that: i tested as spawnscript on two enemies and on player, on player it works perfects. on NPC enemies it doesnt' work. what i need to do? i need to set as an affect command? @@Noodle
  20. ehr, you need to convert alls these stuff of open game arts into md3 or workable stuff compatible for JKA. i manage to do that when i have time for my projects so after i did maybe i share on jkhub if is possible. or i send on you on private. these stuff are freeware. is sufficient credits the authors.
  21. Well i discovered another alternative and fast way that can be use also with md3 programs. that's solve resoulve the problem related to the areas game... basically. 1 i import area of a game with 3d ripper on 3d max. 2 i clean up by npcs players etc and save scene 3 i exported into OBJ by max version (in this case max 5) 4 i imported OBJ inside blender 2.68. 5: i exported as 3DS the area. 6: i load as misc_model the area with spawnflags solid. 7: the area is good spawned inside gtk radiant 1.5.0 but textyres are missings. 8: converts all textures by dds to jpg or png. 9: add at the end of the textures the sufix *dds. a windows utility can be used for make that to a massive texture numbers. 10: testing with another simple 3ds with an only mesh, i see that all textures of 3ds in that case, are readed by the base folder by default. (or by the mod folder) this is a problem i need to fix. how to customize texture paths. for the rest at this point the map area can be builded and played inside game. i not encoutered issues and all textures in that case are on power of 2, so their fine. the unique problem can be caused by an area too big and vaste that is superior to the maps units but for that modelscale can solve trouble (but cause FPS drops problems with complex structural geometry). i tested that with a Very Old Game of 2001 so the lod of polygon of 3ds is very very very light. sure not works for modern games with HD graphics. And so... Many thanks @@AshuraDX and @@DT85 now i am in condition of create my stuff. i have 3 different way for making static mesh (max, blender or 3ds) and i think i will use one or other depending but the kind of object i need.
  22. thanks, i seen now. really many thanks so much. now is more clear. so procedure is: 1 1: put textures of model inside the models map object folder of model of JKA. 2: search texture with max by material menu (M) of object, and assign texture from the new path to the mesh. 3: name the material with the path name of JKA where is the texture. 4: export the md3 inside JKA folder. 5 done. and load to radiant MD3 configured. mmm well, this is the point. i have a lot of big area maps and models that have a large amount of dds texture as bitmap \ photometric files material, imported with 3dr. for works this on my ripped area, so i need to... 1: copy on the folder i desire of JKA the textures of area converted into jpg. 2: change the path of bitmap \ photometric files of radiant by utilities, mores, bitmap photometric files. edit resources for match the path of textures inside models JKA folders. 3: go into material menu of each mesh (these is fucking painful for a big area and rename material name of every drawcalls into the path of the texture inside JKA folder. 4: export to MD3. in this step md3 exporter tell me what meshes have too many vertexes or other issues that need to be fixed. 5: enjoy the entire level area inside the game, right? mmm bo2 have 13 maps area for levels. but the trouble is that 3dripper capture only what see the camera inside the game and scenes need, before exporting to be cleaned up by playermodels and other all npc models. in every case, is not the entire area level, so level need to be also splitted into modules and assembled after on radiant... is a biiiig works but with many time and patience i suppose should be possible... the main problem of all that is to put path texture name in every material name before exporting... mmm Otherwise, this method can really be useful for the other my projects for my alien buildings and stuff that i create and ripped by spore. (yes, i use spore game for give a look to my saga assets enviroments of my books, for the other projects) and in that project - more important, should be more easy because i sure not use the silly and cartoonist textures of spore, i replace with my own more realistic. so i suppose is a good way. o.o the unique issue is that this method is fine for a little md3 with monotexturee, for complex md3 with multiple materials or prefabs reqiuire really a lot of works. there is not some way on max for apply rthe material name of an object\mesh to other meshes, for boost up the job? (like i do on blender with the copy custom properties plug in. until know i make md3 on bleder with mrwonko plug in and istruction about md3shader and put paths ). Oh, well i see the names of materials can be easy copy\pasted inside materials windows choosing. okay this open possibilites for my saga models. for bo2 areas, instead... eeeewwwww... argh D: i thinks i will get an hand by some friend for do that. alone is little difficult.
