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Status Updates posted by GPChannel

  1. Guys,need your help(check my wip)

    May the Force be with me xD

  2. LucasFilm Games is back! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LukeJM28


      This can only mean one thing

    3. Lolok


      a JKA part 2 would probably be a bit poor though, in a sense that I doubt it'll ever feel the same (unless they give it poor voice acting and replace any missing model with a stormtrooper). KOTOR 3 would be pretty nice though, it'd likely be either during the same years as SWTOR or it'd be very shortly before it, perhaps somehow leading up and involving one of the Jedi who is later on in SWTOR.

    4. GPChannel


      @Lolok If they remake the Jedi Knight games,i mean with new graphics and with little changes i would be happy,maybe they should continue Kyle's story.
      Kotor III would be nice.
      What i really want is a Kotor like game,but with a style like battlefront (i mean that shooting style) and saber fight would be nice like in Jedi Academy Movie Duels. with open world! Hear me UBISOFT! 😄 

  3. I was happy,emotional and when HE arrived..my favorite hero..i cried....a lot. Thank you The Mandalorian. Thank you John and Dave...you guys should lead SW

    1. Circa


      Keep them right where they are, directing and producing amazing content. They are amazing at what they do. Leading Star Wars would mean taking them away from what they do best.


    1. Circa


      About time! Can't wait to do another playthrough.

  5. The Mandalorian is the best thing since ROTS in the story of Star Wars. Hope Disney learnt a lesson and hope everything will be directed by Mr. Filoni and Favreau.

    1. LukeJM28


      I agree bro.

    2. NumberWan


      Some scenes were mediocre in the first episodes, but as Season 2 progresses, it's actually quite good.

  6. Hello there! ? I'm Searching for someone who can do little cinematic scenes with Blender,thx ❤️ 

    1. SdeltroomT


      I heard Noodle is great at doing blender stuff.

    2. GPChannel


      Sadly ...well Noodle cant help me ? 

    3. SdeltroomT


      I think I heard that they threw it from a discord server for no reason or for a rather vague reason?, if they did something silly it is very sure that it does not help. ?

  7. Birthday i have,drink,party and modding i will ?

    1. Ramikad


      Careful with growing old, 'cause someday, when you are older, you could get hit by a boulder.

  8. Vote for Movie Duels,if you want! May the Force be with us! ?

  9. replayed KOTOR II with TSLRCM..dude that was amazing :o

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. the_raven


      some of the followers actually attack the Exile, but you have to kill Kreia and decide to keep Trayus Academy intact for this).

    3. the_raven


      Ah, no, they would attempt to kill Kreia at Trayus Core before the Exile's arrival, but would be defeated, with only Atton escaping, and subsequently, having to fight Sion. Apparently, either Brianna or Visas can survive the duel over the (male) Exile, and the survivor could be left to lead Trayus Academy (should Malachor not be destroyed).

    4. the_raven


      Damn, I love this game!

  10. Mr. Disney did it again.Please join the petition for Kotor:Apperion:

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. the_raven


      Besides, companies' attitudes toward modding differ: some companies encourage modding, others forbid it; some allow all mods, others only allow small mods. And of course, there's the matter of what we call a 'mod'. Here, on JKHub, we're making mods, as in - modifications - for JKA. Big or small, these are just that - modifications, and can't function without the original game.

    3. the_raven


      Aperion is/ was not a mod because it can function without the original - it's basically a game in its own right. It's a port, and ports are forbidden even between games of the same company and engine. Think of porting between JO and JA, or F3 and FNV: if you own both games, and port the content for personal use, it's fine, but if you're spreading it among your friends, or over the internet, then that's IP theft.

    4. the_raven


      Much as I disagree with Disney's policy of shutting down fan projects instead of cashing in on them (which I don't agree with either, but at least that way, fans get to have something to play), I have to admit that it's the legally correct approach.

  11. #CloneWarsSaved

  12. SW Episode 11 racer is playable again <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Onysfx


      Episode 11 lmao XD.

    3. McGroose


      Lmao episode 11


      Don't be surprised if we get that in the year 2022 with how much Disney loves to milk the Star Wars cash cow.

      And Now I'm expecting a VR pod racing game along with it.

    4. GPChannel


      Just give us the old game in remastered graphic and i will be happy,i dont need those new bullshit games with bad story :P

  13. I genius became one with the force :, ( rip Master Hawking

  14. working on a china map,what will give good old memories for you if you are a gamer :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Psyk0Sith


      Shadow Warrior?

    3. GPChannel


      nope xD

      You will laugh but i cant tell you :D Soon :P

    4. Daedra


      Donald Trump Sith Lord hates China

  15. I released a little duel map for you guys in the hub,now we are waiting for the hub to release it :P #vaderbreath;)

    1. Daedra


      I too, released 2 little duel maps which are waiting for approval. That is why your status got my attention. :D

  16. i saw The Last Jedi!!! BEST SW FILM FOR ME! <3

  17. Can someone export the lines of Luke from the BF2 ea campaign? if somebody can do it please pm me.Need that so much

  18. be careful not to choke on your aspirations...

  19. My Halloween pack is on the hub,hope you will see it soon :D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SomaZ


      Actually a great idea. :P

    3. GPChannel


      Now im working on the tfa mod demo with SomaZ and with swegmaster,but after the demo maybe we will write a story with SomaZ and do a little story :)

    4. syainkn


      I hope it will be released as soon as possible.

  20. Working on my Halloween Contest pack :)

  21. cant download from jkhub why? :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GPChannel


      tried with another browsers,but not worked :(

    3. Circa


      Just one file or any file?

    4. GPChannel


      all and interesting its just in jkhub.

      Working on halloween mod,and i wanted to download a model fromt the hub

  22. SW Battlefront Season Pass is free! hurry ,get it :D

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