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  1. How did you get this reskin to not conflict with the Temple window in the cutscene where Luke addresses the students for the first time? I'm trying to cobble together my own replacement mod and the cutscene crashes because the effect in the window is tied to the Jedi Trainer NPC somehow, but your mod doesn't have this issue.
  2. This is great, but it overrides a lot of the things I really like in my heavily modded copy. I'm aiming for a "what if" universe in my game, where Ben didn't kill Luke's new attempt at am Order and some things that have been changed in the Disney canon are the same in the EU, or are otherwise changed again in this melded timeline I'm making. I can't use your mod because I need more precise control over some of the stuff that's in it, but I really do love your work. I really, really wish I could use it. That said, is there a chance we could get a standalone version of the GE parts builder? It would actually be perfect for the aesthetic I'm going for.
  3. I continue to be amazed by how detailed people can get with the parameters set in this engine, considering how long ago it was made!
  4. I have the jedi2 fix! To anyone who's tried to fix it by erasing the jedi2 associated files, reinstall a fresh pk3. I used 7-zip, but if you can get into the files that exist in the pk3 by other means, that should work. Rename "model_jk2.skin" to "model_j2.skin". Yup, that's it, just remove the k. I promise it works.
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