  23. on JKA the best thing is a map make of brushes. md3 can be useful but really is not a easily way for doing stuff for this game. the main problem is other mmm okay. this was all the thing i can do. i want to be really honest with you, guys i have two big projects. but i have the self knowledge know that alone i cannot do much. however... first project was a conversion of JKA related legacy of kain series, just for hobby and for a narrative role game i played for years in a clan \ forum italian about this saga. but also if i learn a lot of tecnique... really i see is a impossible task. basically for map and model builing. same truouble for other idea, the idea about i was seeking about making a NPC fighter class for so many time for make also space combat gameplay inside JKA: i am science fiction writer, but i never have much success with my books on italy. so i was thinking about the idea of making, just for hobby because i leave every commercial porpuse of this finality on my life after the delusions and after i seen how is damned the book markets... well the idea was to change media for create my saga, a game or build on JKA was the best things. i am too many old for learn unity and unreal also for my illness and heal troubles i have not much energy to spend in hard works. but however, i need a direction on my life. so basically i used JKA modding skills for try to realize my dreams, almost for satisfation of see my characters and other friends characters come to live. but problem is... make models. never easy stuff works and for an lonely person is impossible to do something so big. for LOk, i ripped with 3dripper maps of blood omen 2 by game, (there is not tool for take stuff of this game like other lok games that have model converter and edxporter)but this is painful because the procedure for port on JKA something with 3dripper is: 1 rip model 2: open 3dr on max, clean up by character and all unuseful stuff and item (if is a map) 3: export to blender in OBJ. 4: on blender... decimate the mesh with > 500 vertexes... or split into more... or separate into more scene \ models files. 5: apply md3 custom shader for each texture... if someone not know, textures ripped by 3dripper are dds (and need to be convert to jpg but i have a tool that do this fast). the biggest problem is another: textuee are named with absurd coded name like 2effaab.dds or something like that. thanks to mr wonko, i leanrned how to apply md3shader on blender and export md3 on blender. but md3 created by blender are very big, entire megabyte, respect to md3 created by max. Otherwise, with blender i have a plug in that copy custom properties by a mesh to other of scene, on 3d max i should set the texturee alphanumeric name and path correct for hundreds of meshes before export on md3.... this can be good for little md3 models, but is not human possible for a map area with dozens of coded textures on blender this trouble is partially solved. thanks to copy custom properties plug in, i not become mad to digit each time "md3shader model/bo2/cy/blablabla" for apply texture. i need just to set name texture after i applied this kind of custom properies on all mesh scenes. and after...,finally export for have a damned md3 with a piece of map or a prefab model, (if is something about my space opera saga). after that porting into radiant and build map. also if on radiant see terrains is an other painful problem because their are all covered by shader terrain, so for place the models and orientate during map assembling i need to work into a decompiled map that allow to see terrain texture and after copy all entities and past on the map copy with terrain entity shader. moan. well, sorry for the long post and for the off topic. i am kinda frustrated about that and about my impossibility to make my dreams coming true. but really i fear there is not a fast way or solution for recreate a world inside JKA without really a killing works. (consider thi produced gigabyte of stuff on my computer for lok saga into ten years of job, and also i coded SP JKA for change gameplay for make the mod more ... lokable). about my saga... eeeew... create twelve (yes, twelve... i start this project on 1997) worlds by zero on a game engine... i really not have much idea about where crush my head at this point. well, sorry for all and for off topic, if i created some problem with this, topic can be also closed. >.<
  24. Never used... i pressed m and i see the menu. where is the name of material?
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