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Status Updates posted by Mandalorian

  1. Well with Lucasarts gone I have SP SOURCE :D

    1. Mandalorian


      That's the only good thing out of that. R.I.P 1313 and First Strike.

    2. Mog


      Actually, LA's death has brought more good then bad. The JK2/JKA source code was born from this and the potential for KOTOR 1 & 2's source to be released is now open.

  2. I have to say I really think this is one of the best and most well put together forums I have been too. Thanks to the staff. i can see why It's growing, with great modders contributing. thanks guys and gals.

    1. Onysfx


      For the most part we all get along, unlike some forums I've seen lol.

    2. Cerez


      I pity the people on those forums. I would have to agree with you, Mandalorian. It's not only extremely functional, modern, and beautiful, but it also has a meaningful community of quality people, and a strong sense of belonging.

    1. Onysfx


      Very nice. Lighting isn't the greatest, but I'm sure you know that. Coming along nicely (don't take my advice, I've never mapped before)

    2. Mandalorian


      thanks its my first youtube video so the quality is sucky. THe lighting is way better now and I have learnt a few more bits and peices.

  3. Wow Star Wars rebels was actually pretty good. It felt more like Star Wars than the prequels.

    1. Onysfx


      Ima check it out later.

    2. Onysfx


      It was great, thanks xD.

  4. Moving next few days so I'll be offline for a bit.

    1. therfiles


      Have fun! Hope it goes well.

    2. Mandalorian


      Thanks :) Will be good to be closer to civilisation.It's a five hour trip so I hope I sleep through it!

  5. Not having my own net is killing me. whatsgoingon

    1. Barricade24


      People are making lots of cool stuff. Sorry, if that kills you even more.

    2. Mandalorian



      On another note got the sideshows collectible commander Wolffe yesterday, sure is pretty.


  6. Finally got better hardware, working on crysis 2 sdk and considering moving my project to that platform.

    1. DT.


      I will say to anyone thinking about working with the CryEngine 3 SDK that the native cloth physics doesn't work on character models. Other than that, It's pretty good to work with. ;)

    2. Mandalorian


      Good tip to know thankyou DT85. I still plan to be a part of this community, have a few things planned and I don't want to drop out on people.

  7. Finally got internet back, i have being working on quite a bit lately. Good to be back.

  8. I am going to stop selling deathsticks and go home and rethink my life.

    1. Mog


      Don't listen to him.....he's just trying to have a drink.

  9. done with my skin.

    1. Onysfx


      Well done! UNLIMITED POWAH!!!!

  10. Slugging away on my mod, just been drawing pages of ideas for my menu layouts, as I figure It's good place to start whilst I'm trying to find people to develop this idea with me.

    1. Horatio Culver

      Horatio Culver

      I'd be happy to help you, not necessarily with the menus, but the rest of the mod. It'd be nice to see a good Boba Fett mod.

  11. Doing some mapping, got to love skyportals.

  12. There is a drawing tablet right next to me, I have no idea how to use it, but i could give it a shot. From what i have heard from this forum and around is that it is the best way to achieve precision in certain aspects. I do a lot of art but none digital. I don't really count my current skin work as art... more likely unsettling obsession.

    1. minilogoguy18


      If you're painting from scratch a tablet is a must, I have a large Intuos 3

  13. May the 4th be with you.

  14. Rest in peace Carrie Fisher. You will remembered fondly by millions, farewell

  15. Honored to have two of my files featured!

  16. I like the spooky ghost. They are my friend.

  17. I hope for many more years for jkhub and the modding community and a big thanks to all the staff for keeping this site going for us! Happy new year :)

  18. Watching Mugs map tutorials from his link.I had difficulty mapping a long time ago,probably my first install and I only had the radiant tutorial that most people used, I couldn't quite grasp it then when I had errors with lighting which I suspect is a common pitfall when trying to learn along with compiling. but I might try just making a simple room again from scratch after watching this.*downloads radiant and digs for some models assets.

  19. RIP Stephen Hawking.

  20. Shout out to @Kualan for all of his help lately. Check out his amazing thread! https://jkhub.org/topic/4930-kualans-kitbash-workshop/

  21. Mixamo any good as a rigging tool for jka?

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