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Everything posted by katanamaru

  1. Of course there could be a bonus key to get off the dead bartender for a locked door later with goodies. Ya know, dark side, easy power and all.
  2. If you change the weapon ready pose to bringing the gun to the shoulder, like Both_weaponReady4 I believe, he won't put the gun back at his waist. If I read Eez's weapon tut right it is possible to give every weapon it's own animations. That is something I wanted to test doing.
  3. I'm not sure if you should make the Bartender have to be killed. Kind of committing murder there. There could be the key card where the blaster was originally. Or a button behind the bar to open the lock.
  4. Thanks for the descriptions. What about ease of download of the mod for people? Does one version have a bazillion-quadrillion fake download buttons? I'd rather it be tougher for me to upload a mod then tougher for someone to download it.
  5. Love the Hoth skin! I was going to suggest a 'saber off' variant too. What about lightening up the hair a little? Some people were saying that they though Luke had more blondish hair in the beginning.
  6. But then you block other styles even better right?
  7. The only reason I used mp in the beginning was to look at skins. When it stopped working I just use the npc tool. I have never crossed sabers with another person in JO or JA.
  8. I'll look into those. Good news is I'll be online tonight and tomorrow at my folks place. 1. There is a big fencing tournament with my best trainning partner competing on Saturday. 2. My radiator busted on the way home so I'll get to work on that Saturday too.
  9. Gamefront. I wasn't going to upload on the jkhub since these were done by request and without Hirman's permission.
  10. I've been trying to upload the file @ but it won't let me
  11. I'll see about making a stance that is a compromise between the two stances. Here is my BFII run. It works with staff or singles. JK style walk JK stance My yellow for shiicho and niman djem so soresu misc Yun Jerec Sariss Obi-Wan This link is my whole album. http://s730.photobucket.com/user/katanamaru/library/?sort=3&page=1 @@DT85 if you are interested too.
  12. I agree with Eezst here. I liked the JO stance a lot more. It is something I planned to do. If we get a small team we can see what people think. Maybe I can make a poll and let the community vote. That sounds like a good idea since this is a community project. The single yellow is very similar to that one. Just some minor tweaks. Same for the single run. I don't use the staff stance or run. I use a staff stance and run that is similar to the one in the JK mod Saber Battle X. I have a run with the saber held back and out from the character like from Battlefront II.
  13. Runs are easy. I made a template with the base run and can easily edit the arms into anything you want. If you want the runs from the Clone Wars mod by Hirman I can pull them out. I can recreate them using my template too. I actually never released my custom personal animations. I recently updated it to v12. It seems to always be a wip. I may do that here.
  14. I do remember that post! About having to make block and walking animations. That really racked my brain. I've done ok with animations mainly because I use base animations and edit them to what I want. Brand new animations still throw me for a loop. So in this case I can say: "The learner has become the master." This is a great example of helping others and making the community grow.
  15. I'm still in Dragon. I'm having a tough time with XSI since I can't watch tutorials at home. So we'll have to keep it kind of simple. Throw some out. I'm going to vote with my blue and yellow saber stance though. I'll try and get some pics up. I also love, love, love my JK inspired run! I never like the fact that the fighting styles are mostly two-handed, but the character would run with the saber in one hand.
  16. Heck yeah that's a good animation! Which program? I know you said Dragon for the recoil, but did you use it for this too?
  17. Yeah. I'd just use the sleeved Dagobah outfit and call it a day. That's what I really meant. Not that it needs an 'all new Hoth outfit'. Just so long as we don't get the missing texture character it's all good.
  18. Never seen (or can't remember) those Rosh reskins. Those would be cool too.
  19. Those guys are awesome! I alway enjoyed fighting them.
  20. Since we're talking sp count me in. Since we're also talking soon-ish new saber styles probably won't happen. I'll contribute other game related animations though. There is an 'enhanced Rosh' I believe that replaces his model with a retexture of Padawan Anakin. It was pretty cool.
  21. I will download it tonight and put it through it's paces. Did you consider Hoth gear?
  22. Boy I feel old now. Some of you just picking it up on a whim is crazy.
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